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Egg Freezing In Iran

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Everything You Need To Know About Egg Freezing

Is Iran a good destination for egg freezing?

Iran is a great choice for couples in need of freezing eggs due to its affordable medical costs and high caliber of healthcare services.

Iran is by far the greatest choice if you’re interested in freezing your eggs. If you have your eggs extracted and cryopreserved for future use, especially if you are receiving medical treatment, you could have the best chance of getting pregnant later on.

Why should I choose Iranian Surgery?

The Iranian Surgery team will assist you at every stage of your journey, starting with the initial free online consultation and continuing through the creation of a treatment plan with knowledgeable doctors, planning your travel schedule, reserving lodging, arranging airport, etc. Iranian Surgery has the longest history of offering any fertility treatment services to clients worldwide, with a high percentage of happy and successful outcomes.

How much does egg freezing cost in Iran?

Egg freezing in Iran is offered in three major Iranian cities. In Tehran, freezing eggs and storing them for the first year costs $1800. It is $1200 and $1100 in Mashhad and Shiraz, respectively.

لطیفی 1

Dr. Nourahmad Latifi

Dr.Nourahmad Latifi is a skilled and experienced double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon.
لطیفی 1

Dr. Nourahmad Latifi

dr khosromehr

Dr. Khosro Mehr

Dr. Khosro Mehr Dr. Maryam Khosro Mehr is a gynecologist and infertility specialist and has a specialized board. Dr. Khosro Mehr is present in the...
dr khosromehr

Dr. Khosro Mehr

Dr.Afshin Borhan Haghighi

Dr. Afshin Borhan Haghighi

Dr. Afshin Borhan Haghighi is a skilled and experienced board-certified Vascular and Interventional Neurologist.
Dr.Afshin Borhan Haghighi

Dr. Afshin Borhan Haghighi



Armaghan Infertility Center

Surgery room



Armaghan Infertility Clinic

Surgery room




Vakil Hotel

Swimming pool



Almas Novin Hotel
Almas Novin Hotel

Swimming pool




img 73 18
Multi Plastic Surgery
img 65 25

Egg Freezing Day-to-Day

day1 after min 1

Day 1

The Iranian Surgery team will welcome you at the airport and take you to your hotel. Then, you will have your first visit and sonography with your gynecologist, and medication is prescribed.

Day 2

You get the blood tests and start taking ovarian stimulation drugs.

day2 before min
day3 after min 1

Day 3

Sightseeing tour

Day 6 and 9

Sonography and updating your prescription accordingly.

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day 14 min

Day 14

The egg retrieval outpatient procedure is done at the infertility clinic. Then the eggs are put into freeze and stored in the embryology lab. You may rest at the hotel afterward.

Day 15

See off at the airport and return to your country.

day15 after min

What is egg freezing?

Egg freezing or oocyte cryopreservation is a form of assisted reproductive technology (ART). The process relies on hormonal stimulation for egg retrieval under the supervision of your fertility specialist. Egg freezing is a method of storing a woman’s unfertilized eggs to allow her to try to conceive at a later date, whether it is through natural conception or fertility treatments such as IVF and ICSI. By age 30, a woman’s fertility starts to decline, and after 35 the rate accelerates.

There are many reasons as to why you might opt for egg freezing:

  • You might want to concentrate on their career and education, find a partner, or other personal goals
  • If for various reasons ovarian removal is recommended to you
  • If you are undergoing gender affirmation treatment
  • Various cancers and their associated treatments which can affect fertility or lead to infertility 
  • Family history or a risk of early menopause
  • Severe endometriosis 
  • Egg donation 

How is egg freezing done?

In this part we will explain egg freezing step by step so that patients can have an overall image on what to expect.


Your ovarian reserve will be checked through blood tests and an ultrasound to estimate the number of eggs that can be collected from your ovaries for freezing. The blood tests will also check for infections such as HIV or hepatitis, testing positive for one of them usually means your eggs will be stored separately to prevent transmission to other samples. 

Ovarian stimulation

Your fertility doctor will recommend a stimulation protocol to endure the maximum number of eggs that can be safely retrieved without putting you at the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome(OHSS).

Suitable medicine will be prescribed for you to start taking in advance. Then your daily injections will start typically from day 2 or 3 of your menstrual cycle. You need to be injected once or twice a day for 8 to 12 consecutive days. 

The injections don’t go deep, the needles are very thin and they don’t really hurt a lot. Usually fertility centers will teach patients on how to self-inject or you might choose to enlist the help of someone else.


Frequent blood tests and ultrasounds will follow to watch how the follicles grow. A follicle is a small sac of fluid in the ovaries that contains a developing egg. Once your doctor deems the follicles have reached a certain size, you will receive a suitable trigger shot to help the eggs mature so they can be retrieved. 

Egg retrieval

The patient will be under general anesthesia while the doctor uses a vaginal ultrasound to insert a needle through the vaginal wall and suck out the liquid in the follicles that contain the eggs. 

Several factors affect the number of  retrieved eggs with the most important ones being age and your ovarian reserve.

Egg freezing and recovery

Within a few hours after the retrieval, the mature ones will be frozen through a process called vitrification. This relies on rapid freezing with liquid nitrogen to minimize the risk of ice crystals forming on the eggs aiming to increase survival rates.

In the 24 hours after egg retrieval it is common for patients to experience some discomfort like: cramping, bloating, constipation, and vaginal spotting which can be eased through the use of pain relievers or heating pads.

You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience: more severe abdominal pain, feel faint or lightheaded, or have heavy vaginal bleeding.

How to prepare for egg freezing?

  • Pay attention to your diet
  • Minimize your caffeine and alcohol intake
  • Avoid recreational drugs
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions
  • Avoid strenuous activities
  • Abstain from sex
  • Minimize stress


Egg freezing risks and side effects

Egg freezing is considered a minor surgery and serious complications associated  with the medications and egg retrieval process is rare. Side effects include:

  • Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
  • Bleeding related to the egg retrieval procedure
  • Mood swings due to hormone changes
  • Infection

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Yes, egg freezing services are available for both married and unmarried women. But medically it is recommended that you freeze embryos instead of your eggs if you have already found a partner.
While it varies slightly for different individuals, you can expect the whole process to take between 2 to 3 weeks.
Unfortunately no, there are many factors to consider when you’re trying to conceive, but it can improve your chances.
This is a relatively new procedure and success rates are often difficult to predict, but they would be higher if the woman’s egg were retrieved before thirty.
Women’s fertility starts to decline after 30 and it is greatly reduced after 40. Therefore your late 20s to early 30s is the optimal age to freeze your eggs. It is also quite common to do egg freezing from 30 to 35.
Women older than 40 can freeze their eggs but the chances of those eggs resulting in successful live birth is significantly reduced.
The injections before egg retrieval are ‘bee sting’ like. The retrieval itself will not be painful and you’ll be under sedation. Following retrieval you might experience mild cramping or soreness.
Social egg freezing lasts for 10 years maximum. The storage limit for eggs frozen for medical purposes is 55 years.
Egg freezing does not damage your ovaries and it doesn’t cause early onset menopause. The stimulation cycle of the process only encourages more of the immature egg cells to mature so that more eggs can be harvested.
The average survival rate for vitrification is 90 to 95 percent.
It is recommended to wait at least one menstrual cycle before starting another egg freezing cycle. It is also possible to do back to back egg freezing cycles if your doctor sees fit.
Egg freezing is halal or permissible in Islam. And there is no strong opposition to egg freezing for women who are unmarried and want to conserve their fertility until they find their partner.
It has a success rate of 39% on average. Women who froze eggs before the age of 38 have a 51% chance.