Can you die from rhinoplasty?

Can you die from rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty Risks Death

Can you die of a nose job?

If you are considering plastic surgery there is always a risk of death due to the procedure or anesthesia that is given during the procedure. This is even true for optional inpatient procedures such as Rhinoplasty.

While there is always a risk of death, this risk varies widely between types of surgeries and patients.

Your personal health history (including diabetes, breathing problems, and smoking history), age, weight, family health history and your general state of health will directly impact your personal level of risk when having surgery.

ethnic rhinoplasty in iran

A healthy person will have a lower risk than an unhealthy person. A person with an infection will be more at risk than people who do not have an infection. A non-smoker will have a lower risk than a smoker and a physically active person will have a lower risk than a sedentary person who spends too much time on the couch.

Further, if you have had issues with anesthesia in the past, you are more likely to have complications with anesthesia during any future procedures. In some cases, you are more likely to have anesthesia issues if a close family member has had issues.

One serious reaction to anesthesia, malignant hyperthermia, is genetic and causes the patient to have a very high fever along with other issues when exposed to anesthesia. The skill of the anesthesia provider, like the skill of the surgeon, will also play a role in your level of risk.

It is also important to know that deaths during and immediately after surgery are usually a result of a reaction to anesthesia rather than an issue with the surgical procedure itself.

Given all these, Death from a rhinoplasty procedure is exceedingly rare. When it occurs, the cause is often due to an adverse reaction to anesthesia or postoperative medication or to an infection.                                                                   .
In other words, life threatening risks are rhinoplasty are very small, especially in the hands of competent professionals. Thus, make sure that your surgeon is board certified and your anesthesiologist is experienced enough.


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