Gastric Balloon Diet

Gastric balloon diet

How much weight can you lose with the gastric balloon?

Can you eat bread with a gastric balloon?

How much can I eat with a gastric balloon?

What can I eat after gastric balloon?

Gastric Balloon Post-Op Diet

As with any weight loss procedure or regime, proper diet is extremely important after the placement of the gastric balloon system to ensure success. Here we will go over the recommended gastric balloon diet, starting with the requirements immediately following the procedure, and then transitioning to a healthy diet that can bring long-lasting results when adhered to.

For each phase of the diet, it is recommended you stay on at least 3 – 5 days. Depending on your ability to transition to the next phase, the time may vary for each phase. You will want to make sure your body feels comfortable before moving to the next phase of the diet.

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For 3-5 days after placement, you will need to follow a clear liquid diet. The sole purpose of this phase is to stay hydrated. The hydration goal should be 64 oz or more, with a minimum of 48 oz to prevent dehydration. Try to stick with water, unsweetened tea, or sugar-free beverages to avoid empty calories.

If consuming juice, it needs to be 100% fruit juice (no added sugar), and it needs to be diluted 50/50 with water to reduce sugar intake. If consuming a large amount of tea, alternate or stick with decaffeinated versions such as herbal teas to reduce the chance of dehydration. Tea is also acidic, so if you experience heartburn or acid reflux, discontinue drinking.

Stage 1 – APPROVED:

. 100% fruit juice (no added sugar) – clear juice (apple, white grape, cranberry) – dilute 50/50 with water.

. Broth (chicken, beef, and vegetarian)

. No/low sugar coconut water

. Crystal Light, vitamin zero water, Powerade Zero, propel, or other sugar-free flavored beverages.

. Unsweetened tea

. Sugar-free popsicles

. Sugar-free gelatin

. Water and/or ice chips

It is important to drink slow, small sips to avoid nausea. Start with½ ounce sips (1 Tablespoon), either using a measuring cup or the screw cap of a water bottle. Wait 60 seconds between each sip.

Gastric balloon diet

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Stage 1 – AVOID:

. Drinks that will create gas such as carbonated beverages

. Sugary drinks, sweet teas, juice drinks, punch

. Citrus juices (orange, grapefruit, pineapple, lemonade)

. Tomato Juice

. Alcohol

. Caffeinated drinks such as coffee and energy drinks

. STAGE 2: Thick Liquid Diet

The following 3-5 days (after completing stage 1: clear liquid diet) you can move on to stage 2: thick liquid/pureed diet. During this stage of the gastric balloon diet, it would be beneficial to use a blender or food processor to puree your meals.

Aim for items that are high in nutrients and low in sugar.

Stage 2 – APPROVED:

. Protein shake (pre-made or make your own using protein powder)

. Greek yogurt (plain or Dannon Triple Zero)

. Milk – Preferably Fairlife Milk but all types are acceptable (dairy, coconut, almond – unsweetened version)

. V-8 Juice

. Sugar-free pudding

. Blended soups

. No-sugar-added applesauce or other pureed fruits

. Pureed vegetables

Stage 2 – AVOID:

. Foods with large chunks or pieces

. Foods with added sugar such as desserts

. Carbonated Beverages

. STAGE 3: Semi-Solid Foods Diet

The next stage of the gastric balloon diet begins 7 to 10 days after balloon placement (after following both stage 1 and stage 2 post-op diet plan). At this time you can start stage 3: semi-solid foods.

The foods for phase three should encompass items that are mainly soft, moist, and can be easily mashed with a fork.

Stage 3 – APPROVED:

. Cottage cheese

. Beans

. Ricotta cheese

. String cheese

. Soft fish

. Canned chicken, tuna, or salmon mixed with a little mayo

. Meat cooked in a crock-pot until tender.

. Well-cooked or mashed vegetables (squash, potato, sweet potato, green beans, etc.)

. Avocado

. Scrambled eggs

. Crab

. Deli meat

. Tofu

. STAGE 4: Solid Foods Diet

When you are feeling ready you can transition to stage 4 of the gastric balloon diet, which is solid foods. This is where you can start eating normal foods again and adding a healthy variety back into your diet plan.

This is also when it is most important to create a balanced, healthy diet as well as the healthy habits that will set the stage for your long-term success.

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Healthy Gastric Balloon Diet Guidelines (Stage 4 and Long-Term)

. Calories: 1000 – 1200

. Protein: 75 – 105g

. Carbohydrates: less than 75g (25 – 50g for quicker results)

. Fat: 40 – 50g

. Sugar: <25 g

Sample Diet Plan (Meal Plan)

. Breakfast: Protein shake, up to ½ banana (optional)

. Snack 1: Cheese stick

. Lunch: 3 oz chicken, ¼ avocado, 2 oz cooked vegetables, beans, or whole grain

. Snack 2: 15 Almonds

. Dinner: 3 oz salmon, 2 oz non-starchy vegetables, 1 TB oil or butter

. Snack 3: Triple Zero Greek yogurt, ¼ cup berries

Focus your diet mostly on lean protein and non-starchy vegetables. Fat is a healthy addition as well but needs to be monitored, as too much can negatively impact weight loss. Fruit, whole grain, and beans are also healthy additions to a diet, but should be eaten in moderation and should always be paired with protein if possible.

Healthy Habits to Help Succeed Long-Term

. Eat small meals/snacks 5 times a day

. 3 small meals and 2 healthy snacks

. One protein shake a day (counts as a snack or meal)

. Try to always pair fruit or grain with protein, such as fruit with yogurt or cracker with cheese. Focus mostly on protein.

. Eat something every 2-3 hours

. Drink a minimum of 64 oz water

. Avoid sweets and processed foods

. Avoid “doughy” foods (may stick to balloon and cause bad breath)

. Take a good quality multivitamin every day (no gummies, which contain sugar)

. Track food intake in a food journal or mobile app

. Limit consumption of alcohol

Gastric Balloon Exercise

Exercise will help you burn calories and build muscle, which will help you lose weight quicker. Starting a regular exercise schedule as soon as a week after the procedure is highly recommended.

A good goal for exercise is 30 minutes at 5x a week. We recommend that you start slow with walking and slowly increase in exercise.

It is extremely important to continue this exercise regimen after the gastric balloon is removed to prevent the chance that you will regain the weight that is lost.

Discomfort and Nausea

After the placement of the gastric balloon, most patients will experience some gastric discomfort for the first week after the procedure: cramping, nausea, and vomiting. This is normal, as your digestive system is adjusting to the presence of the gastric balloon. The discomfort will rarely continue in the long term. You will be given medications to help you manage these symptoms. Please use these anti-nausea medications as prescribed.

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. STAGE 1: Clear Liquid Diet

Helpful Tips to Prevent Discomfort and Nausea

. Watch your posture during meals and while drinking fluids. Sit tall and do not slouch. This will help your balloon position properly and increase your tolerance for foods.

. Eat slowly and chew your food well before swallowing.

. Stop eating if you feel heartburn (acid reflux).

. No liquids 30 minutes before your meal and wait 30 minutes after to drink.

. Stop eating when you feel full or satisfied.

. No food 3 hours prior to bedtime

. Some discomfort may occur while trying to sleep; you may need to prop yourself up with a pillow.

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How much weight can you lose with a gastric balloon?

Loss of about 10 to 15 percent of body weight is typical during the six months following intragastric balloon placement

Can you drink alcohol with gastric balloon?

Alcohol in moderation is fine, however keep in mind that excessive or regular alcohol intake will compromise your weight loss efforts given it is high in calories.

Does a gastric balloon work?

Because the balloon has no lasting effects on the stomach, it is important that you create and maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. Without the gastric balloon taking up space in your stomach, you will be able to eat larger portions immediately once the balloon has gone

What can I eat after gastric balloon?

Liquids you can choose include semi-skimmed milk, low calorie or reduced sugar squash, herbal teas, diluted low sugar fruit juices, clear beef or chicken broth soups, Bovril and Marmite. You must not eat solid foods at this stage

How much weight can I lose with Orbera?

On its homepage, Orbera claims the average person loses “3x more weight than with exercise and diet alone.” ReShape, meanwhile, claims “patients have lost up to 81 pounds in just six months with the FDA-approved weight loss balloon

How much weight can you lose with the gastric balloon?

If you’ve had gastric bypass surgery, you will have lost about 30% to 40% of excess body weight. With gastric banding surgery, you lose 1 to 2 pounds a week — so by six months, you’ll have lost 25 to 50 pounds

Who qualifies for gastric balloon?

You need to have a lot of extra pounds to be a candidate for weight loss surgery: Body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more (more than100 pounds overweight). BMI of 35-40 (about 80 pounds overweight) and you have diabetes or a metabolic syndrome, asthma, heart disease, diabetes, or obstructive sleep apnea.

What should I eat after Orbera?

If that is tolerated you can progress onto free fluids such as milk, yoghurt, fruit juices (low sugar) and soups for the next three days. You should choose nutritious protein containing fluids; soups are ideal and allow good variety

Can you die from gastric balloon?

All deaths occurred within a month or less of the placement, the FDA says. In three, it occurred as soon as one to three days after the procedure. … In addition, the FDA received two more death reports related to complications linked with the balloon, including gastric or esophageal perforation.

How long does gastric balloon last?

Most weight is lost in the first three months, but because the gastric balloon stays in for six months, you will learn the right amount of food to eat to maintain your new weight long term.
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