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Gastric Balloon Surgery in Iran

Gastric balloon surgery in Iran

Gastric Balloon in Iran

Cost of Gastric Balloon at Tehran city in 2022 starts from 2000 USD. However if you want a cheaper price with the same quality you can choose Shiraz city where Gastric Balloon cost starts from 1600 USD.

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Fitness and physical beauty play an important role in the overall health of the body. People who suffer from obesity and have a higher-than-normal BMI are looking for different ways to achieve their ideal weight.
Gastric balloon, also known as an intragastric balloon (IGB) or a stomach balloon, is one of the best weight-loss methods for overweight people. A major advantage of this method is that it is done without surgery and on an outpatient basis with a sleeping pill that is required for endoscopy. In this method, the anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract does not change and per patient’s request, it can be returned to its previous state by removing the balloon. This tool, along with a controlled diet, helps you to lose weight, get your body back in shape and improve your health.


General Information  
Cost $ 1600-2100
Anesthesia Local
Hospital Stay The Same Day
Back to Work 1 to 2 Days
Duration of Operation 15 to 20 Minutes
Minimum Stay in Iran 2 Days


Intragastric balloon procedure in Iran:

These days, it is one of the commonly used procedures for all those looking to have slimmer body, but in order for you to get the best results, you need experienced doctors and the best materials available.
The Iranian surgery team has been able to provide the applicants for this type of weight-loss operation with the best medical staff while taking advantage of the latest technology and the highest quality materials. Since the cost of medical services and accommodation in Iran is considerably lower than other countries, you can reach your medical goals and at the same time enjoy a lovely stay without spending that much money.
All you have to do is get in touch with our team by email or through WhatsApp.


Before Gastric Balloon

Why it’s done

The placement of a gastric balloon helps you lose weight. Weight loss can lower your risk of potentially serious weight-related health problems, such as:

. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

. Heart disease or stroke

. High blood pressure

. Obstructive sleep apnea

. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)

. Type 2 diabetes

Gastric balloon placement and other weight-loss procedures or surgeries are typically done only after you’ve tried to lose weight by improving your diet and exercise habits.


Who is an ideal candidate for gastric balloon?

You are a good candidate for gastric balloon procedure if:

. You do not wish to undergo a surgery.

. You have diabetes or sleep apnea, high blood pressure.

. You have to undergo other surgeries related to heart, bones, etc.

. Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is between 30 and 40.

. You are allergic to anesthesia.

. You’re willing to commit to healthy lifestyle changes, get regular medical follow-up and participate in behavioral therapy

. You have not had any previous stomach or esophageal surgery

Gastric balloons aren’t the right choice for everyone who is overweight. A screening process will help your doctor see if the procedure might be beneficial for you.

Who should avoid undergoing gastric balloon?

The following conditions are not advisable for a gastric balloon:

. Previous gastric surgery (includes any anti-reflux operation).

. Hiatus hernia 5 cm in size or greater.

. Significant coagulation disorder (blood clotting).

. Potentially bleeding lesion of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

. Pregnancy or desire to become pregnant, and breast-feeding.

. Alcoholism or drug addiction or significant mental health problems.

. Severe liver disease.

. Any medical / clinical reasons so you are unable to tolerate / undergo an endoscopy.

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of gastric balloon?

As with weight loss surgery, there are benefits and disadvantages to gastric balloons.


. Less invasive, as it’s performed endoscopically (through the mouth) and doesn’t require a change in anatomy.

. It is quick and easy to place. Note: Some balloons require anesthesia to place.

. It results in weight loss.

. Device is temporary; procedure can be reversed if desired

. It may result in long-term weight loss when used in conjunction with a diet and exercise program.

. You may feel full quicker and be less hungry while the balloon is in place.

. Quicker procedure (takes less than 30 minutes vs. about 100 minutes for the gastric sleeve)

. Quicker recovery

. Less serious complications compared to invasive surgeries

. Can be performed on patents with a lower BMI

. More affordable weight-loss option


. Lower percentage of average weight loss

. Less effect on obesity-related conditions since less weight is lost

. Require diet and exercise discipline to be truly effective

. May take longer to see weight loss results

. Acid reflux is common. Prilosec or other anti-reflux medications are often prescribed.

. Nausea and vomiting are very common during the first few days.

. Vomiting after eating for the first few weeks is not uncommon.

. It is temporary. How will you keep the weight off after the balloon is removed?

. Stomach cramps are common.

. Difficulty sleeping may occur. Sleep disturbances may be related to an uncomfortable stomach or acid reflux while laying down.

. Acute pancreatitis is a rare risk from an overfilled saline balloon.

. Gastric balloon could deflate

. May experience bowel obstruction due to the migration of an IG

Risks and Side effects

What are the main risks and side effects of gastric balloon?

Any procedure carries potential risks and complications. In deciding whether or not to have surgery, it is important that you are aware of what can go wrong. This helps ensure that you are making a fully informed decision. On this page, you will find the main gastric balloon risks and complications. Your surgeon will talk you about these in more detail during your consultation.

. Abdominal pain and cramps

In the first 48 hours the gastric balloon can irritate the muscle of the stomach wall causing griping pains. This usually settles over the first few days and a liquid diet can help minimize these symptoms. If you experience fullness, bloating or retching, you should try to lie on your left side and massage your abdomen upwards under your ribs. This can help move your gastric balloon into a better position. You can be given medication for pain and cramp if it is severe.

. Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting occur in 95% of those receiving a gastric balloon and can last for 2 – 3 days. This may be severe enough to cause dehydration. For that reason some clinicians believe a short inpatient stay of up to 48 hours after the gastric balloon insertion to ensure that all the early symptoms from the gastric balloon are under control, whilst other clinicians do not. Your supervising clinician will discuss this with you. An inpatient stay would involve receiving intravenous fluids and medication for nausea and vomiting until the vomiting stops.

. Vomiting and indigestion

Once you have had the balloon fitted, you will be unable to eat as much as you did previously. This happens as the stomach no longer has as much space inside. Your surgeon will provide details about what to eat after surgery. However, it may take some time to get used to the new diet. As a result, you may find that you eat more than your stomach can tolerate. This can lead to vomiting and feelings of indigestion. Your surgeon may be able to provide anti-reflux medications to help with any indigestion or reflux.

. Balloon rupture

A salt-water solution inflates the balloon until it reaches the right size. In rare cases, the balloon may have too much water inside, or the pressure to great. As a result, the balloon can rupture whilst it is in the stomach. Complications such as this are very rare. Afterwards, the balloon passes through the bowel and is expelled naturally. Please contact your surgeon if you notice increasing pain or feel as though the balloon has burst.

. Injury during balloon insertion or removal

The surgeon uses a long tube with a camera attached to insert the balloon. The tube travels through the mouth, down the food pipe and into the stomach. To remove the balloon, the tube travels down into the stomach once more and deflates the balloon. The tube removes the balloon via the food pipe and mouth. In some cases, this process can cause damage to the mouth or food pipe. This may lead to bleeding, pain or discomfort.

. Infection

Infection is a risk that can occur with any procedure. Using sterile equipment helps reduce the risk of infection. However, it can still occur. Signs of infection include:

. Vomiting

. Diarrhea

. A fever

. Pain uncontrolled by painkillers

. Sore throat

A temporary sore throat from the endoscopy and balloon insertion procedure should wear off in 24 hours.

. Failure to tolerate / vomiting / premature removal (uncommon)

Less than 3 in 100 patients require removal of their gastric balloon if symptoms above cannot be tolerated or they are unable to keep fluids down which does not settle.

. Bad breath (uncommon)

Food can coat the balloon causing bad breath or smelly burps. Drinking clear fluids or sucking on ice cubes can help clear digesting food off the balloon and get rid of bad breath odor.

. Bleeding (very rare)

Bleeding during endoscopy and insertion of the balloon is very rare and affects less than 1 in 10,000 patients.

. Airway and breathing complications (very rare)

Endoscopy with sedation has a small risk of slowing breathing down so that oxygen levels are too low. All patients receive oxygen during the procedure and are closely monitored to prevent this.

. Bowel obstruction or perforation (rare)

This occurs in less than 1 in 200 gastric balloon placements. If the gastric balloon does deflate it may slip into the lower stomach or bowel and cause obstruction. This will give serious symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, vomiting and progressive bloating. These symptoms mean that you should seek immediate medical attention for removal of your gastric balloon.

An emergency operation is very rarely needed. This is required if the gastric balloon makes a hole in the bowel or blocks the bowel.

Preparing for the procedure

In advance of your procedure, your surgeon will ask you to:

. Do not eat 12 hours before the appointment.

. For 6 hours before the appointment, do not drink.

. Have anti-nausea medicine and acid-reflux prepared at home for your return.

. Do not forget psychological counseling.

. Get special nutrition education.

. Have endoscopy of the stomach (gastrointestinal endoscopy), esophagus (EGD), duodenum (esophagogastroduodenoscopy), and H. Pylori test.

. Have blood test, including blood globules, parasite test, sodium and potassium of the blood, blood glucose, coagulation tests, albumin, cholesterol, and blood triglyceride.

. Have a psychological test.

. Have heart tests including chest X-ray and electrocardiogram.

. If you are suffering from pulmonary diseases, have pulmonary tests and abdominal ultrasound.

During Gastric Balloon

During the procedure

What does the gastric balloon operation involve?

Gastric balloon installation

. The gastric balloon is introduced into the stomach through the mouth

. Your surgeon will perform an initial examination of your stomach using an endoscopic camera.

. If no abnormalities are observed, your surgeon will proceed with placement of the balloon through your mouth and down your oesophagus into your stomach.

. The balloon is made of a soft and pliable silicone elastomer material and is inserted while in its smallest, deflated form.

. The swallowing process is made easier with the help of a throat spray which numbs the throat area.

. Muscle relaxing medications are also used.

. Once the balloon is inside your stomach, it is immediately filled with sterile saline through a small filling tube (catheter) attached to the balloon.

. Once filled, your surgeon will remove the catheter by gently pulling on the external end.

. The balloon has a self-sealing valve, and at this point the balloon is floating freely in your stomach.

. Placement times vary, but it will usually take 15-20 minutes, after which you will be monitored by the weight loss surgeon for a short time and then may return home.

How long is the gastric balloon left in place?

. The balloon may remain in place for six months

. Over time the acidic content of the stomach will weaken the balloon material and cause the balloon to deflate so longer periods of use are not recommended.

. Should your surgeon recommend use of the balloon for longer than six months, it is necessary that the balloon be replaced with a new one when the six-month interval has been met.

. While the balloon is in place, your surgeon may prescribe a course of oral medication to reduce your stomach acid, (this may reduce the possibility of stomach irritation and damage to the balloon).

Gastric balloon removal

. The balloon is normally removed in the same way it was placed, via the mouth.

. As with the placement of the balloon your surgeon will introduce a catheter through your mouth and into your stomach.

. They will then puncture and deflate the balloon.

. Once the balloon is deflated it can be grasped and removed.


A gastric balloon can make you feel more full faster than you normally would when eating, which often means you’ll eat less. One reason why may be that the gastric balloon slows down the time it takes to empty the stomach. Another reason may be that the balloon seems to change levels of hormones that control appetite.

The amount of weight you lose also depends on how much you can change your lifestyle habits including diet and exercise.

Based on a summary of currently available treatments, loss of about 7% to 15% of body weight is typical during the six months after gastric balloon placement. Total excess weight loss ranges from 30% to 47%.

As with other procedures and surgeries that lead to significant weight loss, the gastric balloon may help improve or resolve conditions often related to being overweight, including:

. Gastroesophageal reflux disease

. Heart disease

. High blood pressure

. Obstructive sleep apnea

. Osteoarthritis (joint pain)

. Type 2 diabetes

. High cholesterol

. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)

Recovery and Aftercare

. Medications

All patients require lansoprazole 30mg or omeprazole 20mg (PPI acid suppression) once in the morning before breakfast while the gastric balloon is in place (i.e. 6 months for most people) Many patients require anti-emetic (nausea medication) for one week after the insertion of the balloon.

Anti-spasmodic (cramp medication) may be required for a short period after the gastric balloon is first placed.

. Activity

Participate in physical activity according to your ability (swimming, bicycling, fast walking, etc.). Adopting a healthy level of activity will aid the weight loss process.

. Gastric Balloon Exercise

Exercise will help you burn calories and build muscle, which will help you lose weight quicker. Starting a regular exercise schedule as soon as a week after the procedure is highly recommended.

A good goal for exercise is 30 minutes at 5x a week. We recommend that you start slow with walking and slowly increase in exercise.

It is extremely important to continue this exercise regimen after the gastric balloon is removed to prevent the chance that you will regain the weight that is lost.

. Discomfort and Nausea

After the placement of the gastric balloon, most patients will experience some gastric discomfort for the first week after the procedure: cramping, nausea, and vomiting. This is normal, as your digestive system is adjusting to the presence of the gastric balloon. The discomfort will rarely continue in the long term. You will be given medications to help you manage these symptoms. Please use these anti-nausea medications as prescribed.

. Helpful Tips to Prevent Discomfort and Nausea

. Watch your posture during meals and while drinking fluids. Sit tall and do not slouch. This will help your balloon position properly and increase your tolerance for foods.

. Eat slowly and chew your food well before swallowing.

. Stop eating if you feel heartburn (acid reflux).

. No liquids 30 minutes before your meal and wait 30 minutes after to drink.

. Stop eating when you feel full or satisfied.

. No food 3 hours prior to bedtime

. Some discomfort may occur while trying to sleep; you may need to prop yourself up with a pillow.

Recovery and Post-operative care

How soon will I recover from the gastric balloon procedure?

2-3 hours after the procedure, you are able to go home. It is normal to feel nausea or pain after the procedure for a couple of days to a couple of weeks. It depends on your health condition before the gastric balloon procedure.

During the second week, your appetite will return. During weeks 3 to 6, you feel better, but hiccups and nausea appear when you eat too much or too quickly. During weeks 7 to 12, you need to start exercising 3 to 5 days a week. After week 12, it is good for you to contact a support group.

Your lifestyle and eating habits will have been changed by this time. Consider what are listed below:

. Avoid fast food as much as you can.

. Nutrient dense foods like fish, vegetables and fruits are better for your weight loss and health condition.

. Take the medication given to you and follow your diet. Your doctor may recommend you a Mediterranean diet.

. Sleep on the left side of your body with your head and neck higher than your left shoulder.

. During the first month, eat soft foods.

. Eat slowly and chew carefully.

. Drink 10 glasses of water every day.

. Avoid drinking while eating.

. Avoid any kind of sodas, coffee, and alcohol.

. As you are unable to control the amount of food when watching television, do not eat meanwhile.

. Stick to your recommended diet.

. In the case of any digestive discomfort, consult a specialist.

. Have diverse fruits rather than juices.

Gastric Balloon Post-Op Diet

As with any weight loss procedure or regime, proper diet is extremely important after the placement of the gastric balloon system to ensure success. Here we will go over the recommended gastric balloon diet, starting with the requirements immediately following the procedure, and then transitioning to a healthy diet that can bring long-lasting results when adhered to.

For each phase of the diet, it is recommended you stay on at least 3–5 days. Depending on your ability to transition to the next phase, the time may vary for each phase. You will want to make sure your body feels comfortable before moving to the next phase of the diet.

Stage 1: Clear Liquid Diet

For 3-5 days after placement, you will need to follow a clear liquid diet. The sole purpose of this phase is to stay hydrated. The hydration goal should be 64 oz or more, with a minimum of 48 oz to prevent dehydration. Try to stick with water, unsweetened tea, or sugar-free beverages to avoid empty calories.

If consuming juice, it needs to be 100% fruit juice (no added sugar), and it needs to be diluted 50/50 with water to reduce sugar intake. If consuming a large amount of tea, alternate or stick with decaffeinated versions such as herbal teas to reduce the chance of dehydration. Tea is also acidic, so if you experience heartburn or acid reflux, discontinue drinking.

. Stage 1 – APPROVED:

. 100% fruit juice (no added sugar) – clear juice (apple, white grape, cranberry) – dilute 50/50 with water.

. Broth (chicken, beef, and vegetarian)

. No/low sugar coconut water

. Crystal Light, vitamin zero water, Powerade Zero, propel, or other sugar-free flavored beverages.

. Unsweetened tea

. Sugar-free popsicles

. Sugar-free gelatin

. Water and/or ice chips

It is important to drink slow, small sips to avoid nausea. Start with½ ounce sips (1 Tablespoon), either using a measuring cup or the screw cap of a water bottle. Wait 60 seconds between each sip.

. Stage 1 – AVOID:

. Drinks that will create gas such as carbonated beverages

. Sugary drinks, sweet teas, juice drinks, punch

. Citrus juices (orange, grapefruit, pineapple, lemonade)

. Tomato Juice

. Alcohol

. Caffeinated drinks such as coffee and energy drinks

Stage 2: Thick Liquid Diet

The following 3-5 days (after completing stage 1: clear liquid diet) you can move on to stage 2: thick liquid/pureed diet. During this stage of the gastric balloon diet, it would be beneficial to use a blender or food processor to puree your meals.

Aim for items that are high in nutrients and low in sugar.

. Stage 2 – APPROVED:

. Protein shake (pre-made or make your own using protein powder)

. Greek yogurt (plain or Dannon Triple Zero)

. Milk – Preferably Fairlife Milk but all types are acceptable (dairy, coconut, almond – unsweetened version)

. V-8 Juice

. Sugar-free pudding

. Blended soups

. No-sugar-added applesauce or other pureed fruits

. Pureed vegetables

. Stage 2 – AVOID:

. Foods with large chunks or pieces

. Foods with added sugar such as desserts

. Carbonated Beverages

Stage 3: Semi-Solid Foods Diet

The next stage of the gastric balloon diet begins 7 to 10 days after balloon placement (after following both stage 1 and stage 2 post-op diet plan). At this time you can start stage 3: semi-solid foods.

The foods for phase three should encompass items that are mainly soft, moist, and can be easily mashed with a fork.

. Stage 3 – APPROVED:

. Cottage cheese

. Beans

. Ricotta cheese

. String cheese

. Soft fish

. Canned chicken, tuna, or salmon mixed with a little mayo

. Meat cooked in a crock-pot until tender.

. Well-cooked or mashed vegetables (squash, potato, sweet potato, green beans, etc.)

. Avocado

. Scrambled eggs

. Crab

. Deli meat

. Tofu

Stage 4: Solid Foods Diet

When you are feeling ready you can transition to stage 4 of the gastric balloon diet, which is solid foods. This is where you can start eating normal foods again and adding a healthy variety back into your diet plan.

This is also when it is most important to create a balanced, healthy diet as well as the healthy habits that will set the stage for your long-term success.

. Healthy Gastric Balloon Diet Guidelines (Stage 4 and Long-Term)

. Calories: 1000 – 1200

. Protein: 75 – 105g

. Carbohydrates: less than 75g (25 – 50g for quicker results)

. Fat: 40 – 50g

. Sugar: <25 g

. Sample Diet Plan (Meal Plan)

. Breakfast: Protein shake, up to ½ banana (optional)

. Snack 1: Cheese stick

. Lunch: 3 oz chicken, ¼ avocado, 2 oz cooked vegetables, beans, or whole grain

. Snack 2: 15 Almonds

. Dinner: 3 oz salmon, 2 oz non-starchy vegetables, 1 TB oil or butter

. Snack 3: Triple Zero Greek yogurt, ¼ cup berries

Focus your diet mostly on lean protein and non-starchy vegetables. Fat is a healthy addition as well but needs to be monitored, as too much can negatively impact weight loss. Fruit, whole grain, and beans are also healthy additions to a diet, but should be eaten in moderation and should always be paired with protein if possible.

Healthy habits to help succeed long-term

. Eat small meals/snacks 5 times a day

. 3 small meals and 2 healthy snacks

. One protein shake a day (counts as a snack or meal)

. Try to always pair fruit or grain with protein, such as fruit with yogurt or cracker with cheese. Focus mostly on protein.

. Eat something every 2-3 hours

. Drink a minimum of 64 oz water

. Avoid sweets and processed foods

. Avoid “doughy” foods (may stick to balloon and cause bad breath)

. Take a good quality multivitamin every day (no gummies, which contain sugar)

. Track food intake in a food journal or mobile app

. Limit consumption of alcohol

When weight-loss procedures don’t work

It’s possible to not lose significant weight or to regain weight after any type of weight-loss procedure or surgery, even if the procedure itself works correctly. This weight gain can happen if you don’t follow the recommended lifestyle changes. Permanent healthy changes in your diet, along with regular physical activity and exercise, are necessary to avoid regaining weight.

Weight Loss Surgeons in Iran

The Best Weight Loss Surgeons in Tehran

Dr. Saeed Shams Nosrati Fellowship in laparoscopic surgery 
Dr. Seyed Mohsen Mirhosseini (Gastric bypass), sleeve gastrectomy (stomach surgery for weight loss) 
Dr. Khosrow Shamsi Fellowship in specialized cancer surgery, laparoscopic cancer surgeon 
Dr. Mojtaba Ahmadi Obesity surgery (gastric bypass), sleeve gastrectomy (stomach surgery for weight loss) 
Dr. Majid Rostamnejad Laparoscopic cancer surgeon, head and neck cancer surgery, fistula surgery
Dr. Shahryar Azizi Obesity surgery (gastric bypass), sleeve gastrectomy (stomach surgery for weight loss) 
Dr. Mehdi Hashem Aghaei Obesity surgery (gastric bypass), sleeve gastrectomy (stomach surgery for weight loss)
Dr. Shahab Shahabi Shahmiri Fellowship in laparoscopic surgery / General surgery specialist 
Dr. Abdolreza Pazouki Fellowship in endoscopic surgery (laparoscopic) 
Dr. Alireza Khalaj Fellowship in endoscopic surgery (laparoscopic) 
Dr. Muhammad Talebpour Fellowship in endoscopic surgery (laparoscopic) 
Dr. Hossein Saeedi Motahar Fellowship in endoscopic surgery (laparoscopic) 
Dr. Seyed Hadi Mirhashemi Fellowship in endoscopic surgery (laparoscopic) 
Dr. Muhammad Kerman Saravi Fellowship in endoscopic surgery (laparoscopic) 

The Best Weight Loss Surgeons in Shiraz

Dr. Gholamreza Moradpour General surgery specialist / Fellowship in laparoscopic surgery 
Dr. Hoseini General surgery specialist / Fellowship in laparoscopic surgery 
Dr. Gholamreza Moradpour   General surgery specialist / Fellowship in laparoscopic surgery 
Dr. Abtin Vahidi General surgery specialist / Fellowship in laparoscopic surgery 
Dr. Muhammad Hasan Hashemizadeh General surgery specialist / Fellowship in laparoscopic surgery 
Dr. Sirus Abbasi General surgery specialist / Fellowship in laparoscopic surgery 
Dr. Jalil Mohebzadeh General surgery specialist / Obesity surgery (gastric bypass) 
Dr. Tohid Razmi General and laparoscopic surgery specialist


The Best Weight Loss Surgeons in Mashhad

Dr. Sajjad Nourshafiei Specialist in obesity surgery and advanced laparoscopy
Dr. Ali Jangjoo Sleeve gastrectomy surgeon
Dr. Hamed Gol Muhammadzadeh Specialist in obesity surgery 
Dr. Hamed Shariati Razavi Specialist in obesity surgery 
Dr. Alireza Rezapanah Specialist in general surgery / Fellowship in laparoscopic surgery 
Dr. Muhammad Javad Qamari Fellowship in endoscopic surgery (laparoscopy), sleeve gastrectomy surgeon (stomach surgery for weight loss)


Iranian Surgery is an online medical tourism platform that helps you to do Gastric Balloon with the best bariatric surgeons in Iran at the most affordable price.
For more information and to schedule an appointment, contact our consultants via WhatsApp number +98 901 929 0946.
This service is completely free

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