Can You Die from Vaser Liposuction?
The fact of the matter is you can die from any procedure. Remember, although cosmetic surgery is elective, it does carry with it risks. Death is one of them. Although a very low risk in good hands, it is still a risk. the advice you are going to keep reading in this article is to seek out a board-certified plastic surgeon to do your procedure and make sure your procedure is done in an accredited center. Drink lots of fluids after the procedure and ambulate often.
Can you die from Vaser liposuction?
The fact that the Vaser procedure only allows the removal of a relatively small amount of fat cells makes this a safer procedure than the traditional lipo. Although there are some risks involved, as with any other procedure, the Vaser lipo is safe as long as you seek the work of a board-certified surgeon and follow their instructions down to the letter.
Life-Threatening Issues Than Can Happen with A Liposuction
Here is a list of ways a liposuction procedure may fatally go wrong:
. Poor fluid management.
. Puncture of the intestine or stomach.
. Infection
. Blood loss
. Pulmonary embolism from blood clots
. Heart attack
. Puncture of chest cavity
. Puncture of large artery
. Puncture of abdominal wall and liver.
. Non candidacy because of general illness such as diabetes to mention a few.
This is why it pays to seek out a capable doctor who knows how to avoid trouble and keeps you safe. Surgery is not an area to seek out cut rate deals and bargains.
Is Dying from Lipo Very Common?
Liposuction-related death should be extremely rare, especially if you go to a board-certified plastic surgeon. The majority of liposuction deaths have been caused by non-plastic surgeons, particularly in settings where you are sedated and the doctor or whoever is performing the procedure tries to remove too much fat, making the procedure take far too long and giving far too much fluid and drugs. There is a reason that board-certified plastic surgeons have many years of plastic surgery training after medical school. It’s amazing how many people will ignore this fact and instead look for the cheapest way to have a procedure done!
What Is the Death Rate of Liposuction?
Liposuction is one of the most common procedures in plastic surgery. According to global statistics, it accounts for 15% to 20% of all surgeries, ranking it among the top three most requested procedures in the last five years. Because of its popularity, there has been an increase in complications related to the procedure. Liposuction has a 5% complication rate, with the majority of complications being minor. However, studies have revealed that as many as one in every 5,000 surgeries result in a death as a result of this procedure.
About Iranian Surgery
Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best doctors and plastic surgeons in Iran. The price of Liposuction in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined by an in-person assessment with the doctor.
For more information about the cost of Liposuction in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.