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Neck lift in Iran

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How much does neck lift cost in Iran?

The average cost of a neck lift in Iran is around is $1500, This average cost include anesthesia and operating room facilities.

General information about Neck lift in Iran

The following table describes general information about Neck lift surgery in Iran including Neck lift cost in Iran, recovery time, and to name but a few.

General Information 
Cost$1500 – 2200
Hospital Stay1 Day
Back to Work1 to 2 Weeks
Duration of Operation2-5 Hours
Minimum Stay in Iran7 Days

In this article, you can find the information you seek about neck lift surgery, complications and risks, costs, pre- and post-operative care, and before and after photos of the procedures performed by members of the Iranian Surgery team.

If you decide to have a Neck lift in Iran, reading this article can improve your knowledge about cost of Neck lift in Iran to a great extent and help you to choose the best city and hospital to perform Neck lift in Iran.

In this article we provide you with a comprehensive description of Neck lift in Iran and the cost of Neck lift in Iran.

Neck Lift Surgery

Neck lift is one of the surgical procedures in the field of plastic surgery, which is performed to make the skin under the chin and neck area smoother and create a very beautiful neck with an attractive jawline. This surgery is performed for both men and women.

This procedure removes excess skin and fat from the neck to address age-related wrinkling and creasing in this area, and provide a smoother, slimmer profile.

Neck lift is one of the most important and sensitive cosmetic procedures and because it has a direct impact on the first impression you make on others with your appearance, applicants ask for the best medical team and the most experienced doctors.

The Iranian Surgery team has been able fulfill that wish by giving them access to highly experienced doctors and professional medical staff in well-equipped hospitals. Send us a message via email or WhatsApp to and we will help you realize your esthetic dreams in the shortest possible time with the best medical staff.

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About Iranian Surgery

All cosmetic surgeons working with Iranian Surgery specialize in plastic surgery and perform cosmetic surgeries in well-equipped hospitals, so after liposuction surgery in Iran you will face the least possible complications.

For more information about the cost of your liposuction in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, You can contact Iranian Surgery consultants through WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946 This service is completely free.

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Neck Lift Before and After

Plastic surgery in Iran

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img 73 18
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Rhinoplasty in Iran Day-to-Day


Day 1

Arrival: We meet at the airport, take you to your hotel, and after some rest, the first appointment with your surgeon, X-ray or scans.

Day 2

Arrival: We meet at the airport, take you to your hotel, and after some rest, the first appointment with your surgeon, X-ray or scans.


Day 3

Aftercare and resting time, take your medication and do nose drops.

Day 4

You have all day to yourself (you can go shopping, sightseeing walking, etc)


Day 5

You have all day to yourself (you can go shopping, sightseeing walking, etc)

Day 6

You have all day to yourself (you can go shopping, sightseeing walking, etc)


Day 7

Second visit with the Doctor, removing the stitches and receiving instructions.

Day 8



What is Neck Lift?

A Neck lift (also known as a Platysmaplasty) is a surgical procedure that removes the loose skin surrounding the Jawline and neck area, resulting in a smoother feel to your skin with less wrinkles allowing for a more rejuvenated appearance. Ultimately it will re-shape the skin around the neck and jaw reducing signs of ageing or sagging.

There are different reasons as to why a patient would opt for a neck lift such as having excess skin after weight loss, reducing of skin elasticity, treatment from damage in the sun or treatment for illnesses.

In Fact, Neck lift is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the neck to address age-related wrinkling and creasing in this area as well as providing a smoother, slimmer profile.

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Why it’s done

In many people, the first signs of ageing start to appear around the face and neck. The skin around the jawline and neck can start to lose its elasticity, and wrinkles may begin to show. A neck lift can address these problems and improve the appearance of your jawline and neck. Thus, a neck lift can:

. Improve the appearance of the neck skin.

. Tighten loose skin around your neck.

. Remove excess fat from the neck.

. Reduce wrinkles and lines in your neck.

. Achieve a smoother, more youthful looking neck.

A neck lift is done to reduce signs of aging in the lower part of the face. It’s often done as part of a face-lift. Overall, a neck lift can help you to achieve a younger, rejuvenated appearance, so that you can look as young as you feel.

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Neck Lift Surgery

Before Neck Lift Surgery
Before the procedure

You will meet your surgeon to talk about why you want to do surgery. The surgeon will make a note of any illnesses you have or have had. Next, your surgeon will examine your face and neck, and may take some photographs for your medical records, and then, they will ask you to sign a consent form for taking, storing and using the photographs.

The surgeon will measure your height and weight to make sure that it is safe to do an operation. If you are overweight, or planning to become pregnant, your surgeon may suggest delaying your operation.

You have a neck lift, your doctor will consult with you to evaluate your health and to discuss your surgical goals and expectations. Your doctor will then decide on the surgical method that works best for you. He or she might suggest additional procedures — such as a brow lift, eyelid surgery or skin resurfacing — that might help give you the results you desire.

Your face will be examined and measured, and you might have photographs taken so that you can compare your appearance before and after surgery.

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How you prepare
Food and medications

Your doctor might ask you to stop taking aspirin or other blood-thinning medications several days before your surgery. These can include warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven), heparin and aspirin and other medications such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others).

Other precautions

Because smoking tobacco promotes wrinkling of the skin and slows both recovery and healing, your doctor will recommend that you quit smoking before having a neck lift.

Arrange for a ride home after your surgery and for someone to stay with you the first night after your procedure.


Risks and Complications

As with any type of surgery, a neck lift carries some risks. Complications can occur either during or after the operation. You should think carefully about your decision to undergo a neck lift procedure. This also means taking time to consider the possible neck lift risks and complications. Your surgeon will talk you through the potential neck lift risks during your consultation.

. Bruising, bleeding & haematoma

You can expect to have some bruising around the neck after your surgery. Bruising will usually fade after about two weeks. Less commonly, a larger amount of blood may collect under the skin. This can lead to the formation of a hard mass under the skin, called a haematoma. These can be swollen and painful. Smaller haematomas may disappear on their own. However, if one persists or grows your surgeon may need to surgically remove it. If you have high blood pressure or take certain medications such as aspirin, you may be more prone to developing a haematoma.

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. Skin or tissue necrosis

Tissue necrosis is the death of tissue. This is a potential, but rare, complication of a neck lift. It occurs when an area of tissue does not receive enough blood and oxygen. During a neck lift, the surgeon makes some incisions which may disrupt the blood supply to certain parts of the neck. This can, therefore, result in skin necrosis. The risk of this occurring is much higher if you smoke in the weeks before or after the surgery. An infection can also lead to tissue necrosis. It is better to detect tissue necrosis early in order to prevent further damage.

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. Infection

As a neck lift involves the surgeon making a cut in the skin, bacteria can enter the wound and infect it during or after surgery. Infections will usually occur within the first few weeks after the surgery. Whilst an infection may start off on the skin, it can spread deeper into the tissue and muscle. If your wound becomes infected, it may look red and be warm to touch. You might also notice pus draining from it. There may be pain and discomfort in the area which your pain medication does not resolve.  Furthermore, wound infections can make you feel unwell. If you develop a fever over 38° C or notice any of these signs, let your surgeon know as soon as possible.

. Scarring

A scar will form where your surgeon makes an incision in your skin, as your body heals itself. Scarring will fade over time, but will never disappear completely. Your surgeon will make the incisions as small and discreet as possible. However, it is not possible to fully control the extent of scarring. This is because some people’s bodies have a better ability to heal or less tendency to scar than others. Your surgeon will provide you with advice on how to care for your wounds to help minimise scarring after surgery. In the rare occasion that you are left with excessive scarring, there are some treatments that can help to minimise this, such as further surgery, laser treatment or chemical peels.

Neck lift in Iran

. Nerve injury

During the course of the surgery, the scalpel might cut a nerve, the tissue around the nerve might become inflamed, or the nerve can lose its blood supply. This can all result in damage to the nerve. It is quite common to experience some numbness of the incision site in your neck after surgery, but this is usually only temporary. More persistent change in sensation and long-term pain in the area may be a result of permanent nerve damage.

. Aesthetic

Asymmetry and other irregularities of the skin can leave you dissatisfied with the results of your cosmetic surgery. Some irregularities such as excessive scarring or discolouration of the skin may be out of your surgeon’s control. However, you should ensure that your surgeon has the necessary qualifications and experience to reduce the chances of a disappointing outcome.

. General surgical complications

There are some risks and complications that can occur regardless of the type of surgery you have. These include postoperative nausea and vomiting, or the development of a blood clot in your leg or lungs. It is also possible that you will have an allergic reaction to the anaesthetic agent. The occurrence of these are rare, and there are steps that will be taken to minimise these risks as much as possible.

Who is a suitable candidate for neck lift surgery?

Neck lift surgery could be appropriate if you are experiencing:

. A ‘double chin’ effect from fatty deposits

. Vertical bands on your neck

. Sagging skin around your neck and jaw line

. A wrinkled, lined neck

During the consultation process, the quality of your skin will be assessed to determine how effective neck lift surgery may be. The results can be affected if your skin has lost too much elasticity or has been damaged by the sun. It is important to have realistic expectations and our experienced medical staff will discuss the process and possible outcome thoroughly with you.

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During Neck Lift Surgery
Neck lift Techniques

To perform a neck lift, the surgeon must adjust and reposition the skin and soft tissues of the neck. Typically, the surgeon will also use liposuction to remove any excess fat. Overall this is a relatively straightforward surgery that lasts two to five hours. The length of the surgery does also depend on whether you undergo additional procedures. Most often it is performed with a facelift. The two main techniques of a neck lift are as follows:

  1. Platysmaplasty
  2. Cervicoplasty
On the day of the surgery, you will go through the following steps:

1. Consent

Undergoing any type of surgery requires you to give your consent. Before you have a neck lift surgery, you will give your consent in the form of a signature on a consent form. You might sign this on the day of your surgery, or during your pre-operative assessment. By signing a consent form you are agreeing to undergo a neck lift surgery, therefore you should be fully informed about the benefits and risks of the procedure. If there is anything you are unsure about, make sure you ask your surgeon before you sign the consent form.

2. Anaesthesia

Once you have changed into a hospital gown and are ready for the surgery, you will go to the anaesthetic room. Here the anaesthetist will administer your anaesthetic. You will have discussed with your surgeon which type of anaesthesia you will have, before the day of your surgery. A general anaesthetic will make you sleep throughout the procedure so that you do not feel or remember a thing about the surgery. A local anaesthetic will numb the treatment area so that you do not feel any pain, and you will be given a sedative alongside this to help you relax. Both options are perfectly safe, so which one you have depends largely on your personal preference.

3. Incisions

Before your surgeon makes any incisions, they will thoroughly clean the treatment area to reduce the risk of infection. They will then make discreet incisions under the chin and behind your ears. The size of the incision will depend on the extent and technique of the surgery.

The two main techniques are as follows:

. Cervicoplasty

This technique mainly focuses on removing excess skin. The surgeon will lift and remove the excess skin around the neck. For some patients, the removal of excess skin alone may be enough to achieve the results they desire. The surgeon will then reposition the skin over the neck and suture it in place, giving the neck a smoother appearance.

. Platysmaplasty

This is a more extensive type of neck lift surgery, as the surgeon tightens and sculpts the underlying muscle of the neck, called the platysma. Once the surgeon has tightened the muscle, they will pull the skin taut and close the incisions. By adjusting the underlying muscle, this technique achieves more dramatic results as it can reduce the banded appearance or folds of the neck.

To achieve the best results, the surgeon may use both of the above techniques. Furthermore, with both methods, the surgeon can remove excess fat through the incisions made under the chin. They will perform this either through liposuction or by surgical excision.

Neck lift in Iran

4. Closing of incisions

The surgeon may use dissolvable or non-dissolvable stitches to close the incisions. Afterwards, the surgeon will wrap your neck with a light bandage. You may also have drainage tubes put in place, which drains any fluid from the treated area.

5. Return to the ward

Once the surgeon completes the operation, you will wake up gradually in the recovery room. You will return to the ward where you will recover from the anaesthetic under the supervision of nurses and hospital staff. You may stay one night at the hospital, or you may be able to go home on the same day. This will depend on what type of anaesthetic you had, and whether there were any complications from your surgery.

After the procedure

Afterward, your neck may feel tight, and you may notice some bruising, which fades in a couple of weeks. Sutures (stitches) can come out in five to 10 days.

Recovery from a neck lift takes several weeks. Following your surgeon’s post-surgery instructions is very important. You will receive details on addressing swelling and bruising and managing any discomfort.

The instructions will also advise you when to resume your regular activities and when to call the office in case of any unexpected changes or problems.

We recommend patients take one to two weeks off work to rest and recover. There will be swelling, bruising and soreness around the operation site and it is possible you may experience sensations of burning or numbness in the first few weeks. The skin may feel tight and as if it is pulling. However, these symptoms are all completely normal and resolve themselves as your body heals.

Everybody heals at their own pace but we suggest you avoid any activity which may disrupt the healing process for the first few weeks after your operation.

Most patients typically recover from their surgery with 14 days of it occurring, patients are normally required to stay overnight in hospital. During this time you should notice your swelling will reduce and your skin should have a more rejuvenated feel to it. Scarring if any should fade quickly also.

You should rest with your head sitting up after your operation and steer clear of any bending or lifting movements around that area.

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Neck Lift Surgeons in Iran

How can I find the best Neck Lift surgeon in Iran?

Neck Lift surgeons in Iran can make your face more appealing. Neck Lift surgeons in Iran can also help you in making your final decision about what type of Neck Lift is more suitable for you.

It is important that you seek the assistance of experienced and skilled Neck Lift surgeons in Iran who have provided a suitable condition for people with limited budgets to do Neck Lift in Iran easily. It is worth explaining that the quality provided by Iranian surgeons is far higher than other countries including Turkey and India.

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Neck Lift surgeons in Iran, have performed numerous procedures annually which make Neck Lift surgeons in Iran more experienced than other countries’ plastic surgeons, due to high demand and low costs of Neck Lift in Iran, thousands of people travel to Iran every year in a way that you can perform Neck Lift in Iran by the best Neck Lift surgeons with affordable and reasonable price.

The factors that the best Neck Lift surgeons should have:

  1. Experience

Because of performing a great number of procedures, they become knowledgeable and highly skilled which make them very famous worldwide.

  1. Expertise in different types of Neck Lift surgery

It is of paramount importance that your surgeon be expert in various types of Neck Lift surgery.

We are happy to introduce a great number of Iranian surgeons who have all two above-mentioned features.

Neck Lift surgery cost in Iran

Cost of best Neck Lift surgeon in Iran

There are a great number of professional Neck Lift surgeons in Iran making the operation costs lower than many other countries.

Cost of the best Neck Lift in Iran is between $1500 to 2000. However, there are less experienced surgeons who usually receive lower prices. Thus, the cost of Neck Lift in Iran can be varied accordingly.

Other factors involved in final Neck Lift cost in Iran:

There are many factors that determine the overall Neck Lift cost, including:

  1. The surgeon’s skill: The most skilled and best Neck Lift surgeons are in high demand.
  2. The type of Neck Lift surgery: Complicated procedures take longer time and therefore their cost is more.
  3. Geographical location: the cost Neck Lift surgery is varied according to geographical location.

10 common question about neck lift surgery
What is the average cost of a neck lift in iran?: A neck lift alone typically costs between $800 and $1300, depending on the patient and what needs to be done.

How long does it take to recover from a neck lift?: Your surgeon will usually recommend keeping your head and neck still and elevated at all times for up to ten days. You are advised to rest for up to three weeks, taking care not to bend over or lift heavy objects although you should be able to return to work after seven to 10 days.

What are the risks of a neck lift?: Side Effects and Complications of Neck Lift Surgery

You will have swelling and bruising that can last for several days after a neck lift. You may feel tightness or tingling and different sensations, including burning or pulling. You also will experience numbness.

Can you get a neck lift without a facelift?: It is possible to perform a neck lift without a facelift at the same time. … Patients without jowls or prominent nasolabial folds, but with neck skin laxity may do well with a neck lift and platysmaplasty (tightening of the central neck muscles.).

Is Neck lift surgery painful?: A neck lift procedure is typically performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. … Expect your neck to feel tight for a few weeks, and know that bruising and swelling are normal.

How can I get rid of my saggy neck without surgery?: How to get rid of a turkey neck without surgery – in 5 easy steps

Stretch it. Stretching your neck on a day-to-day basis can train the skin to be taut rather than loose. …

Flex your muscles. You can exercise your neck with these two facial yoga moves. …

Roll with it. …

Tighten and tone. …

Apply aptly.

Does a neck lift help jowls?: Thus, the facelift focuses on improving the cheeks, lower face (marionette lines), jowls, and jawline to reduce wrinkles and correct sagging skin in the area. Neck Lift: In contrast, neck lift surgery uses a technique that pulls excess skin under the chin, jawline, and jowls.

What is the best procedure to tighten the neck?: Ultherapy is the only non-invasive procedure FDA-cleared to lift skin on the neck, under the chin and on the eyebrow. Now also FDA-cleared to improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the décolletage, Ultherapy can help you achieve a fresher look from your brow to your chest!

Where are incisions made for neck lift?: An incision might be made under your chin to improve the appearance of your neck. A limited incision is a shorter incision that begins in your hairline just above your ear, wraps around the front of your ear, but does not extend all the way into the lower scalp.

Can a neck lift be done under local anesthesia?: During the procedure

A neck lift can be done with sedation and local anesthesia, in which only part of your body feels numb, or under general anesthesia. … Liposuction, however, won\’t correct structural problems that contribute to your neck\’s appearance.

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