How painful is a tummy tuck recovery?

Are tummy tucks painful?

How bad is the pain after a tummy tuck?Why is a tummy tuck so painful?

Aftercare and Recovery

Your doctor will discuss how long it will be before you can return to your normal level of activity and work following liposuction.

After surgery, you and your caregiver will receive detailed instructions about your post-surgical care, including information about:

. Drains, if they have been placed

. Normal symptoms you will experience

. Any potential signs of complications

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Immediately after your tummy tuck

You may expect the following immediately after the procedure:

. As the anesthesia wears off, you may feel dizzy, disoriented, and nauseated. These sensations should pass within a few hours, although some types of oral pain medications may cause these symptoms to recur.

. If you return home the same day, you will need someone to drive you. Depending on the extent of the procedure, you may be required to spend a night or two in the hospital recovering from surgery.

. Immediately following an abdominoplasty, expect your abdomen to feel very sore or tender. Any pain you feel can be controlled with pain medications.

tummy tuck pain after

. Most tummy tuck patients require several days of bed rest, even if they return home the same day as their surgery.

. Your incision site will be covered with a dressing to keep the area clean and protected. You will also be wearing a wide elastic compression garment to reduce swelling and provide support to the skin as it tightens. You will wear this garment for several weeks.

. Depending on the extent of your abdominoplasty, you may have tubes in your incision to drain away fluid. You will be asked to empty the drains a few times a day and keep track of how much fluid comes out. Drains are usually removed from three to fourteen days after your surgery, depending on how much fluid is coming out.

. If you have traditional sutures, these will typically be removed within the first week or two (absorbable sutures will not have to be removed).

. Your surgeon should provide you with detailed instructions for managing your drains, changing your bandages, and showering during recovery. You will also be told whether you can put any ointment on your incisions to reduce discomfort.

. Common side effects experienced by abdominoplasty patients include redness, bruising, and swelling. These effects usually subside in one to three weeks as your body adjusts to the new contours and the incisions heal.

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Recovery time frame after a tummy tuck

Recovery from a tummy tuck procedure occurs over a period of six months or more. In the first couple of days, managing pain and avoiding complications is your top priority. The first week will be the worst, and you will still feel like you are recovering for about two to three weeks. After a few weeks, regaining mobility and fitness becomes important. After several months, you can start evaluating the aesthetic outcome of your surgery. It is important to remember that the time it takes to recover varies greatly among individuals.

. The first few days after surgery, you should rest quietly. Remember, you must not take aspirin or certain anti-inflammatory medications. To prevent coughing and bleeding, do not smoke after your procedure. Do not drink alcohol for five days after surgery or while you are taking pain medication.

. Arrange for someone to help you get around the house and help with your medication for at least the first two days after surgery.

. Make sure you continue to have lots of help at home—this cannot be stressed enough. You’ll be tempted to try to help around the house, but you won’t feel like yourself for at least seven to ten days and you still shouldn’t do any heavy lifting (such as picking up your children or baskets of laundry) for four to six weeks. If you have small children, you must put someone else totally in charge of their care for at least two weeks.

. Follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully. The first two days are the most uncomfortable, so if you are instructed to take medications at certain times, stay on the schedule. Discomfort typically drops down to a “nagging” level by five to seven days.

. You will likely go back for follow-up with your surgeon within five days. During this visit, your doctor can remove the drains. Swelling should subside within five weeks.

. Call your surgeon immediately if you notice an increase in swelling, pain, redness, drainage, or bleeding in the surgical area, or if you develop fever, dizziness, nausea, or vomiting. Other red flags include shortness of breath, chest pains, and an unusual heartbeat.

. You should be up and walking the day after surgery, although slowly. It is important to walk to discourage swelling and to prevent blood clots in the legs. However, avoid strenuous exercise for four to six weeks, because it can trigger unnecessary fluid retention in the treated areas.

. Plan to take about two weeks off from work, depending on the physical demands of your job.

. Make an effort to ease back into your normal routine gradually rather than all at once.

. The recovery period is typically longest for patients undergoing a traditional abdominoplasty, rather than a mini-tummy tuck, and for those who are combining a tummy tuck with other surgical procedures.

. Wearing your compression garment as directed reduces the likelihood of loose or sagging skin after an abdominoplasty. The compression garment also helps to control swelling, resulting in a shorter recovery period.

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What is the post-operative diet for a Tummy Tuck procedure?

. No specific diet is necessary. A healthy, well-balanced diet with adequate protein and exercise will help you maintain the results you get from the tummy tuck.

. Drink plenty of fluids and maintain good nutrition with adequate protein.

. Following recovery it is a good idea to make sure your caloric intake is balanced with your activity level.

. One suggestion is to substitute greens for grains.

. Do not eat processed and packaged foods. The sodium will make you swell.

. Do not drink soda. It will cause gas and bloating.

What will my tummy tuck incisions and scars be like?

The incision for a full abdominoplasty usually runs from hipbone to hipbone, and may be in a V-cut or U-cut shape, so that the scar can be hidden in a bikini. Your surgeon will determine the shape and length of the incision based on your preferences and the amount of correction you need. You may also have an incision around the navel.

With a mini-tummy tuck, the surgeon can place the incision as low as possible; it can be hidden in the pubic bone area. The abdominal skin that is removed is below the navel, and there are no incisions around the navel. The length of the mini-tummy tuck incision will vary based on how much skin your surgeon removes.

With a high lateral tension abdominoplasty, scars are longer and often higher than scars in more traditional abdominoplasties and mini-tummy tucks. It is common not to excise the umbilical (navel) site, because not as much skin is removed centrally.

How long will the results last?

Barring another pregnancy or significant weight gain, your results should be permanent, although plastic surgery will not prevent the effects of normal aging. Once the skin is tightened, it will get a little looser as you age, but not much. However, if you gain and then lose a large amount of weight after a tummy tuck, the abdominal skin could stretch out again, negatively impacting the overall contour. Likewise, if you become pregnant your abdomen will loosen again. For this reason, it is best to wait until after you finish having children to undergo a tummy tuck. If you’re planning to lose weight, do it before the surgery.

Is a tummy tuck painful?

Recovering from a tummy tuck can be painful and generally a pain management program is recommended by the doctor. This should be seriously followed. It can take up to 4 weeks to recover fully and 6 weeks to be able to start exercising again. Usually the patients are not able to walk for the first week. You must give yourself as much rest as prescribed by the doctor.

How long should I wear bandages and compression garments after a tummy tuck?

Generally, after your surgery, there will be dressings or bandages applied to your incisions, Bandages should be changed and the area should be carefully cleaned every day. You’ll also be wearing a girdle-like compression garment to reduce swelling, prevent the formation of blood clots, and support your midsection so it heals into a smooth, compact contour. This support garment, known as an abdominal binder, should be worn at all times except for when you’re showering. Your surgeon will let you know when you can stop wearing it, generally after four to six weeks.

How much weight can you lose from a tummy tuck?

Many individuals consider an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck for a myriad of reasons. Some people opt for the procedure to remove excess skin that causes the belly to protrude. Others complement their weight loss goals with an abdominoplasty. Some women, especially those who had multiple pregnancies, choose a tummy tuck to eliminate stretch marks. Other people use the procedure to correct separated muscles and trim excess skin after extreme weight loss.

Indeed, a tummy tuck is great for those who want to flatten and tighten their abdominal areas. While the procedure can help you in your weight loss efforts, it shouldn’t be viewed as an overall weight loss treatment.

The truth is you may lose weight after the surgery but not much. The reason is a tummy tuck is not designed that way.

You may have heard from previous patients that a tummy tuck has helped them lose weight, and this is true. However, not in the way you expect it to be. After the removal of excess fat and skin in the abdomen, you may weigh an average of five pounds less than your previous weight before the surgery.

This weight loss combined with skin excision and muscle tightening will produce dramatic results.

How long does a tummy tuck take to heal?

It’ll be several weeks before you are fully back to normal. In fact, it takes about 6 weeks to fully recover and to see the full effect of a tummy tuck. You won’t be able to drive for a few weeks. You’ll also have to limit strenuous exercise and demanding physical activity for four to six weeks. Your doctor can help you decide what activities you can perform and how long you’ll need to take off work.

Is it easier to lose weight after a tummy tuck?

Many of my patients have lost weight after tummy tucks and liposuction (long after the weight loss could have been attributed to the procedure). I think that they were more aware of their new look and took better care of their bodies through proper diet and exercise. A few were able to be more active since the loose skin in their abdomen was removed. Except for the weight removed during surgery, a tummy tuck will not directly cause more weight loss.

Tummy Tuck cost      

Factors affecting the cost of Tummy Tuck

There are many factors that determine the overall Tummy Tuck cost, including:

  1. The surgeon’s skill: The most skilled and best Tummy Tuck surgeons are in high demand.
  2. The type of Tummy Tuck surgery: Complicated procedures take longer time and therefore their cost is more.
  3. Geographical location: the cost of Tummy Tuck surgery is varied according to geographical location.

On average, the cost of Tummy Tuck is between $ 1500-2800 in Iran.

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8 Responses

    1. During the surgery, all abdominal skin cracks are removed under the umbilical cord. But if the cord cracks are available, they are pulled down to the bottom of the cord and reshaped into the abdomen. Side cracks and other parts remain in place.

    1. You may experience swelling for up to three months after the surgery. Your tummy may feel like it’s being pulled when you try to stand up straight. You may feel numbness in your tummy for months or even years. It’s normal to have bruises in your abdominal area

    1. Many women have long-term weight loss after ‘Tummy Tuck,’ according to reports published by plastic and reconstructive surgery. Most overweight Patients Show Lasting weight loss one year after Abdominoplasty. The researchers discuss possible “neuroendocrine mechanisms” that may promote weight loss after abdominoplasty.

    1. A tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure that will require weeks to heal. The technique includes an incision, running from hip to hip. Patients should expect their recovery to take two to three weeks. At the beginning, you will be fatigued, swollen and sore.

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