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Tympanoplasty surgery time

Tympanoplasty surgery time

How long does tympanoplasty surgery take?

What can you not do after tympanoplasty?

Is a tympanoplasty painful?

Is Tympanoplasty an outpatient surgery?

How long does a perforated eardrum surgery take?

How long does pain last after ear surgery?

Tympanoplasty recovery time



How long does tympanoplasty surgery take?

Tympanoplasty in children can take 1 to 2 hours. Your doctor will talk to you as soon as the surgery is over.

Your child will wake up in the recovery room after surgery. This may take 45 minutes to an hour. When your child is awake, he or she will be taken to the Short Stay post-operative area to complete the recovery. You can be with your child once he or she has been transferred to this area.

Children can almost always go home the same day of surgery. In rare cases an overnight stay may be necessary (e.g., your child has excessive nausea or vomiting). If your child does stay overnight, one parent is required to stay overnight too.

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What can you not do after tympanoplasty?

Your doctor will test your hearing after your ear has healed. This may be 8 to 12 weeks after surgery.

While you are healing, it is important to avoid getting water in your ear. You will also need to avoid heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, and other activities that may put pressure on your eardrum. This includes flying in an airplane, swimming, scuba diving, or playing contact sports.

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Is a tympanoplasty painful?

There is usually only mild pain following ear surgery. Some discomfort may be felt for the first 24 hours if a pressure dressing is applied to the ear. Once this is removed, however, most discomfort subsides. There may be occasional fleeting, stabbing pain in the ear up to one week after surgery. Analgesics will be prescribed if they are necessary. These should be taken only when needed. Tylenol is fine if the pain is not severe. The ear will usually be sore for 7-14 days afterwards.

 Is Tympanoplasty an outpatient surgery?

Virtually all tympanoplasty surgeries for repair of the eardrum, Tympanoplasty and myringoplasty are outpatient surgeries that will be done at the same day.

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How long does a perforated eardrum surgery take?

The surgeon will use a laser to carefully remove any excess tissue or scar tissue that has built up in your middle ear. Then, a small piece of your own tissue will be taken from a vein or muscle sheath and grafted onto your eardrum to close the hole. The surgeon will either go through your ear canal to repair the eardrum, or make a small incision behind your ear and access your eardrum that way. This procedure typically takes two to three hours.

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How long does pain last after ear surgery?

The ear will usually be sore for 7-14 days afterwards. The doctor encourages you to take regular over-the-counter painkillers (paracetamol or ibuprofen) as necessary.

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Tympanoplasty recovery time

If a tympanoplasty surgery was done, your child will not be able to hear normally in the operated ear until the packing behind the eardrum dissolves. Full tympanoplasty surgery recovery time can be 2 to 3 months. In fact, the hearing will probably be worse than it was before surgery until this packing dissolves.

At the first postoperative visit, your doctor may gently clean the ear canal with a vacuum in order to inspect the reconstructed eardrum. You may be asked to use some antibiotic ear drops for a week or two to treat any postoperative inflammation.

A hearing test will be done again in 8 to 12 weeks after surgery.

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