Nose Tip Surgery

A poorly defined nose tip is one of the most common reasons why patients seek rhinoplasty. Reshaping the nose tip at the Plastic Surgery Center at Williams can help patients with what they often refer to as a bulbous tip, thick tip, full tip, or a wide tip of the nose.

When a surgeon is advising or counseling a patient, they focus on maintaining a nasal tip width that is aesthetically pleasing and symmetrical. The light reflex lines maintain the same width, but slightly diverge to the area referred to as the tip-defining point.

In a patient who has a bulbous tip, the upper part of the nose may be narrow, and the lower part of the nose may be very wide and bulbous. A lack of definition or tip refinement in the lower third of the nose is not always aesthetically pleasing in a female patient, which is why many women ultimately pursue rhinoplasty for nose tip reshaping.

This first step in the rhinoplasty process is to seek a consultation with an experienced, specialized surgeon who can examine the inside of the nose, the outside, and the skin thickness — which is important since patients may have very thick skin that limits reshaping of the nasal tip.

Most surgeons use a cartilage-sculpting technique to remove cartilage where the tip is very bulbous. This is where it becomes exceptionally important to select a plastic surgeon who is board-certified and an expert in rhinoplasty.

It is critical to not overdo cartilage removal or the attempt at tip refinement during a rhinoplasty. This ultimately results in a very narrow tip and, in most cases, difficulty breathing and/or lack of support to the tip of the nose. A very experienced plastic surgeon such as the ones we have at Iranian Surgery will naturally take this into consideration during the nose tip reshaping process.

Nose Tip Reshaping Surgery

Nasal tip rhinoplasty involves two different approaches, which involve different incisions. These approaches are generally categorized as the open approach or the closed (endonasal or “scarless”) rhinoplasty since incisions are not on the outside of the nose. Some surgeons believe that the open approach to nose tip reshaping allows for a more precisely performed procedure.

However, once a surgeon has achieved a higher level of skill, they will likely prefer a closed approach, as it results in a minimal amount of scarring, quicker healing time, and more successful outcomes.

Our Surgeons at Iranian Surgery have performed open approach rhinoplasty for nearly a decade before gaining the skill and critical competence required to execute the more complex — and more effective — closed approach.

Nose tip reshaping is usually performed as an outpatient procedure, allowing the patient to go home after surgery. Local anesthesia is used along with twilight or general anesthesia based on the preference of the surgeon and patients. All anesthesia options are conducted by a credentialed and experienced anesthesia provider. There are a few different ways to perform nose tip rhinoplasty, based on the patient’s surgical goals.

Crooked Tip

A crooked tip and nasal base can give the entire nose a look of misalignment, which can make the overall face appear asymmetrical. Correcting this crookedness at the tip can make the entire nose appear straighter, as well as potentially help with breathing problems due to obstructed airways.

Refined Tip

If a nasal tip is disproportionately wide or otherwise bulbous, Dr. Williams can perform nose tip reshaping to refine the tip, making it more narrow and defined. Great care must be taken to not remove too much cartilage, so choosing a plastic surgeon with significant experience in nasal tip rhinoplasty is crucial.

Nose Tip Reshaping Recovery

After nose tip rhinoplasty, patients will have light dressing intact on their face on the day after surgery. Patients should wear an outer splint for a week and avoid any activities that could damage the nose for a couple of weeks. Initial bruising and swelling will be apparent in the days and weeks after surgery, but visible signs should fade naturally.

The final result of rhinoplasty takes about a year to appear. Iranian Surgery team provides each patient with instructions for caring for their nose after nasal tip surgery — including information on bleeding, infection, and other possible complications.

About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best doctors and plastic surgeons in Iran. The price of Nose Tip Surgery in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined by an in-person assessment with the doctor.

For more information about the cost of Nose Tip Surgery in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.


Nasal Tip Reshaping Rhinoplasty

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