Heart Failure Treatment

Heart Failure Treatment

Heart Failure Treatment During Heart Failure Treatment Treatment Heart failure is a chronic disease needing lifelong management. However, with treatment, signs and symptoms of heart failure can improve, and the heart sometimes becomes stronger. Doctors sometimes can correct heart failure by treating the underlying cause. For example, repairing a heart valve or controlling a fast […]

Clubfoot Surgery in Adults

Clubfoot Surgery in Adults

Clubfoot Surgery in Adults Clubfoot is a condition that is commonly found in newborns. The deformity, however, may develop and persist into adulthood. While it can look serious when first spotted, the new advancements in treatments make correcting clubfoot very safe. Although the condition is not life-threatening, if it is not treated immediately, it can […]

presbyopia treatment

presbyopia treatment

Uveitis Presbyopia is the gradual loss of your eyes’ ability to focus on nearby objects. It’s a natural, often annoying part of aging. Presbyopia usually becomes noticeable in your early to mid-40s and continues to worsen until around age 65. You may become aware of presbyopia when you start holding books and newspapers at arm’s […]

Presbyopia or Old eyes

Presbyopia or Old eyes

Presbyopia or Old eyes The eye is one of the most important and sensitive organs of the body and face. And if afflicted with any disorder, it overshadows a person’s daily life and impairs their ability to perform even the simplest daily tasks. Within a year or two, a person with presbyopia will find it […]

Club Hand

Club Hand

Club Hand What is Club Hand? Congenital longitudinal radial deficiency, otherwise known as radial club hand or radial dysplasia, is uncommon and affects less than 1 in 30,000 live births. The condition is relatively easy to diagnose as those with radial club hand have a physical deformity of the hand and/or forearm due to an […]

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) What is Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)? The hip is a “ball-and-socket” joint. In a normal hip, the ball at the upper end of the thighbone (femur) fits firmly into the socket, which is part of the large pelvis bone. In babies and children with developmental dysplasia (dislocation) […]

Lifetime Precautions After Hip Replacement

Lifetime Precautions After Hip Replacement

Lifetime Precautions After Hip Replacement To some people even the sound of total hip replacement surgery might be intimidating, but in the past years, it has become a relatively common and safe procedure. More than 330,000 adults in the U.S. have the procedure each year, according to Harvard Medical School, and the numbers are rising […]

Walking Unaided After Hip Replacement

Walking Unaided After Hip Replacement

Walking Unaided After Hip Replacement After surgery there are no restrictions in the way you are allowed to move but you should listen to your body and avoid painful movements or positions. In addition, you or another person should not force your hip in any direction. Your Occupational Therapist may recommend some equipment to help […]

Partial Hip Replacement

Partial Hip Replacement

Partial Hip Replacement The benefits of hip replacement surgery are numerous.  Most patients say the pain-relief alone is worth it, and the improved mobility and hip function dramatically improve a person’s quality of life by restoring independence and the ability to participate in pleasurable activities.  Studies show that more than 80% of hip replacements last […]

How To Break Up Scar Tissue After Knee Surgery?

How To Break Up Scar Tissue After Knee Surgery?

How To Break Up Scar Tissue After Knee Surgery? Those who have suffered from a knee injury know how debilitating it can be—especially if too much scar tissue has built up over time. Soreness in the ligaments, swelling in the joints, instability, lack of mobility and incessant aches are all common issues when dealing with […]

Which Method of Hip Replacement Is the Best?

Which Method of Hip Replacement Is the Best?

Which Method of Hip Replacement Is the Best? Is Anterior Total Hip Replacement Better Than Posterior? Is hip pain getting in the way of living your life? Is osteoarthritis making it difficult to walk or complete daily tasks? Are non-surgical treatments no longer working? If so, a hip replacement surgery might be the right option […]

Hip Replacement Scar

Hip Replacement Scar

Hip Replacement Scar Hip replacement surgery is a common invasive procedure designed to correct hip joint pain induced by arthritis or a severe fracture. A total hip arthroplasty or a partial hemiarthroplasty can be performed depending on the severity of the condition and the source of the pain. Although hip replacements are often a last […]

Disadvantages of Knee Replacement Surgery

Disadvantages of Knee Replacement Surgery

Disadvantages of Knee Replacement Surgery Unlike replacing a worn-out part in your car, knee replacement is a major surgery in which the natural knee joint is amputated and a metal or plastic prosthesis is inserted.  The surgery is performed at a hospital or outpatient ambulatory surgery center.  Anesthesia is required which can be either a […]

Dorsal Humps

Dorsal Humps

Dorsal Humps What are Dorsal Humps? Dorsal humps are cartilage and bone irregularities on the nose. These irregularities can cause a bump or “hump” in the outline of a person’s nose instead of a straight slope from the bridge of the nose to the tip. For most people, there’s nothing unhealthy or dangerous about these […]

bump after rhinoplasty

bump after rhinoplasty

Bump after Rhinoplasty Bumps on the bridge of the nose after rhinoplasty are not uncommon. Early bumps and irregularities, which may last several months, are usually due to swelling of the nasal tissues (skin, muscle, and periosteum). Bumps that persist beyond a year may represent scar tissue or additional bone and/or cartilage that won’t go […]

how long after rhinoplasty can i get cheek fillers

how long after rhinoplasty can i get cheek fillers

How Long After Rhinoplasty Can I Get Cheek Fillers A common question among rhinoplasty candidates is how long will they have to wait after the surgery before they can undergo another cosmetic procedure such as cheek fillers. When choosing to have any type of plastic surgery, it is extremely important to choose a highly skilled, […]

What’s the Difference between a Cyst and an Abscess

What’s the Difference between a Cyst and an Abscess

What’s the Difference between a Cyst and an Abscess? What is a Cyst? A cyst is a sac or cavity that can form anywhere inside your body or on the surface of your skin. It can be filled with fluid or pus, and may feel like a hard lump. The cells that form the outer […]

can i exercise after embryo transfer

can i exercise after embryo transfer

Can I Exercise After Embryo Transfer? IVF and Exercise: Tips for a Successful and Healthy Pregnancy Read any article on “tips for increasing fertility” and you’re bound to see something about the importance of lifestyle – typically diet and exercise. A wide range of studies show a correlation between women with healthy weights and increased […]

back pain after bbl

back pain after bbl

Back Pain After BBL BBL recovery, or recovery after Brazilian buttock lift, is a common inquiry regarding this rather popular surgery. This particular gluteal augmentation procedure is a type of surgery that is performed using person’s own fat to augment and shape the buttocks. The procedure is performed using liposuction to remove fat from other […]

advantage and disadvantages of minimally invasive heart surgery

advantage and disadvantages of minimally invasive heart surgery

Advantage and Disadvantages of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques The benefits of minimally invasive surgery include: . Small incisions . Small scars Most patients also have . Less pain . Shorter hospital stay after surgery . Lower risk of infection . Less trauma to tissues, nerves, organs, and muscles . […]

Pros and Cons of ICSI

Pros and Cons of ICSI

Pros and Cons of ICSI What is the advantage of ICSI? ICSI is an option definitely worth considering in case of poor general failure, ejaculation problems and other issues with male infertility. Individuals experiencing these problems can definitely get the benefits of ICSI treatment. It provides the male partner an opportunity to father a child […]

how long does congestion last after septoplasty

how long does congestion last after septoplasty

How Long Does Congestion Last After Septoplasty? What Is Septal Surgery or Septoplasty? The septum is a thin plate of cartilage and bone situated in the midline inside the nose that divides the nose into right and left halves. The front of it can be felt at the bottom of the tip of the nose. […]

travelling after iui

travelling after iui

Travelling After IUI Is it Okay to Travel During Fertility Treatment? So, life doesn’t need to be put on hold because you’re undergoing fertility treatment. Good news! You can still plan that amazing trip, or give your boss the okay for that conference. There are just a few things to consider before you book a […]

The best age for rhinoplasty

The Best Age for Rhinoplasty

The Best Age for Rhinoplasty What is the ideal age for a rhinoplasty surgery? Can I get a nose job at 16? Rhinoplasty is a very popular procedure and is about adjusting and refining the appearance of the nose. Before doing rhinoplasty it’s important that you’ve reached full growth of your bones, which is typically […]

Septorhinoplasty Recovery

Septorhinoplasty Recovery

Septorhinoplasty Recovery Recovery and Aftercare You should be able to go home the same day. If you had some packing in your nose, it will usually be removed the next morning. You will need to stay off work and away from groups of people for two weeks. This is to avoid catching a cold, which […]

how long does swelling last after septoplasty

how long does swelling last after septoplasty

How Long Does Swelling Last After Septoplasty? Septoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to correct a deviated septum. The septum is a wall of bone and cartilage, which separates the two nostrils. A deviated septum or “crooked” septum occurs when the septum is shifted towards one side of the nasal cavity. This can cause difficulty […]

septoplasty and turbinoplasty recovery

septoplasty and turbinoplasty recovery

Septoplasty And Turbinoplasty Recovery What is Septoplasty? The nasal septum is a wall that runs down the middle of the nose, dividing the nose into left and right sides. The septum runs from the tip of the nose almost to the very back of the throat. A bent septum (septal deviation) can cause blocked nose. […]

how long after breast reduction can i wear underwire bra

how long after breast reduction can i wear underwire bra

How Long After Breast Reduction Can I Wear Underwire Bra? A common question that I am often asked by women who are considering a breast reduction or have already undergone surgery is “When can I start wearing an underwire bra?” or “How Long After Breast Reduction Can I Wear Underwire Bra?” Some are under the […]

why is my stomach still fat after liposuction

why is my stomach still fat after liposuction

Why Is My Stomach Still Fat After Liposuction? Swelling — along with bruising — is an inseparable part of liposuction. During a liposuction procedure, the surgeon uses a cannula to remove fat from the body. The cannula makes many tunnels under the skin while it moves back and forth. These tunnels become filled with fluid […]

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cosmetic Surgery

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cosmetic Surgery

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cosmetic Surgery Advantages of Cosmetic Surgery . Upgraded appearance The first and positive effects of plastic surgery is that it assists with adjusting your common appearance to your ideal appearance. On the off chance that you need to experience corrective medical procedure, it’s sensible to expect that you are discontent with […]