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Facelift Surgery in Iran

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How much does Facelift Surgery cost in Iran?

On average, facelift surgery cost in Iran is around $2000 (With best plastic surgeon). The minimum face lift cost in Iran is $ 1000  and the maximum face lift surgery cost (full face lift surgery) is $ 4000.

The cost of a facelift Surgery in Iran is between $1000-4000 which can be differs in different beauty centers. The cost depends on the type of facelift to be carried out. The facelift cost in Iran also depends on the techniques to be used, the experience of the plastic surgeon and the location.

Facelift in Iran

General information about Facelift Surgery in Iran

The following table describes general information about Facelift surgery in Iran including Facelift cost in Iran, recovery time, and to name but a few.

General Information



$ 1000 – 4000


General/ Local

Hospital Stay

The same day

Back to Work

2 Weeks

Duration of Operation

2-5 Hours

Minimum Stay in Iran

7 Days

How can I find the best Facelift surgeon in Iran?

Facelift surgery is a complex procedure requiring extensive knowledge of facial anatomy, specific skills with surgical techniques, and a good eye for aesthetic detail. 

We must not forget that medical science is advancing day by day, so the facelift surgeon also has to be able to adapt to the new methods. The experience and skill of facelift surgeons in Iran have provided a comfortable situation for people to talk freely about what they expect from the surgery and their health and be open to hearing professional advice. Finding the best facelift surgeon in Iran is like searching for anything else, you check their work, talk to them if you can -directly or through medical tourism companies- check their CV and background, talk to their patients or ask someone you trust. Facelift surgeons in Iran have performed numerous procedures annually. Thousands of people travel to Iran every year to undergo surgery, and despite the operation technic leveling with the world’s best methods and well-equipped clinics and hospitals, the cost of a facelift in Iran is surprisingly low. Experience and expertise in different types of Facelift surgery are the factors you should pay attention to once you are choosing your surgeon.

Iranian Surgery Team is happy to share its great Plastic Surgeons with you: ِ

Dr: Dastjerdi Plastic Surgeon Specialist Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Vahab Astarki Plastic Surgeon Specialist

Dr. Zahra Zarei Plastic Surgeon Specialist

Dr. Amali Plastic Surgery Specialist Since 2006

Dr. Fadaee Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery Specialist

Dr. Mohammad Javid Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgeon

rhino ads



Facelift (Complete)

3000 – 400 US$

Mid-Face Lift ( Endoscopical )

1000 – 2000 US$

Full Facelift Cost in Iran,Tehran at 2022 :

Full Facelift Cost in Iran Tehran at 2023 is around usd 4000 usd which is affordable compare to other countries.Face is an important part of the body that is why its very important to chose best doctor.

Full Facelift Cost in Iran,Shiraz at 2023 :

Full Face lift Cost in Iran,Shiraz at 2023 is around  usd 2800 usd which its being done at the best hospital with newest.

Why facelift surgery in Iran?

The high experience of facial cosmetic surgeons in Iran, on the one hand, and the affordable cost of facelift surgery (starting at $ 700 for Blepharoplasty ), on the other hand, has made Iran the first destination for cosmetic surgeries.The average cost of facial cosmetic surgery( face lift surgery) in Iran in 2023 is about $ 2000, while the cost of facial cosmetic surgery in the United States and Turkey is 7,500 and $ 4,200, respectively. These are the reasons why people from all over the world come to Iran for facial cosmetic surgery.

Read more about : Facelift review in Iran

Before facelift surgery in Iran

Before facelift surgery in Iran

Why Iranian Surgery?

A cosmetic procedure that has become very popular these days is facelift surgery.
This procedure will bring you the beauty you have always dreamed of and make look much younger than you actually are.
Facelift surgery will boost your self-confidence and enhance your appearance.
The team of surgeons at Iranian Surgery perform more than 2,000 cosmetic surgeries every year for both domestic and foreign patients. And such a large volume of surgeries has helped our surgeons become highly experienced and fully aware of international needs and tastes for surgeries. Offering high quality medical services at a low price has turned Iran into the perfect destination for these cosmetic procedures.
By making your stay in Iran as comfortable and enjoyable as possible and giving you the highest quality medical services along the way, the Iranian Surgery team has been able to create a lasting competition with all countries.

Let’s face it! The society we live in values youth and energy. In our daily dealings with people, we want them to be energetic and vigorous. Sadly, it’s easy for those with sagging facial skin or other signs of age and wear to appear fatigued in spite of being inherently energetic and even exuberant. This realization is why so many people decide to come to Iran for a facelift procedure, to both avail themselves of the high-quality medical services Iranian surgeons and clinics offer and also enjoy the prices that are considered cheap when compared with other countries. Here at Iranian Surgery, we have no doubt that after looking at some before/after photos of the results achieved by Iranian Facelift Surgeons and reading testimonies given by previous patients you will get an itch to travel to Iran and undergo the facelift procedure here.

Hi, my name is Parniyan, and I can help you with the information, prices and packages we offer regarding Facelift in Iran via WhatsApp.

Free Consultation

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facelift surgery cost in Iran
All you should know about Facelift Surgery

What is Facelift?

A face-lift (rhytidectomy) is a cosmetic surgical procedure to create a younger appearance in your face. The procedure can reduce the sagging or folds of skin on the cheeks and jawline and other changes in the shape of your face that occur with age.

During a face-lift, a flap of skin on each side of the face is pulled back, and tissues below the skin are surgically altered to return the contour of the face to a more youthful shape. Before the flap is sutured closed, excess skin is removed.

A neck lift (platysmaplasty) is often done as part of a face-lift to reduce fat deposits and sagging skin on the neck.

Before Facelift Surgery

Why it’s done

As you get older, the appearance and shape of your face is altered because of normal age-related changes. Your skin becomes less elastic and looser, and fat deposits decrease in some areas of your face and increase in others. Age-related changes in your face that may be reduced with a face-lift include the following:

. Sagging appearance of your cheeks

. Excess skin at your lower jawline (jowls)

. Deepening of the fold of skin from the side of your nose to the corner of your mouth.

. Sagging skin and excess fat in the neck (if the procedure includes a neck lift)

A face-lift isn’t a treatment for superficial wrinkles, sun damage, creases around the nose and upper lip, or irregularities in skin color.

to consider a Facelift

. If you feel that your face does not reflect your youthful spirit and energy level

. If you determine that your facial sagging and excess skin is a social or career obstacle.

. If you show signs of facial aging but still have some skin elasticity

. One day you look in the mirror and realize that time, gravity, sun exposure and heredity have taken a toll and you simply do not look like yourself any more.

Who is a good candidate for a facelift surgery?

The following are some common facial characteristics that make you an appropriate candidate for a facelift:

. Sagging skin in your midface and/or jawline

. Deep creases extending from your nose to the corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds)

. Lines extending from each corner of your mouth down your chin (marionette lines).

. Facial fat (volume) that has fallen or is displaced

. Sagging and loss of muscle tone in the lower face, resulting in jowls

. A double chin, resulting from loose skin and excess fatty deposits under the chin and jaw.

. Creased and sagging skin in your neck

If you are in good general health, have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are most likely a good candidate for this procedure.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Facelift


  • A facelift can improve many areas of the face in one surgery
  • Can last for ten years or more and can make you appear ten to fifteen years younger.
  • Can recontour the neck and jawline better than all other techniques


  • A facelift will not create a ‘new’ you, just a younger version of yourself
  • There will be some downtime associated with this procedure
  • Depending on your age and skin type, you may want a secondary procedure later on.

These are the top three pros and cons to weigh when considering a facelift. If you want to focus on what is unique to you, please consult with your aesthetic plastic surgeon.

Read more about : Mini facelift

Risks and Complications

A face-lift surgery can cause complications. Some can be managed with appropriate care, medication or surgical correction. Long-term or permanent complications, while rare, can cause significant changes in appearance. The risks include:

Hematoma. A collection of blood (hematoma) under the skin that causes swelling and pressure is the most common complication of face-lift surgery. Hematoma formation, which usually occurs with 24 hours of surgery, is treated promptly with surgery to prevent damage to skin and other tissues.

Scarring. Incision scars from a face-lift are permanent but typically concealed by the hairline and natural contours of the face and ear. Rarely, incisions can result in raised, red scars. Injections of a corticosteroid medication or other treatments might be used to improve the appearance of scars.

Nerve injury. Injury to nerves, while rare, can temporarily or permanently affect nerves that control sensation or muscles. Temporary paralysis of a select muscle, resulting in an uneven facial appearance or expression, or temporary loss of sensation can last a few months to a year. Surgical interventions may offer some improvement.

Hair loss. You might experience temporary or permanent hair loss near the incision sites. Permanent hair loss can be addressed with surgery to transplant skin with hair follicles.

Skin loss. Rarely, a face-lift can interrupt the blood supply to your facial tissues. This can result in skin loss (sloughing). Sloughing is treated with medications, appropriate wound care and, if necessary, a procedure to minimize scarring.

Like any other type of major surgery, a face-lift poses a risk of bleeding, infection and an adverse reaction to anesthesia. Certain medical conditions or lifestyle habits also can increase your risk of complications. The following factors may present a significant risk or result in unfavorable results, and your doctor may advise against a face-lift.

Blood-thinning medications or supplements. Medications or supplements that thin the blood can affect your blood’s ability to clot and increase the risk of hematomas after surgery. These medications include blood thinners (Coumadin, Plavix, others), aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), ginseng, Ginkgo biloba, fish oil and others.

Medical conditions. If you have a medical condition that prevents blood clotting, you won’t be able to have a face-lift. Other conditions, such as poorly controlled diabetes or high blood pressure, increase the risk of poor wound healing, hematomas and heart complications.

Smoking. Smoking significantly increases the risk of poor wound healing, hematomas and skin loss after a face-lift.

Weight fluctuation. If you have a history of repeated weight gain and loss — factors that affect the shape of your face and condition of your skin — the outcome of the surgery may not be satisfactory or may be satisfactory for only a short time.

How you prepare

Initially, you’ll talk to a plastic surgeon about a face-lift. The visit will likely include:

  • Medical history and exam. Prepare to answer questions about past and current medical conditions, previous surgeries, previous plastic surgeries, complications from previous surgeries, history of smoking, and drug or alcohol use. Your surgeon will do a physical exam, may request recent records from your doctor or order a consultation with a specialist if there are any concerns about your ability to undergo surgery.
  • Medication review. Provide the name and dosages of all medications you regularly take, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, herbal medications, vitamins and other dietary supplements.
  • Facial exam. Your plastic surgeon will take photos of your face from different angles and close-up photos of some features. The surgeon will also examine your bone structure, shape of your face, fat distribution and quality of your skin to determine your best options for face-lift surgery.
  • Expectations. Your surgeon will ask questions about your expectations for the outcomes of a face-lift. He or she will help you understand how a face-lift will likely change your appearance and what a face-lift doesn’t address, such as fine wrinkles or naturally occurring asymmetry in your face.

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Before a face-lift:

Follow medication directions. You’ll receive instructions about what medications to stop taking and when to stop. For example, you’ll likely be asked to discontinue any blood-thinning medication or supplement at least two weeks before surgery. Talk to your doctor about what medications are safe to take or whether the dosage should be adjusted.

Wash your face and hair. You’ll likely be asked to wash your hair and face with a germicidal soap the morning of the surgery.

Avoid eating. You’ll be asked to avoid eating anything after midnight the night before your face-lift. You will be able to drink water and take medications that have been approved by your surgeon.

Arrange for help during recovery. If your face-lift is done as an outpatient procedure, make plans for someone to drive you home after surgery and stay with you the first night after surgery.

During Facelift Surgery

During the procedure

How is a facelift procedure performed?

In general, a face-lift involves elevating the skin and tightening the underlying tissues and muscles. Fat in the face and neck may be sculpted, removed or redistributed. Facial skin is then re-draped over the newly repositioned contours of the face, excess skin is removed, and the wound is stitched or taped closed.

There are several approaches to facelift surgery. Your plastic surgeon will recommend an approach based on your goals and facial characteristics, including the shape of your face. The placement and length of incisions vary, depending on the facelift technique that best suits you. Your surgeon might find you appropriate for a ‘short scar’ facelift procedure in which a short incision is usually limited to the area around the ear.

Facelift surgery is usually done as an outpatient procedure. It may involve a local anesthetics and sedatives or general anesthesia.

The procedure can take from 2 to 5 hours, and the person can normally go home on the same day after surgery.

Most facelift techniques focus on the lower facial areas, such as the jawline, jowls and cheeks. A facelift can also focus on the midface or the forehead. In some techniques, deeper facial tissues may be repositioned or tightened to restore a more youthful contour. In other techniques, removal or addition of fat or other soft-tissue fillers may be necessary to achieve the best results. Today, many different techniques exist with outcomes that can be consistently reliable, safe, and durable. Your incisions will depend on the area of the face that is targeted and the amount of change you want.

Once the incisions are made, various degrees of ‘undermining’ of your skin is performed, and the deeper layers of your face are lifted. Undermining separates the overlying skin of the face and neck from the muscles and tissues deep to the skin. This frees or loosens facial and neck skin so it can be redraped at the end of the procedure, making sure skin is smooth.

Then, your surgeon will raise the skin from the temples, cheeks, and neck, and lift and reposition the underlying connective tissue, removing excess fat and skin. If this procedure is performed in conjunction with a neck lift, the surgeon will draw the neck muscles together, stitching them together at the midline to form a strong sling of muscles that supports the entire neck and jaw. Your surgeon may also include liposuction of the neck and jowls. Facial implants may be added to increase cheek or chin volume.

Finally, your surgeon redrapes the skin over the new underlying structure and closes the incisions with stitches and/or small metal clips. Where needed, drainage tubes may be inserted. A padded, supportive dressing is usually applied.

The goal of your aesthetic plastic surgeon and the entire staff is to help you achieve the most beautiful and natural-looking results, and to make your surgical experience as easy and comfortable as possible.

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What will my facelift incisions and scars be like?

Regardless of the type of facelift you undergo, you will have incisions that involve the skin around your ear.

. Traditional facelift: Your surgeon will make incisions in your hairline at the temples, continuing down and around the front of your ears and hidden in the natural creases behind your ears in your lower hair-bearing scalp.

. Limited-incision facelift: Your surgeon will make short incisions in your hairline, starting at your temples and continuing down and around the front of your ears, hidden in the natural creases. There may also be incisions in the lower eyelids, temporal area, or under the upper lip.

. Neck lift: Your surgeon will make incisions starting in front of your earlobes and continuing around behind your ears in your lower scalp. There will also be a small incision underneath your chin.

Facelift scars can be virtually invisible: narrow, flat, and well placed behind the ear so you can wear your hair close-cropped.

Your board-certified surgeon will place the incision in areas that are hidden and in areas where the scars look like natural wrinkles. Incision healing depends on surgical technique, infection prevention, reduction of tension, your nutrition, any known or unknown underlying medical conditions, no smoking, and your genetic tendencies.

There is a risk of ‘hypertrophic scars’ and ‘keloids’ anytime the skin is cut. This risk is greater in darker-skinned people such as Blacks and Hispanics. Injections of a corticosteroid medication or other treatments, might be used to improve scar appearance.

Read more about : Rhinoplasty scars

After facelift Surgery

Aftercare and Recovery

What will my recovery and healing from a facelift be like?

Your surgeon will discuss how long it will be before you can return to your normal level of activity and work. After surgery, you and your caregiver will receive detailed instructions about your post-surgical care, including information about:

. Drains, if they have been placed

. Normal symptoms you will experience

. Potential signs of complications

Immediately after your facelift surgery

. You may be placed in a compression garment or wrap immediately after surgery. Wear this exactly as directed. Remove it only as directed for cleansing incisions or showering.

. To minimize swelling, recline rather than lie down. This will be more comfortable for you, and can reduce swelling. Always keep your head elevated. Do not bend forward or over.

. You will have a mild to moderate amount of pain and discomfort. This should be easily controlled with oral medications. If it is not, call your surgeon.

. The discomfort and pain should begin to decrease within forty-eight hours after surgery. If you have a significant increase in pain after this period, call your plastic surgeon. Severe pain is rare; if you experience this, call the doctor immediately.

. Expect bruising and swelling. These symptoms will peak within the first thirty-six to forty-eight hours after surgery and will gradually subside over the next ten to fourteen days. To minimize swelling, sleep with your head elevated for a couple of weeks after the surgery.

. It is not unusual to have some slight drainage for the first forty-eight hours. A bulky cotton compression dressing with drains will cover your scalp and face for one to two days to help prevent blood collections under the skin.

Recovery time frame after a facelift

Follow all post-surgery instructions, including information about bandages, drains, taking an antibiotic (if prescribed), and the level of activity that is safe. Your doctor will let you know the signs of problems to watch for, such as signs of infection. Recovery time will vary by patient and in relation to the extent of your surgery.

. The first week

. You may not drive for at least a week after surgery.

. A feeling of tightness in your neck is not unusual after surgery. This sensation is most pronounced in the first one to two days after surgery while the bulky dressing is in place.

. During your first post-op visit, the bulky dressing and usually the drains will be removed. You may be placed in a supportive elastic face garment that is to be worn according to your doctor’s instructions.

. Do not take any aspirin or any anti-inflammatory compounds for two weeks before and two weeks after your surgery unless you first discuss it with your surgeon.

. It is recommended to sleep with your head elevated forty degrees for two weeks; an additional pillow or two under your mattress may help, if necessary.

. Apply cool (not cold) compresses to your eyes. Do not apply ice or anything frozen directly on the skin. Soak soft, white washcloths or gauze squares in ice water and wring out well. Apply directly to the eyes, but not to the cheeks or neck. Do not apply any pressure. Apply cool compresses for no longer than twenty-minute intervals. Do not apply heat.

. Stay up (sitting, standing, walking around) as much as possible after you return home. This helps to decrease facial swelling.

. Avoid bending or lifting heavy things for one week. Besides aggravating swelling, this may raise your blood pressure and encourage bleeding.

. You may wash your hair gently twenty-four hours after your surgery. Do not use the usual heat-type hair dryer; use the cap type or use the cool setting on the blow dryer.

. You may shower or bathe the day after surgery, but do not let the spray directly strike your face. It is permissible to get your suture lines wet, however.

. Report any excessive bleeding that persists after applying pressure for fifteen to twenty minutes.

. Two to six weeks

. Don’t go swimming, diving, water skiing, or participate in strenuous athletic activity for at least one month after surgery.

. You can expect to experience some numbness around your ear lobes, face, and neck for several weeks after surgery.

. Refrain from any strenuous exercise and from bending or lifting.

. You may begin sleeping in a modified reclining position, but do not sleep lying flat or on your stomach. If you are a side sleeper, two pillows under your head and a soft pillow under your mid-back and shoulders may offer more comfort.

. Do not wear makeup until you have been told to do so.

. During the first four to six weeks your scars may appear red and be slightly firm and raised then the redness fades and the scar softens. It takes a minimum of one year for the scar to achieve its final appearance.

. Refrain from direct sun exposure. Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat. If you are outdoors, apply at least an SPF thirty at least thirty minutes before sun exposure. Your face will be highly susceptible to sunburn or the formation of irregular, darkened pigmentation.

. Long term

You may ease into your regular fitness routine. However, wear protective eyewear and a hat. Discomfort or tightness and tingling in your face will resolve. Be prepared to wait at least six months for your facelift to completely heal inside and out. It is important to see your doctor as scheduled.


A face-lift can give your face and neck a more youthful appearance. Face-lift results are not permanent. With age, the facial skin may begin to droop again. In general, a face-lift can be expected to last 10 years.

Facelift Surgeons

How can I find the best Facelift surgeon in Iran?

Facelift surgery is a complex procedure that requires extensive knowledge in facial anatomy, a very specific skill set of surgical techniques, and a highly-developed eye for aesthetic detail.

Facelift surgeons in Iran can make your face more appealing. Facelift surgeons in Iran can also help you in making your final decision about what type of Facelift is more suitable for you.

It is important that you seek the assistance of experienced and skilled Facelift surgeons in Iran who have provided a suitable condition for people with limited budgets to do Facelift in Iran easily. It is worth explaining that the quality provided by Iranian surgeons is far higher than other countries including Turkey and India.

Facelift surgeons in Iran, have performed numerous procedures annually which make them more experienced than other countries’ plastic surgeons, due to high demand and low costs of Facelift in Iran, thousands of people travel to Iran every year to undergo facelift in Iran with the best facelift surgeons at an affordable and reasonable price.

The factors that the best Facelift surgeons should have:

  1. Experience

Because of performing a great number of procedures, they become knowledgeable and highly skilled which make them very famous worldwide.

  1. Expertise in different types of Facelift surgery

It is of paramount importance that your surgeon be expert in various types of Facelift.

We are happy to introduce a great number of Iranian surgeons who have all two above-mentioned features.

Plastic surgery hospitals in Iran

Tehran hospitals

  1. Moheb Kosar Hospital
  2. Imam Khomeini Hospital
  3. Ebnesina Hospital
  4. Parsian Hospital
  5. Pasteurno Hospital
  6. Kasra Hospital
  7. Treata Hospital

Shiraz hospitals

  1. Mirhoseini Hospital
  2. Ordibehesht Hospital
  3. Mir Hospital
  4. MRI hospital
  5. Dena Hospital
  6. Abualisina Hospital
  7. Ghadir Mother and Child Hospital

Mashhad hospitals

  1. Imam Reza Hospital
  2. Mehregan Hospital
  3. Hashemi Nezhad Hospital
  4. Farabi Hospital
  5. Mehr Hospital
  6. Sina Hospital
  7. Bentolhoda Hospital

Facelift Surgery Cost

The cost of a facelift Surgery in Iran is between $700-4000 which can be differs in different beauty centers. The cost depends on the type of facelift to be carried out. The facelift cost in Iran also depends on the techniques to be used, the experience of the plastic surgeon and the location.

Facelift cost in Shiraz

While the cost of facelift in the USA is up to $10000, in Shiraz, it ranges from just $700 to $2800.

Facelift cost in Tehran

The cost of facelift in Tehran is between $1000-3500.

Facelift cost in Mashhad

The cost of facelift in Mashhad would range from 1000 to $4000. The surgery is done in the well-equipped medical centers.

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  1. Sara says:

    How long does it take to recover from facelift?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      hello sara

      Facelift recovery takes 2 weeks after surgery
      The length of your recovery is directly related to the extensiveness of the procedure performed.For a traditional facelift, which involves manipulation of the fatty/muscle layer below the skin, as well as generous lifting and tightening of the skin, most patients are able to go in public 2 weeks after surgery, but camouflage makeup is almost always required.After three weeks, the vast majority of patients have experienced resolution of enough bruising and swelling to feel comfortable in public.RECOVERY FROM A FACELIFT IS DIFFERENT FOR EACH PATIENT.Some folk will look good in 2-3 days others may take 2-3 months, both of these are very unusual. I tell my patients plan on about 2-3 weeks. Usually by 3 weeks you will look better than you did before surgery.A Successful Recovery PeriodIt is important that you limit your activity for at least 2 weeks to keep your blood pressure and pulse down to limit the risk of post operative bleeding, hematoma.After that you should be careful not to hit or bang your face for at least 6-8 weeks to allow for healing.The end result will not be completely settled for about 6 months.

  2. shadi says:

    hello iran health tourism
    please give me Information on Anesthesia for the Blepharoplasty Patient

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      Typically, your lower eyelid surgery may be performed in the office under local anesthesia. The procedure takes approximately one to two hours, depending on the type of procedure performed. … This procedure, called transconjunctival blepharoplasty, is best for those patients who only need fat removed and/or repositioned.

  3. al jome says:

    What can i not do after rhinoplasty?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      how do i care for myself after rhinoplasty in iran?

      RECOVERY TIMETABLE nose surgery in iran
      Approximate recovery after rhinoplasty is as follows:
      DAY 1 Return home. Use cool compresses for 24 hours. Some swelling and bruising, mild discomfort. Change mustache dressing as needed (often 10 to 20 times).

      DAY 2-3 Maximum bruising and swelling.

      DAYS 5-14 External stitches removed or dissolving. Internal and external nasal dressings removed by rhinoplasty surgeon Bruising going away.

      WEEK 2-4 Much of swelling has begun to go away. Breathing better.

      1 YEAR Enjoy your final result

      Recovery after septoplasty alone is as follows:
      DAY 1 Return home. Nasal congestion mild.Change mustache dressing as needed (often 10 to 20 times).

      DAY 2-5 Nasal stuffiness is main problem.

      DAY 5-7 Internal nasal splints removed by plastic surgeon Stuffiness and nasal congestion much better.

      DAY 7-10 Slightly worse nasal congestion.

      WEEK 3-4 Nasal breathing much improved.

  4. Dorothy says:

    Hello. I am looking for a reputable facelift surgeon in iran . I would like to have the one stitch facelift while I am holiday. Has anyone out there had it done?
    does anyone know about cost of facelift surgery and eyelid in iran?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      facelift surgery cost in iran depends on 5 factors

      Type of anesthesia or sedation
      Incision location/type
      Other treatments performed in conjunction
      Extent of surgery needed
      A facelift surgery in iran start from $800.

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      facelift surgery cost in iran depends on 5 factors
      1.Type of anesthesia or sedation
      2.Incision location/type
      3.Other treatments performed in conjunction
      4.Extent of surgery needed
      5.location(which city: tehrsn or shiraz)

      A facelift surgery in iran start from $800 and comes to $2500.

  5. nadia says:

    What is the best age to get a Facelift?
    i am from dubai
    how much is facelift in shiraz?

  6. emma says:

    Q: az an Emarati girl it does really matter where I have my surgry?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      Your safety during plastic surgery in iran depends on the quality of the operating facility. Just like surgeons, operating rooms can also earn accreditation. Accredited operating rooms include key life support systems just in case something goes wrong. We perform most of our cosmetic procedures in hospital or clinic.

  7. Alexandru says:

    What type of anesthesia will I receive, and who will provide my anesthesia?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      No matter what type of anesthesia a cosmetic surgeon recommends, be sure to ask your potential surgeon who will be administering your anesthesia. This person should be a board certified physician (MD / DO) anesthesiologist or a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA). Having a dedicated anesthesiology team ensures you have qualified professionals monitoring you throughout your procedure and allows the cosmetic surgeon to focus on achieving your desired outcome.

  8. Suad says:

    How should I choose my face lift Dr are u going to provide me a list.

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      hello suad
      please send your medical document for us by mail or what’sapp. our advisors call you soon.
      what’sapp number:00989338460186

      praparing for facelift saurgery in iran
      For best results and to help ensure patient safety, iranian surgery website suggests that patients stop using tobacco products several weeks before and after their facelift procedure in order to minimize the risk of complications. Patients may need to stop taking some medications and supplements a few weeks before their facelift surgery in iran to prevent excessive bleeding.

      Patients should pick up any prescriptions prior to their procedure and should arrange for a friend, family or tour guide member to drive them home after facelift surgery in iran and stay with them for the first day or two. Since traditional facelift surgery in iran are performed under general anesthesia, patients will typically need to refrain from eating or drinking after midnight the night before surgery.(read more about facelift surgery cost in iran)

  9. Альбина says:

    I have a question,Can any doctor do plastic surgery?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      Cosmetic surgery can be performed on all areas of the head, neck, and body. Because the treated areas function properly, cosmetic surgery is elective. Cosmetic surgery is practiced by doctors from a variety of medical fields, including plastic surgeons.

  10. angella says:

    In average can u explain what is the best age for lift of face?

  11. zahrasadat says:

    Does Microneedling tighten skin?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      Microneedling doesn’t only help correct problem areas on damaged skin. … As microneedling penetrates the skin with the micro punctures it triggers the body’s natural healing process, generating new collagen and elastin cells. The result is tighter, firmer, softer, healthier and younger looking skin.

  12. MOMMY OF 2 says:

    I have been concerned for some time about my jowls and marionette lines. I have recently become concerned about the development of a double chin and neck lines. I will be 57 next month. I have been told that a face and neck lift are the best treatment, but I have also been told that Kybella would be a good alternative for jowls and double chin. What would be the best treatment for giving me the most significant and long-lasting improvements?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      you will get the most long lasting and desirable results with a surgical facelift and neck lift. Based on the appearance of your tissues, as long as you are a nonsmoker and are healthy you seem to be a suitable candidate for a face and neck lift.

  13. antonia says:

    What are the factors that affect facial drooping?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      There are several factors that affect facial decline including racial, hereditary and some environmental factors, such as gravity, sun and air humidity, all of which must be controlled.

  14. sugar says:

    At what age can I do facial lift surgery?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      People who are candidates for facial lift surgery are usually over 35 years old, with signs of aging on their faces and suffering from drooping and loosening of their facial skin.

  15. mary says:

    Can marketed creams that are distributed as a lift can cause face lift?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      No. The penetration of these creams is at the level of the skin, while most facial loss is due to the subcutaneous soft tissue relaxation.

  16. bailay ann says:

    What Is Facial Lift Without Surgery?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      Unplanned facial lifting means that the physician uses injectable substances such as fillers and gels to instantly increase the volume of the face and create an attractive, natural look. Doctors use multiple fillers to stimulate collagen production. Products such as Botox can be used to fix lines and forehead wrinkles and laughter to give the expected look.

  17. HAPPY ME says:

    How dangerous are facelifts?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      Facelift Risks and Complications
      Complications of facelift surgery are infrequent, and cosmetic procedures are generally safe, as long as they are carried out by a qualified and experienced professional.
      However, any surgery comes with some risk.
      . Bleeding
      . Bruising
      . Complications of anesthesia
      . Hematoma
      . Infection
      . Numbness, which can improve within days or weeks
      . Widening or thickening of scar
      If the patient notices inflammation, pain, redness or swelling in the days following surgery, they should seek medical help. This could be a sign of hematoma. If there is a fever, they may have an infection.
      Aside from the risks inherent in any surgical procedure, risks specific to face lift surgery include:
      . Damage to the nerves that control facial muscles – this is usually temporary.
      . Problems with healing of the skin – this is common for patients who smoke.
      . Scarring – there will be some scarring, although the surgeon will always try to hide the face lift scars.
      . Unevenness between two sides of the face.
      . Skin necrosis, or tissue death
      . Crust on the incisions – this will be temporary.
      . Numbness or tingling around the incision areas – this should be temporary.
      . Skin or hair loss – this is rare.
      . Skin discoloration – this is a rare condition that can continue for several months.

  18. pleas give me the list of cosmetic surgeon name and address

    • Iranian Surgery says:

      Hello dear Soheila Rezaei.
      we work with many plastic and cosmetic surgeon in iran,you can see some of our cosmetic specialist here.
      for further information please connect with us on what’sapp.

  19. anna says:

    Good morning i am a citizen of Tajikistan i live in Turkey Antalya i want to have a plastic facelift and a neck lift, can you help me find the best doctor and if possible I can get a consult?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      Good morning i am a citizen of Tajikistan i live in Turkey Antalya i want to have a plastic facelift and a neck lift, can you help me find the best doctor and if possible I can get a consult?

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