How Long Does a Corneal Transplant Last
How successful is corneal transplant? The goal of a corneal transplant is simple. Your doctor uses this technique to replace damaged or diseased tissue. In favorable subjects the rate of success of corneal transplant may be as high as 90%, with good final visual acuity with glasses. In unfavorable subjects, the rate of success […]
Crown dentistry
Dental Crowns What are Dental Crowns? A dental crown is a tooth-shaped “cap” that is placed over a tooth to cover the tooth and to restore its shape, size, strength as well as improving its appearance. The crowns, when cemented into place, fully encase the entire visible portion of a tooth that lies at and […]
Pilonidal Sinus Surgery Recovery Time
After Pilonidal Sinus Surgery Leaving hospital You may be able to leave hospital on the same day as your operation. It is important that you rest for the remainder of the day to recover from the anaesthetic. You will need someone to help you home and stay with you for at least 24 hours […]