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Tips for fast recovery after vaser liposuction

Tips for fast recovery after vaser liposuction

What to expect 4 weeks after liposuction؟

What is the best tip for fast recovery after vaser liposuction?

How long after Vaser Lipo will I see results?

While VASER Liposuction is a less invasive method of liposuction, there is still plenty of recovery time needed in order for the full-results to be seen.

Recovery after Vaser liposuction takes some time, but there are some steps you can follow to make the process go simpler and quicker. No serious complications are involved after the surgery, and the patient usually gets back to their normal life within two weeks.

4 weeks after vaser lipo treatment

By the way, recovery can vary from one person to another, depending on the extent of the surgery and the amount of fat suctioned out. With all being said, the way you deal with your healing process can make a big difference in how fast you get back on the track.

What to do after Vaser liposuction?
  1. Consult your doctor for post-op instructions. It’s important to pay attention to your doctor’s post-op instructions and ask any questions you may have. This can help ensure that you heal properly and minimize your risk of complications.

You may want to ask your doctor questions about recovery at your last appointment before your surgery so that you understand everything.

Make sure that whoever accompanies you to the surgery also pays attention to the doctor’s instruction in case you are too weary from the surgery or anesthetic to pay close attention.

  1. Schedule sufficient rest time. Whether you have your surgery in a hospital or as an outpatient, you will require at least a few days of rest.
    Generally, you can return to work or school after a few days. Discuss the amount of rest time you may need with your doctor.

The recovery period is directly related to the size of the surgical area and amount of fat your doctor removed. If you had a larger area treated, you may need more time to recover.

Prepare your home and bedroom before you leave for your liposuction surgery. A comfortable environment, including a cozy mattress, pillows, and bedding can help you rest and heal more effectively.

  1. Wear compression garments. Following the surgery, your doctor will apply bandages and possibly also compression garments. Wearing compression bandages and garments can help maintain pressure on the area, stop bleeding, and keep the contours from the surgery.

Some doctors do not provide compression garments. You will need to purchase these either before or immediately after your surgery. You can find compression bandages and garments at pharmacies and medical supply stores.

4 weeks after vaser lipo treatment

It’s important to wear the compression garments. They provide support after surgery as well as helping reduce swelling and bruising and improving circulation, which can promote healing.

You will probably want to purchase compression garments designed specifically for the area of your body on which you had surgery. For example, if you had Vaser liposuction on your thighs, you would want two compression garments to fit around each thigh area.

You may need to wear your post-op bandages for two weeks, while most people wear the compression garments for a few weeks.

  1. Take antibiotics to prevent infection. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics following your surgery to reduce the risk of infection. It’s important to take the entire course of antibiotics prescribed, to reduce the risk of infection.

Recent studies have shown that antibiotics may not be necessary after liposuction, so discuss this with your doctor. You may have a condition such as herpes that requires you to take medication to prevent infections or outbreaks.

  1. Manage pain and swelling with medication. You may have some pain, numbness, and swelling after the surgery. You can ease the pain and swelling with over the counter painkillers or a prescription painkiller.

It’s normal to feel numbness and tingling, as well as pain for a few weeks post-op. You may also have swelling and bruising during this time.

It takes most people 1-2 weeks to start feeling better after surgery. You may need to take painkillers for this amount of time or longer.

Take over the counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Ibuprofen may also help alleviate some of the swelling associated with the surgery.

Your doctor may prescribe a pain medication if over the counter pain relief doesn’t work for you.

  1. Walk as soon as possible. It’s important to start moving at a gentle pace as soon as you are able. Walking can help prevent blood clots from forming in your legs, which can be fatal. Gentle movement may also help you heal more quickly as well.

Although it is recommended to walk or do gentle movement as soon as possible, you may only return to more strenuous activity one month after surgery.

  1. Care for your incision. Your surgical incision may have some stitching. Keep your incision covered according to your doctor’s instructions and follow their instructions for changing the bandages.

Your doctor may insert a drainage tube to help fluid drain from the wound.

You may shower after 48 hours, but should avoid soaking in a tub until your stitches are removed. Put on clean bandages and reapply pressure garments when you are done showering.

Read more about : Vaser liposuction scars

8. Diet – eating well for recovery.

. Reduce salt. Salt encourages our body to retain water, so get rid of unwanted swelling by eating foods that are low in sodium.

. No Gatorade. It may seem counterintuitive, but the sports drink is filled with sodium encouraging water retention.

. Increase protein. Protein is essential with wound healing, muscle and skin re-growth and repair and prevention of hair loss. Make sure that every meal or snack includes a good source of protein.

. Decrease Sugar. The intake of sugar can suppress the immune system, upset the body’s mineral balance, and increase fasting levels of blood glucose.

. Eat small amounts many times throughout the day. – Especially to avoid nausea and bloating.

. Wine works as a diuretic, so consuming a glass of wine 2-3 weeks post-operatively may be helpful for post-surgical swelling. Do not mix alcohol with any prescription drugs and consult with your physician first.

. Consume a quality probiotic.  Antibiotics and other prescription drugs will destroy good bacterial in our gut.  We recommend Inner-Eco – a fresh coconut water probiotic.

9. Apply ice compress on the treated area

Ice reduces inflammation and eases your pain after surgery. Cold compresses create a positive effect in the surgical area, making the oxygen circulate better. Furthermore, the nerves become less sensitive to the pain.

10. Hydration – drink low-calorie, non-carbonated beverages.

We suggest Water (Drink 10 glasses of water a day), Skim Milk, Diet Nestea, Diet V-8 Splash, Tea, Diluted Fruit Juice (about 4 oz. /day), Flavored water (i.e. Propel) and Crystal Light. – stay away from Gatorade due to high levels of sodium.

Watermelon.  In addition to this tasty fruit there are a number of high water content fruits and vegetables including strawberries, grapefruit, zucchini and celery.                    

11. Massage for 10 minutes every day

To help your scar fade away faster, massage the surgery and incision sites with your fingers. This way you’ll get the blood and oxygen flowing, which is a great way to minimize scar marks. Massage can also reduce swelling as it does not let the fluids accumulate beneath your skin.

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What not to do after Vaser liposuction?
1. Don’t exercise for 2-4 weeks

You should avoid serious exercising, heavy lifting, or bending during recovery after Vaser liposuction. After around two weeks, you can return to exercising gradually. However, you should be careful about the level and intensity of your activities as high impact activities may not be tolerated by the end of the first month or more.

  1. Avoid unhealthy foods. If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s a good idea to avoid unhealthy or junk foods, many of which are loaded with fat and calories. Steer clear of the snack food aisles in the grocery store when you go shopping.

Potato chips, nachos, pizza, burgers, cake, and ice cream will not help you lose weight.

Stay away from starchy, refined carbs such as bread, crackers, pasta, rice, cereal, and baked goods. Eliminating these foods can also help you maintain your weight.

Look out for hidden sugar in your food choices, which can make you put on weight.

Read more about : Diet after liposuction

3. Don’t miss your doctor’s appointments

It’s very important to get through your recovery period under the supervision of your doctor. Especially, in case of excessive bleeding, constant pain, swelling or fever, you have to call/meet your doctor right away.

4. Don’t drive

While you’re taking antibiotics during your recovery period, try not to drive. Ask someone to drive you home after surgery as you are not allowed to drive.

5. Don’t say “yes” to sex!

Your body needs some time to adjust to the alterations made through Vaser liposuction. To determine how soon you can have sex with your partner after Vaser lipo, you need to consult with your doctor. Usually, if it’s a less invasive and intense procedure performed on your arms, breasts or chin, you can turn back to sex after a few days. If it’s a more invasive procedure done on your thighs, belly or other parts of your body, you can resume your sexual relationship after around 10 days.

Read more about : Sex after rhinoplasty

6. Don’t drink and don’t smoke

Drinking alcohol and smoking can interfere with your healing process. These habits can impact wound healing adversely. Stop them one month before and after your surgery.

7. Clothing – knowing what to wear.

No Tight Waistbands. Avoid wearing anything that’s binding in the midsection following a Vaser lipo procedure. That includes elastic waistbands and belts.

Read more about : Loose skin after liposuction thighs

What reduces swelling after liposuction?

You’ll be given a compression garment to reduce swelling and provide support for the areas that have had liposuction. This helps to prevent or relieve pain and discomfort. The compression dressings should not be made so tight as to reduce blood flow to the area.

How painful is liposuction recovery?

However, you’ll feel pain after the procedure. Recovery can also be painful. Depending on what parts of the body require liposuction, you may have a shorter or longer hospital stay. … It’s common to have pain, swelling, bruising, soreness, and numbness after liposuction

How do you reduce swelling and bruising after liposuction?

After liposuction, the area will be wrapped to help reduce swelling, bruising, and pain. The wrap helps make the area a smooth shape and prevent blood from filling the area where fat was removed. Elastic bandages and tape, support hose, a special girdle, or another type of firm-fitting clothing may be used

How long do you stay swollen after lipo?

The majority of swelling does improve after four weeks, though. You will wear a compression garment for the first four to six weeks after your procedure to minimize swelling, and help with pain control.

How should I sleep after liposuction?

To minimize the swelling you should sleep with your head elevated for a couple of weeks after surgery. Cover makeup may be worn over the area at 1 week after the surgery. Turtlenecks, scarves and wraps are very useful to help camouflage the bruising in the postoperative period

How much do you swell after liposuction?

While liposuction can remove up to 10 pounds of fat cells during a procedure, fluid retention and swelling can cause you to look bloated. As the swelling goes down, you can begin to see results. You may also notice that some of your skin is loose in the area treated with liposuction. Loose skin can firm up over time.

Should you ice after liposuction?

Do minimal activity the first week after surgery. You may be able to do light exercise, such as walking with your pressure garment on, the 2 weeks after surgery. Apply ice on your surgery area for 15 to 20 minutes every hour or as directed. Use an ice pack, or put crushed ice in a plastic bag

How many inches can you lose with liposuction?

A small amount of fat removal during liposuction is considered less than 1.5 liters, while a large amount is four to five liters. Removing more than five liters of fat in a single liposuction treatment is considered too risky by most surgeons unless performed in a hospital with an overnight stay.

Are compression garments necessary after liposuction?

Wearing compression garments after liposuction is important because it helps the healing process. … The different types of compression garments can also come customized with drainage tubes, which is when compression garments after liposuction are most often needed, in order to help push excess fluid out of the body.

Does fat return after liposuction?

Unfortunately, it is possible for fat to return after liposuction… if you allow it to come back. In general, the more weight gained by a patient after liposuction, the less dramatic their results will be. Fat will not return (and ideal results will remain intact) if the patient maintains their “post-lipo weight.

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  1. Kate Hendrick says:

    What a great blog very informative and very helpful. This helps before trying the procedure.

  2. Jan says:

    It is contradicting that wine can help swelling but point 6 is don’t drink.

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