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Brazilian Butt Lift surgery cost

Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery in Iran

Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Cost

How much does Brazilian Butt Lift surgery cost in Iran

The cost of a Brazilian Butt Lift surgery in Iran is between $1500-2500.

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The cost of a Brazilian butt lift surgery can fluctuate based on a variety of factors, including:

. Experience of the Surgeon: Cosmetic surgeons just beginning their careers generally offer more affordable procedures than surgeons who have been practicing for years. However, with extensive experience comes better results and reduced risk for complications.

. Surgical Facility: our doctors perform their procedures at the fully-accredited, ambulatory surgery center as an outpatient procedure, offering you the highest level of care.

. Areas of Liposuction: A Brazilian butt lift uses excess fat from your body rather than butt implants. As a result, it requires liposuction beforehand. We can perform this procedure on a number of areas, including your abdomen, hips, thighs, or back. The areas selected and the size of those areas will affect the overall cost of your procedure.

bbl in iran

Before brazilian butt lift surgery in Iran


After brazilian butt lift surgery in Iran

. Anesthesia: Patients who require more anesthesia often face higher costs.

. Follow-Up Visits: After surgery, you will be required to attend a number of follow-up appointments, so our doctors can monitor your results. Although these are built into your treatment plan, if you face any complications during recovery, you may require additional office visits. In this situation, you may incur higher costs.

. Additional Procedures: If you combine your Brazilian butt lift with another body contouring procedure, such as a tummy tuck or thigh lift, your treatment cost may rise.

Buttock size has a great effect on the beauty of women’s legs. Well-shaped buttocks, waist, thighs and breasts make women more attractive and have a great impact on the overall shape of their body.

Brazilian Butt Lift surgery in Iran is performed by fat injection. The cost of Brazilian Butt Lift surgery in Iran is much cheaper compared to other countries.

The cost of Brazilian Butt Lift surgery in Iran is about $ 1,500 and is much lower than the cost of Brazilian Butt Lift in Turkey, which is about $ 4,500, or the United States, which is about $ 9,000.

bbl surgery in iran

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Brazilian Butt Lift surgery in Iran is performed in a completely specialized way and under the supervision of the professional doctors and in the most modern hospitals of Iran. Therefore, do not worry about the final shape of your buttocks after surgery in Iran, professional cosmetic surgeons in Iran have performed a great number of procedures, which make them highly skilled and very famous worldwide. In fact, they enlarge your buttocks in such a way that the result of the surgery looks completely natural.

In this article we provide you with a comprehensive description of Brazilian Butt Lift surgery in Iran and the cost of Brazilian Butt Lift surgery in Iran.

General information about Brazilian Butt Lift surgery in Iran

The following table describes general information about Brazilian Butt Lift surgery in Iran including Brazilian Butt Lift cost in Iran, recovery time, and to name but a few.

General Information  
Cost $ 1500- 2500
Anesthesia General
Hospital Stay 1 Day
Back to Work 10 to 14 Days
Duration of Operation 2-5 Hours
Minimum Stay in Iran 1 Week

Dr afshan shah cosmetic surgeon

Dr. Afshan shah
Cosmetic surgery consultant

Dr. Afshan Shah is one of the most experienced cosmetic surgeons in Iran. She graduated from Shahed University of Medical Science in 2004.

Dr. Afshan Shah has published numerous medical articles and produced many podcasts, and educational videos. She has mostly performed cosmetic surgeries, including Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), Liposuction, Lipomatic, BBl, Breast reduction and Breast augmentation, Breast lift and to name but a few.

About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best cosmetic Surgeons in Iran. All cosmetic surgeons working with Iranian Surgery specialize in plastic surgery and perform cosmetic surgeries in well-equipped hospitals, so after BBL surgery in Iran you will face the least possible complications.

For more information about the cost of your BBL surgery in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants through WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.

iranian surgery

All you should know about Brazilian Butt Lift surgery

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Brazilian butt lift surgery (BBL) is a fat transferring procedure that improves the fullness and shape of the buttocks using your own fat. Liposuction is performed in the areas that have excess fat—typically the abdomen, sides and hips, and/or lower back—to both improve the proportions and contour of the lower body and harvest fat to be added to the buttocks.

The collected fat is then purified and prepared for grafting before your plastic surgeon strategically injects the fat into specific areas of your buttocks to create a fuller, more defined shape.

This method has usurped traditional options like butt implants in popularity for its natural-looking and fully customizable results.

Before Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

Brazilian Butt Lift Advantages and Disadvantages


Brazilian butt lift surgery can help overcome the effects of genetics by reshaping the buttocks and surrounding areas, such as the hips, lower back, and thighs. You might consider a Brazilian butt lift to:

. Enhance the curves of your lower body

. Reduce fat pockets on your hips, thighs or belly while adding fullness to the buttocks.

. Help clothing fit more attractively

. Give a more youthful, aesthetically pleasing shape to flat buttocks

. Enhance your overall proportions by improving balance between your upper and lower body.

. Unlike other forms of buttock surgery, such as placement of silicone buttock implants, a Brazilian butt lift is touted for providing more natural-looking results while also creating more roundness in your backside.

. It can also help address certain issues, such as the sagging and shapelessness that sometimes occur with age.

. Another benefit to Brazilian butt lifts is that there is a lower risk of infection compared to silicone buttock implants. It does have a better safety profile than other substances, such as silicone caulking and sealants that are sometimes illegally injected into buttocks by people not qualified to perform the procedure.

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. A Brazilian Butt Lift is a great option for many patients, however, not every patient is a candidate. Patients that are thinner may not be the ideal candidates for this procedure, due to the fact that they don’t have enough fat on their bodies.

. Fat absorption – may be as much as 40% – which may produce asymmetry, making this procedure more difficult to predict and requiring additional fat grafting sessions over time to attain the desired “look”.

. You also need to consider the recovery process. Because you are having fat injected into your buttocks, you will be limited on the amount of time that you can spend sitting down while your body heals. Additionally, your doctor may also recommend that you don’t wear tight pants in order to ensure that the fat grafts are properly absorbed into your body.

Are you a good candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

The following are some common reasons why you may want to consider Brazilian Butt Lift surgery:

. You want a buttock augmentation without implants

. You have good skin tone in the hips and buttocks

. You have adequate fat stores in other areas to harvest for injection into the buttocks

. You are willing and able to avoid sitting directly on your buttocks for several weeks.

. Your buttocks are too small for your body frame and you want a more balanced look.

. Weight loss or the aging process has left your buttocks loose, sagging, or flat.

. Clothes or swimwear are baggy or do not fit properly on your figure.

. The shape or size of your butt makes you feel self-conscious and you desire more curves.

If you are in good general health, have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are most likely a good candidate for this procedure.

Brazilian butt lift Risks and side effects

As with any invasive surgery, risks are inevitable. Many common side effects of a Brazilian Butt Lift are minor; however, a few are extreme.

Brazilian Butt Lifts can result in:

. Fat embolism – this is a risk of fat being injected into a blood vessel and traveling (embolizing) to the heart or lungs. Most surgeons have never had a patient with this complication, but in the unfortunate event that it occurs, this can be a fatal event. As a result of reports of this complication, ASAPS convened a task force to study fat embolism and associated risk factors extensively. The task force identified methods for surgeons to utilize in an effort to reduce the risk of this complication, including injecting fat above the muscle (rather than into or below it), using large blunt injection instruments, and other technical considerations.

. Lumps under the skin- in areas where liposuction was performed

. Loss of skin in the treated areas due to deep infection

. Excessive blood loss

. Cardiac and pulmonary complications

. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

. Necrosis of fat and/or surrounding tissue

Minor side effects can include:

. Scarring

. Pain

. Bruising

. Stretch marks

. Blood clots

Brazilian Butt Lift procedures have been known to cause death in some cases, with the current fatality rate being 1 in 3000.

However, in almost all reported fatality cases the surgeon wasn’t professionally trained and incorrectly performed the procedure. Inexperienced surgeons can/have incorrectly injected fat into large veins/muscles in the buttocks. This enables fat to travel up into vital organs (lungs and heart), clogging its vessels and resulting in death.

To avoid any possible risks and complications, seek professional advice and make sure you follow your surgeon’s post-surgical advice carefully.

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Preparing for Your Procedure

How do I prepare for a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure?

Your surgeon will provide you with pre-operative instructions, answer any questions you may have, take a detailed medical history, and perform a physical exam to determine your fitness for surgery.

In advance of your procedure, your surgeon will ask you to:

. Stop smoking at least six weeks before undergoing surgery to promote better healing.

. Avoid taking aspirin, certain anti-inflammatory drugs, and some herbal medications that can cause increased bleeding.

. Regardless of the type of surgery to be performed, hydration is very important before and after surgery for safe recovery.

Brazilian Butt Lift is usually performed on an outpatient basis. Be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and to stay with you at least the first night following surgery.

ideal bmi for tummy tuck


How to get a safe Brazilian Butt Lift?

Although Brazilian butt lift surgery has been shown to have a higher complication rate than other cosmetic procedures, there are many happy patients who have received fat grafting to the buttocks safely and with beautiful results.

To achieve that, as a patient you need to know how to approach your procedure safely.

First, know that Brazilian butt lifts are by no means a “one size fits all” procedure. Every patient’s body is different, with different levels of fat and muscle—that means what is safe for one patient may not be safe for you, and the nuances of the procedure need to be well-understood by your surgeon.

This makes it crucial that you work with a board certified cosmetic surgeon who has successfully performed Brazilian butt lifts for a range of patients. Your surgeon should recognize the limitations of the procedure, be up-to-date on the latest safety precautions, and be completely transparent with you about what you can expect with surgery and recovery.

During Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

What can I expect on the day of my procedure?

Your Brazilian Butt Lift surgery may be performed in an accredited hospital, a free-standing ambulatory facility, or an office-based surgical suite. Most Brazilian Butt Lift procedures take at least two to three hours to complete but may take longer.

. Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure.

. General anesthesia is commonly used during your Brazilian Butt Lift procedure, although local anesthesia or intravenous sedation may be desirable in some instances.

. For your safety during the surgery, various monitors will be used to check your heart, blood pressure, pulse, and the amount of oxygen circulating in your blood.

. Your surgeon will follow the surgical plan discussed with you before surgery.

. After your procedure is completed, you will be taken into a recovery area, where you will continue to be closely monitored. You will have drains in place. After fat transfer, you will have a compression garment over the liposuction areas and over your buttocks.

. You will probably be permitted to go home after a short observation period unless you and your plastic surgeon have made other plans for your immediate postoperative recovery.

How is a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure performed?

. Autologous fat transfer

. Liposuction with suction tubes (cannulas) is used to remove fatty tissue from areas of your body with excess tissue, such as the abdomen, hips, back, or thighs.

. The fat is then processed for fat transfer.

. The fat is reinjected using syringes connected to cannulas.

. Usually three to five small incisions are needed for injecting the fat, but these incision sites are easily hidden by clothing.

. The fat is grafted in layers at multiple levels, with the cannula moving back and forth to ensure that a smooth, linear deposit of fatty tissue is left to reshape and augment the buttocks area.

. The liposuction incisions are closed with sutures.

. Drains are inserted and a compression garment is worn following surgery.

Not all the fat transferred in a BBL procedure is expected to survive. The final result may be somewhat smaller than initially projected. Repeat BBL procedures (a 2nd or 3rd round) are occasionally advised depending on a patient’s initial results.

While popularly called a “butt lift,” the BBL procedure is primarily about improving body torso contours, improving the waistline, reducing back rolls, and providing a more curvaceous figure. Skin is not removed in a typical BBL and the “lift” effect is primarily an increase in projection of the buttocks.

What will my Brazilian Butt Lift incisions and scars be like?

The following incisions may be used in a Brazilian Butt Lift surgery:

. Autologous fat transfer

The liposuction incisions are very small and just large enough to allow the suction tube, or cannula, to go under the skin and remove the fat. The incisions used for injecting the fat into the buttock regions are equally small.

After Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

Aftercare and Recovery

Your surgeon will discuss how long it will be before you can return to your normal level of activity and work. After surgery, you and your caregiver will receive detailed instructions about your post-surgical care, including information about:

. Drains, if they have been placed

. Normal symptoms you will experience

. Potential signs of complications

Immediately after your Brazilian butt lift surgery

The incisions where your surgeon inserted the cannula may drain fluids for several days. Drainage tubes are often inserted to channel this fluid away from the wound. Significant fluid drainage is not uncommon after large volume liposuction, and bruising is common.

You will wear special tight garments to keep your buttock area compressed. Your doctor will tell you how long to wear these, usually for weeks. Some doctors provide these garments, but others will tell you where to purchase them before your surgery.

When the anesthesia wears off, you may have some pain. If the pain is extreme or long-lasting, contact your plastic surgeon. You will also have some swelling after the surgery. In some cases, this swelling will remain for weeks or even months. Contact your cosmetic surgeon to determine whether your pain and swelling is normal or a sign of a problem.

Your surgeon may recommend a treatment called lymphatic massage to try to reduce swelling and facilitate better drainage of any fluid buildup.

Recovery time frame after Brazilian butt lift surgery

It is vitally important that you follow all patient care instructions provided by your surgeon after a Brazilian butt lift procedure. This will include information about wearing compression garments, care of your drains, taking an antibiotic if prescribed, and the level and type of activity that is safe. Your surgeon will also provide detailed instructions about the normal symptoms you will experience and any potential signs of complications. It is important to realize that the amount of time it takes for recovery varies greatly among individuals.

. The first two weeks

. The recovery period is slightly longer and more painful in the buttock area, because this body region is used for physical activities such as walking, running, and even standing.

. On the first day after surgery, you may be instructed to stay in bed with the compression garment on and to periodically move your hands and feet to maintain good circulation. You will be able to get up and walk after the second post-operative day.

. When transported home or to your first post-op follow-up visit, you will be instructed to lie on your stomach in the back seat of the car to avoid pressure on your buttocks. This position should also be used to maneuver and stand for the first 3 days.

. You will also be instructed to lie on your stomach or side while sleeping and while watching TV or reading.

. You can expect some bruising and swelling in the buttock area during recovery; this may spread up to the abdominal or thigh area. This is normal and will begin to subside after a few days or weeks.

. Your buttocks may be sore and painful, but this usually begins to resolve after just a few days. Pain medication will be prescribed for the pain.

. Drains will be in place for the first seven days to eliminate fluid buildup and oozing from your incisions.

. An oral antibiotic may be prescribed to be taken as long as the drains are in place.

Many surgeons do not allow sitting in the first 10-14 days except for using the toilet and eating. After this time, you can sit with a soft pillow placed beneath your hamstring muscles but not touching your buttock, so that your buttock is in the air and there is no pressure on the newly augmented buttock. This has not been proven to impact surgical results but is often advised as a precaution.

. Weeks two to eight

. Direct pressure must be kept off the buttocks for at least eight weeks, so sitting without a pillow is not allowed for that period.

. You must wear a compression garment for six to eight weeks.

. The final results of your Brazilian butt lift surgery may be initially obscured by swelling. When the swelling subsides, sometimes taking three to six months, your true results will be more evident.

. You are advised not to go clothes shopping for at least three months

. After fat grafting, you can return to work, drive, or go to the movies after ten to fourteen days, but you must use a pillow when sitting so that there is no pressure on your buttocks. You can resume normal activities and exercise after eight weeks.

How long will the results last?

Under normal circumstances, the results of your Brazilian butt lift `surgery will be long-lasting. After a successful fat transfer, the fat that remains will stay there for the rest of your life. Like the rest of the tissue in your body, this fat will grow and age with you.

Although the procedure improves the shape and contour of your buttocks, you should make necessary lifestyle changes to maintain the appearance of your new shape. A healthy diet and exercise regimen can be incorporated into your daily routine to maintain your look.

Results are typically final within 6 months of surgery, after residual swelling has gone away and you are fully healed. By this time, your curvier buttocks and improved lower body proportions will be noticeable in how you look and in the way clothing fits.

Brazilian butt lift vs. buttock implants

One significant advantage of Brazilian butt lift surgery is that it increases buttock size without implants. The procedure will be perfumed in the hands of trained cosmetic surgeons, and has a low risk for complications and can achieve remarkably natural looking and feeling results.

However, if you are very lean, you may not have enough fat to harvest, and buttock implants may be the only way to achieve your desired size increase. Buttock implants may be a good option for some patients; however, it is important to understand the added risks of having implants, including capsular contracture and a higher risk for infection. Buttock implants can also look and feel less natural compared to a skillfully performed Brazilian butt lift.

Brazilian Butt Lift Surgeons

How can I find the best Brazilian butt lift surgeon in Iran?

Brazilian butt lift surgeons in Iran can make your body more appealing.

It is important that you seek the assistance of experienced and skilled Brazilian butt lift surgeons in Iran who have provided a suitable condition for people with limited budgets to undergo Brazilian butt lift in Iran easily. It is worth explaining that the quality provided by Iranian surgeons is far higher than other countries including Turkey and India.

Brazilian butt lift surgeons in Iran, have performed numerous procedures annually which make them more experienced than other countries’ plastic surgeons, due to high demand and low costs of Brazilian butt lift in Iran, thousands of people travel to Iran every year to undergo Brazilian butt lift in Iran with the best Brazilian butt lift surgeons at an affordable and reasonable price.

Plastic surgery hospitals in Iran

Tehran hospitals

  1. Moheb Kosar Hospital
  2. Imam Khomeini Hospital
  3. Ebnesina Hospital
  4. Parsian Hospital
  5. Pasteurno Hospital
  6. Kasra Hospital
  7. Treata Hospital

Shiraz hospitals

  1. Mirhoseini Hospital
  2. Ordibehesht Hospital
  3. Mir Hospital
  4. MRI hospital
  5. Dena Hospital
  6. Abualisina Hospital
  7. Ghadir Mother and Child Hospital

Mashhad hospitals

  1. Imam Reza Hospital
  2. Mehregan Hospital
  3. Hashemi Nezhad Hospital
  4. Farabi Hospital
  5. Mehr Hospital
  6. Sina Hospital
  7. Bentolhoda Hospital

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  1. Ameneh parissa mehri says:


    I am looking for a good doctor for bbls and liposhiftings for dents which are caused by a bad liposuction.

    I had a treatment in Istanbul in January this year and
    The doctor messed up the bbl treatment and now I have a botched body.

    I need a doctor who can fix it and complete the bbl into a beautiful and made a liposhifting/ lipofilling for the dents I have got at my tights. I had a lipoedema which was treated end of 2016 in Germany. This treatment was also messed up and I have got not a nice result.
    After the treatment this year I have a symmetrie in the butt and also in the hips, and a wavy waist.

    I dont want to have a bigger butt, but symmetrically and round and a beautiful hourglass shape with nice hips.

    I have to wait because I am in the Healing time, but if u think you can rescue it, i would be happy.

    My family is living in Teheran. So it would be possible to come there for the treatment.

    How much do u charge for this kind of treatment?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      Unfortunately, many patients are not satisfied with the outcome of the surgery after performing a plastic surgery and are looking for a second-best beauty.
      One of the important points after plastic surgery is the naturalness of the face and body
      We can introduce you the most experienced Iranian surgeons in the cities of Tehran and Shiraz, each of which has more than 1,000 successful plastic surgery(liposuction,abdominoplasty,facelift,bbl and…) can help you with your demands.
      Iranian surgeons are among the most successful surgeons in the world and you can get the best quality cosmetic surgery in Iran at the most affordable price.
      please send us your medical document on what’sapp or get free online consultation on website
      our specialist call you as soon and give full information
      Get free online consultation
      what’sapp: 00989338460186
      I hope we can help you

  2. soul-mate says:

    Should stop Smoking Before Surgery?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      Yes, it is usually recommended that you quit smoking at least two weeks before and after surgery. With the transfer of new fat to the buttocks, blood vessels need to be formed to continue living and smoking has a negative effect on this process. Also, smoking can increase the risk of infection.

  3. NO1 says:

    How much should I weigh to get a bbl??????

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      What is the right weight for a BBL?
      To achieve the best possible results, you’ll need to be within a certain weight range when you undergo surgery. Your ideal weight for surgery depends on a number of factors, including your height, body type, and goals or expectations for the procedure. During your consultation, you and your surgeon will discuss your expected results and determine whether you’re at the right weight.

      Candidates for a Brazilian butt lift need to have some extra fat, especially on the abdomen, thighs, hips, or back. Therefore, you should be at the higher end of the healthy BMI range, or you should be a few pounds overweight.

      Most surgeons recommend that candidates for a Brazilian butt lift have a BMI under 30 but above 23 or 24. This will vary depending on your body type and body fat percentage, though. Two people at the same height and weight could have different proportions or different amounts of body fat, so one might be better suited to the surgery than the other.

      Although it’s important to have some extra fat, most cosmetic surgeons do have an upper weight or BMI limit. If your body has too much fat, the results won’t be as noticeable. Being at a BMI greater than 35 can also increase your risk of complications. The risks get even more serious if your BMI is greater than 40, so most surgeons will not perform an elective surgery on people at this weight.

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  5. Chiquita says:

    I’m looking to have a bbl in Iran I’m from the USA

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      hello dear Chiquita, would you please contact me on whatsApp to provide you with enough information regarding Brazilian Butt lift in Iran and its cost. this is my whatsApp number +989019290946. thank you

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