Dental Implant Healing Cap Fell Out

Dental Implant Healing Cap Fell Out

What Is a Healing Cap? Healing caps or healing abutments help surrounding gum tissue to heal after a dental implant. Once the gums have healed correctly, healing caps are replaced with permanent abutments, which are the pieces that connect the implant to the dental crown. When patients call saying that their dental implant fell off, […]

Dental Implant Pain Years Later

Dental Implant Pain Years Later

Why Might Dental Implants Be Causing Pain Years Later? You can experience dental implant pain years later for several reasons. If your oral surgeon installs an implant too close to a nerve, it could damage the nerve and surrounding tissues over time. You might experience pain, numbness, and tingling around the implant site or in […]

Adjacent Tooth Pain After Implant

Adjacent Tooth Pain After Implant

Injury to adjacent teeth after Dental Implant Damage to teeth adjacent to the implant site may occur subsequent to the insertion of implants along an improper axis or after placement of excessively large implants. This problem arises more frequently with single implants. Adjacent teeth should be evaluated before implant placement. Pulpal and periradicular conditions such […]

Average age for dental Implants

average age for dental implants

Best age for Dental Implants How long is the lifespan of dental implants? Dental implants have an incredible longevity attributed to the material they’re made from, titanium, and to how they are integrated into the bone. Clinical research shows survival rates as high as 94% over 10 years and 91% over 15, and these studies […]

One day dental implants

one day implants

Same-day Dental Implants What are Same-day Dental Implants? Same-day, or one-day, dental implants are a solution to the biggest problem of getting implants—that it can take many weeks or even months. As the name suggests, with this procedure, you can get your implants the same day you have your unhealthy teeth removed. Same-day dental implants […]

The procedure of dental implant

dental implant procedure

Dental implant procedure step by step pictures What Is a Dental Implant? Dental implant involves replacing an extracted tooth with a metal stud or post screwed right into the bone to serve as an anchor to the crown or false denture that would otherwise not have anything to keep it situated right into the tooth […]

Cost of Full Dental Implants in Iran

cost of full dental implant iran

Factors affecting the cost of dental implants . The material used in the implants . The manufacturing country . The quality of the material . The time you receive the implants . The dentist While these are the main factors, there are others that can influence the cost of dental implants such as the number […]

Cost of dental implants in Iran vs the USA

Cost of dental implants in Iran vs the USA

Full Mouth Dental Implants Cost in USA vs Iran The following is a comparison of the amount of money you would pay for different types of dental implant procedures both in the US and in Iran. And once you’ve read this, you will have a good understanding of the big difference in the cost of […]