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Chances Of Natural Pregnancy After Failed IVF

Chances Of Natural Pregnancy After Failed IVF

Chances Of Natural Pregnancy After Failed IVF

While uncommon, natural conception after IVF can occur. One study found that out of 2,134 couples who attempted ART, about 20% became pregnant on their own after treatment. Many couples that present for fertility care are subfertile, not infertile. what’s the difference?

. Infertility occurs when couples cannot conceive on their own. Either the woman or her partner has a health condition that makes natural conception impossible.

. Subfertility is when couples have a lower chance of conceiving on their own. A variety of conditions can contribute, including mild sperm deficiencies, ovulatory dysfunction, or tubal disease.

Couples with subfertility may go on to have healthy, successful pregnancies. However, some pregnancies result in miscarriage.


The ART of fertility

Couples can feel rushed to conceive and may visit their doctor early for a fertility evaluation. While certain obvious concerns such as ovulatory dysfunction should be addressed right away, approximately 80% of couples likely will conceive within a year of trying on their own. The best way to optimize natural fertility is to increase how often the couple has intercourse.

However, ART is sometimes necessary to conceive. While the risks of ART are minimal, the emotional toll and costs can be significant.

ART can be expensive, and results depend on the diagnosis and duration of infertility.  As you plan for pregnancy, it’s important to consider specific factors that may affect your ability conceive. Let’s discuss these factors, and when to consider visiting a fertility specialist.

Conception Challenges

If you and your partner are struggling to conceive, you’re not alone. Many conditions can make it difficult to become pregnant. About one-third of infertility cases are associated with a female factor, one-third are associated with a male factor, and the remaining one-third are either unexplained or associated with other causes.

A woman’s age

Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have – about 1 million. Research shows that most women will have about 12% of their eggs left at age 30 and 3% at 40. Not only does the pool of available eggs decrease over time, but so does their quality. Diminished egg quality can affect pregnancy and miscarriage rates.

Further, many women are choosing to delay pregnancy. Your Ob/Gyn can assist you with evaluation of your ovarian reserve, and some women consider fertility preservation if they know they want to delay pregnancy.

Underlying health conditions

In men, genetic conditions can cause problems with sperm production and delivery. Health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes can also reduce the likelihood of conception.

In women, the most common disorders are ovulatory dysfunction or tubal disease. However, other conditions such as fibroids, adenomyosis, and endometriosis can have a significant impact as well.

Cancer treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy, or overexposure to certain environmental factors such as alcohol or cigarette smoking can impair fertility in men and women. Prior to attempting conception, your Ob/Gyn can help optimize your general health.


Success Stories of Women Who Got Pregnant Naturally After a Failed IVF Cycle

These stories are from women and couples who were surprised to find out they were expecting after initially needing reproductive assistance to conceive.

It was the symptoms that gave it away

Christine K. from Baltimore was told she had a 10% chance of getting pregnant naturally with her second child, since she needed IVF for her first due to her husband’s low sperm motility and morphology diagnosis.

“At my initial visit, they told me I was pregnant, through ultrasound,” she shares. “I thought it wasn’t possible. I [was] taking Lupron to start the IVF cycle. I missed my period and my breasts were sore, but I automatically assumed it was side effects from the Lupron.”

There’s nothing like morning sickness

Jaclyn D. from Columbus, Ohio went through the wringer to achieve her first pregnancy.

“We tried to conceive for one-plus years by ourselves, then did 13 rounds of double IUIs [intrauterine inseminations]—two inseminations within 48 hours. When those all failed, we did three rounds of IVF.”

She was told that there was a 0% chance of getting pregnant without IVF. They, therefore, had no plan to get pregnant following their daughter’s birth. When her daughter was around two, “I went to both my family physician and my OB/GYN trying to figure out why I was so sick. [I] joked and laughed with both that I couldn’t be pregnant.”

However, one morning, “a smell ‘triggered’ my morning sickness. At that moment, I knew I was pregnant. There was no doubt in my mind.”

An ovulation miracle

Cathy Stefano of Philadelphia shared a similar story. Initially diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), she endured three rounds of ovulation drug Clomid, two cycles of injectables with IUIs and finally IVF. However, after producing a batch of bad eggs and then not responding well to a second IVF cycle, she tried another IUI, which resulted in her daughter.

Stefano’s first pregnancy was tough. “We didn’t discuss a subsequent very often. IVF was totally out of the question. How was I supposed to work and care for [my daughter] on that roller coaster ride?”

However, when Stefano stopped breastfeeding, she noticed she was ovulating, which she never had before because of PCOS. She and her husband decided to take a chance despite just having booked a trip to Las Vegas.

“My daughter was only six months old when I conceived naturally. I had no idea if [getting pregnant would work], but it worth a try. [In the end] I was three months pregnant for the trip to Vegas. Food never tasted so yummy!”

A post-pregnancy surprise

Jenifer Coscia from Westchester County, N.Y. also got pregnant when her first was under a year. She was initially diagnosed with pockets in her tubes, which prevented the egg from traveling to the uterus. IVF helped bypass the tubes entirely, leading to the birth of her son.

“I was told that it was unlikely I would conceive naturally, that there would be a risk of a tubal pregnancy. However, when my son was 5 months old, I was surprised to find out I was pregnant again, naturally.”

Final Word

When IVF fails, you should not be disheartened. Continue to try after determining the reasons for failure and working on the weak points. Following the guidelines and advice provided by your IVF specialist can greatly assist you in having a healthy pregnancy and giving birth to your child. Also, the miraculous possibility of giving birth to your new child naturally is quite encouraging for you to keep the faith.

Read more about: 1st Ovulation After Failed IVF


About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best doctors and fertility specialists in Iran. The price of IVF in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined by an in-person assessment with the doctor.

For more information about the cost of IVF in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.



Is Natural Pregnancy Possible after a Failed IVF?

Many women mistakenly believe that choosing IVF to conceive a child means they are not fertile enough to conceive naturally. This is not always the case, as infertility is the result of many factors. The relationship between fertility and the ability to have children is complex, involving everything from sperm quality to egg availability, viability, and various health factors. Even if your chances of conceiving spontaneously are lower than other people, it is definitely not zero and natural pregnancy is possible even if your IVF is unsuccessful.

What are the Chances of Getting Pregnant after a Failed IVF Cycle?

Failure at the end of your first IVF process, as disappointing and frustrating as it may be, is not the end of the road for you. A single failure does not imply that every consecutive cycle will also fail. At times, the body may require some time to adjust to the procedure and may respond positively the second time. Many women have seen healthier embryos and a better body response at the second attempt, which resulted in a positive pregnancy.
These odds are further supported by strong data and statistical information collected over the years. A woman’s chance of getting pregnant after the first cycle of IVF is about 21%. However, what appears to start at a lower level improves over time in consecutive cycles. The chance of getting pregnant increases by 10% after the second attempt, and the fifth cycle has approximately a 40% success rate. However, any further attempts after the fifth will barely improve the situation, and it is preferable to consider other options for having a child at that point.

How Is Natural Pregnancy Possible After a Failed IVF?

You can understand this by simply looking at the different ways women have gotten pregnant over the years. Several women have conceived naturally on their first attempt, while others have conceived in the first IVF cycle and a few have conceived in subsequent cycles.
The woman’s body plays a pivotal role in the entire procedure. Infertility may have different causes that are not always clear. After an IVF process, the body begins to respond positively and the woman becomes more aware of these symptoms, which can increase the chance of conception.
The chances of IVF success at the first attempt are lower in women who have uterine problems, primarily due to the presence of a weak or thin outer lining of the uterus itself. However, the procedure itself can encourage the body to build a stronger uterine lining in the coming months. Attempting to conceive naturally may yield positive results, and a second IVF cycle may not be required at all.
There is no definite factor that can be identified with certainty as the one responsible for reversing the odds of becoming pregnant. However, the biggest common denominator in all cases is the constant attempt to conceive naturally. Couples who try only once in a while are less likely to achieve positive results. In comparison, those who have frequent and regular sex with a desire to become pregnant, have a higher chance of conceiving even after unsuccessful IVF attempts.

How to Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant after an IVF Failure?

Your habits, behavioral tendencies, and lifestyle choices play a major role in supporting or opposing pregnancy. IVF makes use of the natural processes of the body and encourages them to function at their best. If a woman smokes while trying to conceive, her chances of getting pregnant are instantly cut in half. Caffeinated drinks also reduce the possibility of pregnancy if consumed regularly. Alcohol and obesity also affect the ability to successfully carry a pregnancy to term.
It is important to remember that IVF is a medical treatment, not a magic wand that can magically create a pregnancy. Making certain lifestyle choices, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced diet are just as important during an IVF process as they are when trying to conceive naturally. As a result, it can be concluded that there is good news for women wondering if they can get pregnant naturally after failed IVF procedures. Stay calm, focus on your health, and keep trying as hard as you can.

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