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Brow lift in Iran

How much is an eyebrow lift in Iran?

Eyebrow lift in Iran is between $700_$2000.

There are many factors that determine the overall brow lift cost, including:

  1. The surgeon’s skill: The most skilled and best brow lift surgeons are in high demand.
  2. The type of brow lift surgery: Complicated procedures take longer time and therefore their cost is more.
  3. Geographical location: the cost brow lift surgery is varied according to geographical location.

Brow Lift in Iran

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, forehead rejuvenation or browplasty, is a cosmetic procedure to raise the brows. A brow lift improves the appearance of the forehead, the brow and the area around the eyes by raising the soft tissue and skin of the forehead and brow.

You might choose to have a brow lift if you have a low, sagging brow or brow asymmetry. A brow lift might also boost your self-confidence.

A brow lift can be done alone or with other facial procedures, such as eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or a face-lift.

In fact, a brow lift rejuvenates the face above the eyes to restore a more refreshed appearance that better reflects a patient’s natural vibrancy. By removing excess sagging, skin on the forehead and repositioning the underlying muscles and tissues, a brow lift can correct a heavy, sagging brow, eliminate deep furrows, and restore a smoother, more youthful contour to the upper one-third of the face.

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Dr. Vahid Dastjerdi

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Brow lift Before and After

eyebrow lift in Iran

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Morvarid Hotel

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Swimming pool



Ghasr International Hotel
Ghasr International Hotel

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Darvishi Hotel
Darvishi Hotel

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Multi Plastic Surgery
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Brow lift in Iran Day-to-Day


Day 1

Arrival: We meet at the airport, take you to your hotel, and after some rest, the first appointment with your surgeon, X-ray or scans.

Day 2

Arrival: We meet at the airport, take you to your hotel, and after some rest, the first appointment with your surgeon, X-ray or scans.


Day 3

Aftercare and resting time, take your medication and do nose drops.

Day 4

You have all day to yourself (you can go shopping, sightseeing walking, etc)


Day 5

You have all day to yourself (you can go shopping, sightseeing walking, etc)

Day 6

You have all day to yourself (you can go shopping, sightseeing walking, etc)


Day 7

Second visit with the Doctor, removing the stitches and receiving instructions.

Day 8



General information about Brow lift Surgery

The following table describes general information about Brow lift surgery including Brow lift cost in Iran, recovery time, and to name but a few.

General Information



$ 700 – 2000



Hospital Stay

1 Day

Back to Work

1 to 2 Weeks

Duration of Operation

1-2 Hours

Minimum Stay in Iran

5 Days

eyebrow lift iran

About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery website is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best plastic Surgeons in Iran. The price of a Brow lift in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined based on photos and an in-person assessment with the doctor. So if you are looking for the cost of Brow lift in Iran, you can contact us and get free consultation from Iranian surgery.

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Before Brow Lift Surgery

Why it’s done

Aging typically causes the brows to move down. As skin and soft tissues lose elasticity, the distance between the eyebrows and eyelashes also shortens.

The lower position of the eyebrows can make you look tired, angry or sad. A brow lift can raise the eyebrows and restore a refreshed, more pleasing appearance.

When to Consider a Brow Lift

. Sagging or low eyebrow position creates a tired, sad or grumpy appearance

. You have deep horizontal creases across the forehead

. You have frown lines or furrows between the eyebrows or across the top of your nose.

. You have excess skin or fatty tissue hanging over your eyes

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Are you a good candidate for a brow lift?

The following are some common reasons why you may want to consider a brow lift:

. The outside of your brow sags, resulting in a sad expression.

. The central portion of your brow hangs down, making you look angry

. You have frown lines between your eyes.

. If you are a female and you are unable to apply makeup on the upper eyelid, because the surface area has been obscured by drooping tissues as you have aged.

. If you gently lift the skin above your eyebrow into a pleasing position and it eliminates most of the excess skin in your upper eyelid, a brow lift may be right for you.

. If you are in good general health, have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are most likely a good candidate for brow lift surgery.

. If you have hooded upper eyelids because of a low-set or drooping brow.

. If you are experiencing trouble with your vision due to your low-set or drooping brow.

. If you have had botulinum toxin injections in your forehead and are not happy with the results.

. If you have a healthy BMI.

. If you feel mentally and emotionally ready to undergo this procedure.

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Who should avoid undergoing a Brow Lift?

. Have tight facial skin and are prone to scarring as the procedure requires stretching skin tissues.

. Are chronic smokers and drinkers; they might have trouble healing after the surgery and have excessive internal bleeding.

. Have a genetic disposition towards a wrinkled forehead and might get wrinkles even after the surgery.

. Are extremely fair; in such a case, the chances of the scar showing prominently are higher.

How you prepare

Initially, you’ll talk to a facial plastic surgeon or plastic surgeon about a brow lift. During your first visit, your surgeon will likely:

. Review your medical history. Be prepared to answer questions about current and past medical conditions. Talk about any medications you’re taking or have taken recently, as well as any surgeries you’ve had. Tell your doctor if you are allergic to any medications.

. Do a physical exam. To determine your treatment options, the doctor will examine and measure different parts of your face with your eyes open and closed. The doctor might also take photographs for your medical record.

. Discuss your expectations. Explain why you want a brow lift, and what you’re hoping for in terms of appearance after the procedure. Make sure you understand the benefits and risks.

Before a brow lift you might also need to:

. Stop smoking. Smoking decreases blood flow in the skin and can slow the healing process. If you smoke, your doctor will recommend that you stop smoking before surgery and during recovery.

. Avoid certain medications. You’ll likely need to avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements, which can increase bleeding.

. Arrange for help during recovery. Make plans for someone to drive you home after you leave the hospital and stay with you for at least the first night of your recovery at home.

Advantages and Disadvantages


. Repositions a low or sagging brow that hangs over the upper eyelid

. Raises the eyebrows to a more alert and youthful position

. Makes you look happier, friendlier and more approachable


. Choice of brow-lift technique is very important to outcome, so this procedure is very clinician dependent.

. You may also need blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), as a forehead lift does not improve baggy eyelids or crow’s feet.

These are the top pros and cons to weigh when considering a brow lift. If you want to focus on what is unique to you, please consult with your aesthetic plastic surgeon.

Risks and complications

A brow lift poses various risks and complications, including:

. Scarring. Scarring might be visible after a brow lift.

. Changes in skin sensation. A brow lift can cause temporary or permanent numbness on the forehead or top of the scalp.

. Asymmetry in the position of the brows. A brow lift can result in asymmetry, with one or both of the eyebrows appearing too high. However, asymmetry may even out during the healing process. Persistent brow shape or position problems can be treated through additional surgery.

. Hair problems. A brow lift can cause an elevated hairline or hair loss at the incision site. If hair loss doesn’t resolve on its own, it can be treated with scar excision or hair grafting.

. Adverse reaction to anesthesia

. Hematoma or seroma (an accumulation of blood or fluid under the skin that may require removal).

. Infection and bleeding

. Allergic reactions

. Damage to underlying structures

. Unsatisfactory results that may necessitate additional procedures.

You can help minimize certain risks by following the advice and instructions of your board-certified plastic surgeon, both before and after your brow-lift surgery.

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During Brow Lift Surgery

Types of Brow Lift Surgery

How is a brow lift procedure performed?

Brow-lift procedures have evolved from open techniques to more complex short incision and endoscopic techniques. A brow lift usually involves incisions in the hair-bearing scalp, but sometimes incisions are made in the forehead and/or the upper eyelids. Brow lift surgery typically takes about one to two hours.

. Open brow lift. Your surgeon makes a long incision across the forehead, either around the hairline or in one of the creases of the forehead, and lifts the skin away from the underlying tissues. The surgeon then loosens muscles and removes fat. He or she removes any excess skin, pulls the remaining skin down, and stitches the brow into its new position. Other names sometimes used to describe open brow lift include classic, coronal or trichophytic brow lift.

. Endoscopic brow lift. Your surgeon will insert an endoscope (a long, thin tube with a light at the end attached to a video camera) through several tiny incisions in the scalp. This allows your surgeon to see and work on the various internal structures of the forehead. The endoscopic technique requires very minimal incisions, but it may not be equally beneficial for all patients.

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. Limited incision technique. This hybrid technique of both procedures is non-endoscopic with limited incisions. It uses a small portion of the ends of the coronal technique incision to elevate the outside part of the eyebrows under direct vision without an endoscope. The resulting scars are hidden in the temporal hairline, even in balding men who have little temporal hair remaining. While this procedure does not address the center area of the brow, it can reduce wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, commonly referred to as ‘crow’s feet.’ Since many forehead-lift procedures are performed with an upper blepharoplasty, the upper eyelid incisions are used to complete the forehead-lift procedure by treating the ‘frown’ lines between the eyebrows and raising the inside part of the eyebrows.

The type of brow lift you undergo will be based on your facial features and aesthetic preferences. The goal of your aesthetic plastic surgeon and the entire staff is to help you achieve the most beautiful and natural-looking results, as well as to make your surgical experience as easy and comfortable as possible.

Read more about : Type of face lift

What are my options?

Excess eyelid skin, droopy upper eyelids, and droopy eyebrows commonly occur in the same patient. It is not possible to achieve a good aesthetic and functional result unless all three problems are addressed. Your plastic surgeon will assess your problem, considering your hairline and hair style preferences, and make a recommendation that will yield the least scarring and the best cosmetic results. Here are some general guidelines:

. If you have mild to moderate brow droop and horizontal wrinkles, an endoscopic lift may be a good choice.

. If you have advanced brow droop with deep wrinkles, a coronal forehead lift may be most appropriate.

. If you have a high forehead, to avoid raising your hairline further, you may undergo a subcutaneous lift. In this procedure, your incision is near the hairline, leaving visible scars that can be hidden with hair.

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What will my brow lift incisions and scars be like?

The brow-lift incisions will be based on the technique your surgeon uses and will result in scars. The incisions are generally placed so they will be well concealed, frequently within or at the hairline, or within a deep forehead crease.

. Open (coronal) technique. The incision is across the top of the scalp, beginning above the ears and hidden within the hair.

. Endoscopic forehead lift. Your incisions may include three short incisions along the top of the scalp and a temple incision on each side. These incisions will be totally hidden within the hair.

. Limited incision technique. The incisions will be hidden in the temporal hairline (temples). If your forehead lift is done in conjunction with an upper blepharoplasty, upper eyelid incisions will be used to complete the forehead lift by treating ‘frown’ lines between the eyebrows and raising the inside part of the eyebrows.

Read more about : Lower Blepharoplasty incision 

After Brow Lift Surgery

Aftercare and Recovery

Your surgeon will discuss how long it will be before you can return to your normal level of activity and work. After surgery, you and your caregiver will receive detailed instructions about your post-surgical care, including information about:

. Incision care

. Normal symptoms you will experience

. Any potential signs of complications

It is vitally important that you follow all patient care instructions provided by your surgeon, and that you realize that the amount of time it takes for recovery varies greatly among individuals.

Immediately after your brow lift

. Your surgeon may suggest icing or cold packs around the eyes for forty-eight hours to reduce the swelling.

. It is best to sleep with your back and head elevated for approximately five to seven days.

. Your surgeon will likely ask you to come back to his office a day or two after surgery so he or she can evaluate your healing.

. Pain is typically not a significant problem in brow lifts. There is, however, some discomfort and tightness from ear to ear across the top of the head and brow. Most patients describe their forehead as feeling tight and somewhat numb the night of surgery. You will be provided with pain medications should you need them.

. Drains are usually not needed in the brow area when doing a brow lift.

. Temporary bruising, swelling, and numbness are common the first night after surgery. Maximum swelling occurs forty-eight to seventy-two hours post-surgery and begins to subside on the fourth or fifth post-operative day.

. You may need to go to the bathroom frequently because of the intravenous fluids you were given during your surgery. Drink plenty of fluids to keep up with the fluid loss. As your body begins to balance itself, it will rid itself of this extra ‘water weight’ and return to normal.

. Bruising from a brow lift appears less in the brow than in neighboring areas. As a result, any bleeding usually collects below the eyelids and bruises the lower lids, even if the lower lids are not operated on. Bruising usually peaks on the third to fifth day and resolves over two to three weeks.

. Showering and bathing are permitted the next day after surgery. Use hair conditioner to help wash and clean hair that became matted or knotted during surgery. Be cautious when applying hot water, hair dryers, and combs; your scalp will be numb, so they may damage your skin and/or hair.

Recovery time frame following a brow lift

. Your sutures or staples will be removed approximately one week after surgery.

. During the first week of recovery, you should move and be mildly active, including going for walks to aid circulation in your lower extremities. However, do not attempt heavy lifting or strenuous activity.

. You can resume driving when you are able to drive as well as you did before surgery. You need to be able to brake, respond, and turn quickly. When these conditions are met, you may resume driving, typically in the second or third week after surgery.

. You may be able to return to work within a week and to full activity within a few weeks, but you must avoid heavy lifting or straining during this time.

. Sensation in your scalp may be temporarily reduced. The feeling will begin to return over the first few weeks after surgery and your scalp will begin to feel ‘itchy’ as the nerves reawaken. Total numbness behind the incision in an open brow lift will usually persist for nine to twelve months post-surgery, sometimes longer in rare instances.

One month following surgery

. You should have returned to your normal rhythm at work by this time, depending on the amount of physical exertion required to perform your duties.

. Begin exercise and workout routines. Avoid any activity that causes discomfort and/or pain until you are further along in your recovery process. When you return to the activity, start at half speed and increase to your normal routine as long as you do not feel any pain during and/or the day after your workout.

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How Long Will the Results Last?

Usually, you can expect the final result from surgery to be evident after six months. By then, the scalp and hairline incisions will have healed completely and you should be enjoying your more youthful appearance. Gravity will take its toll as aging continues, but portions of the brow lift, especially wrinkle lines in the brow and the frown line area, should never be as severe again and may return only mildly over the years. Life-long sun protection and a healthy lifestyle will help to maintain and extend the results of your more youthful appearance.

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2 Responses

    1. Hello Nada
      Thank you for contacting Iranian Surgery

      Eyebrow and temple lift is done through various methods via local anesthesia in a hospital. There is the direct method, it’s suitable for men and has more durability. And then there’s the endoscopic brow lift performed under local anesthesia with sedation.
      The prices for the eyebrow lift procedure start from 1000$. Depending on your doctor and the method, cost of treatment differs.
      Sometimes it’s better to send your picture to us so that our specialist can check whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.
      Oftentimes, a forehand lift and blepharoplasty procedure is needed in order to achieve your desired results.
      Please contact our client consultation team to see the relevant pictures on WhatsApp number: +989019290946


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2 Responses

    1. Hello Nada
      Thank you for contacting Iranian Surgery

      Eyebrow and temple lift is done through various methods via local anesthesia in a hospital. There is the direct method, it’s suitable for men and has more durability. And then there’s the endoscopic brow lift performed under local anesthesia with sedation.
      The prices for the eyebrow lift procedure start from 1000$. Depending on your doctor and the method, cost of treatment differs.
      Sometimes it’s better to send your picture to us so that our specialist can check whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.
      Oftentimes, a forehand lift and blepharoplasty procedure is needed in order to achieve your desired results.
      Please contact our client consultation team to see the relevant pictures on WhatsApp number: +989019290946


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