Mini Facelift

mini facelift recovery pictures day by day

Facelift Recovery Day by Day

Mini Facelift Recovery Day by Day pictures

When we age, we lose bone and soft tissue and our facial skin begins to lose elasticity. These changes to our face, is what makes us appear older. It is important to understand that the face is broken down into several different components: lower third which includes the face and neck, the mid-face and the upper third which includes the eyes and forehead. A facelift is usually performed along with a Necklift and addresses the lower 1/3 of the face. Facelifts are designed to correct sagging jowls and excess skin of the neck. If you’re thinking about getting a facelift, you should take into consideration the aftercare and down-time associated with this procedure.

Mini Facelift

What Can I Expect on The Day of My Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery is usually done as an outpatient procedure. Prior to your surgery, you will receive sedatives or general anesthesia, and the procedure usually takes from 2-5 hours. A person undergoing a facelift normally goes home on the same day after surgery. You will be given specific instructions on how to care for the surgical site, medications to take, and when to follow up with your medical provider. In general, there are four stages of recovery after a facelift.

Read more about : Facelift in Iran

Facelift Recovery Day by Day

Face Lift After One Day

The first day following your surgery is the day when you may need the most pain medication. Usually, on the second day following your surgery, you will have a follow up visit with your cosmetic surgeon who will check your incisions and evaluate your swelling. Your surgical dressings will also be changed, and drains removed. While you should take it easy during the first seven days of recovery, in general, you will feel good enough to get up and move around your house in one to two days post-surgery.

Face Lift After Two Days

Your surgeon will schedule a follow-up visit around this time. They will remove or change your surgical dressings and evaluate your incisions and swelling. If everything looks good and normal, the surgeon will re-dress the area, review postoperative care once again and send you on your way.

Mini Facelift

Face Lift After Three Days

Rest is recommended for this day, but you should start to feel better and want to move around some. Bruising and swelling usually reach their height around day 3 and 4, but both will likely be present for several additional weeks. Continue to take medication if you experience discomfort.

Face Lift After Four Days

On the fourth day (Day-3 post-op), you can remove your dressings to shower and wash your hair. We caution patients never to use a blow dryer since you will be numb and can accidentally burn yourself. You may also be permitted to do light housework if you feel well enough as long as you keep your head elevated above your heart and avoid heavy lifting. You should continue to apply moisturizer to the incision lines several times a day to keep them moist and wear the elastic bandage provided to you at your pre-op. It will remind you to keep your head immobile.

Face Lift After Five Days

By this time, most people no longer need prescription pain medication. You should start to see the swelling go down. You should also start feeling more comfortable moving about. Doing light housework is often permitted if you feel well enough.

Face Lift After Seven Days (second week)

On 7th Day post facelift some of the sutures will be removed. 9 or 10 days after your facelift procedure any remaining sutures will be removed. At this point you may begin driving and may even be ready to return to work. Makeup can be applied after all sutures have been removed.

During the second week post-surgery, you will likely still have swelling and bruising around the affected areas. Some patients report strange sensations, such as tingling, numbness, or tightness. These sensations are commons occurrences following a facelift and are not cause for concern. Although swelling and bruising will begin to fade, you can expect it to take another week or two for the bruising and swelling to completely dissipate. By the end of the second week, most people feel like themselves and are ready to return to work, although you should still avoid heavy and/or strenuous physical activity.

Face Lift After 15 Days (third week)

Removal of your sutures may occur anywhere from the end of week one to week three and depend on your particular procedure as well as your healing process. At weeks 3 and 4, you still may have some residual swelling and tightness, but for the most part, will start looking and feeling much better. Here is where patients often begin to see real improvements in their facial contour. By this time, you can get back to exercising and enjoying activities without people noticing much, if any, outward signs of your procedure. Incision sites will have a pinkish-red hue but this should fade with time.

The doctor will see you again for a 1-month follow-up appointment to check the incisions, assess healing and take photographs. You may still have minor swelling and bruising that is only noticeable to you on close inspection. The results of the procedure should become apparent at this point.

Face Lift After 30 Days (a month)

One month after a facelift operation, it will be hard for anyone to tell you have had any cosmetic surgery and you should be back to normal activities with your new look. Note, in some cases it can take up to one year for very minor swelling, tightness, and numbness to subside, but those will only noticeable to you.

Final Word

Remember, the final outcome of your facelift will become evident over the next 12 months. Typically, it takes this amount of time for your facelift to fully heal and for you to see the subtle shifts as your facelift rejuvenates your appearance. Bear in mind, people who do their research, take the necessary precautions, and follow their medical provider’s instructions have the easiest outcomes and best results. Additionally, keep in mind, the above timeframes are general timeframes, everyone will have a unique experience depending on factors such as lifestyle, daily routines and healing abilities.

About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best doctors and weight loss specialists in Iran. The price of facelift in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined by an in-person assessment with the doctor.

For more information about the cost of facelift in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.


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