Penile curvature surgery

Penile curvature surgery

Penile Curvature (Peyronie’s disease) Surgery in Iran

If you decide to have a Penile Curvature (Peyronie’s disease) Surgery in Iran, reading this article can improve your knowledge about cost of Penile Curvature Surgery in Iran to a great extent and help you to choose the best city and hospital to undergo Penile Curvature (Peyronie’s Disease) Surgery in Iran.

In this article we provide you with a comprehensive description of Penile Curvature and its causes in Iran, the cost of Penile Curvature Surgery in Iran and the best Iranian Penile Curvature surgeons (Urologists).

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Penile curvature in adults is divided into two main categories the first is congenital penile curvature (meaning men are born with it) with orthotopic meatus and the other is acquired curvature which its common causes are Peyronie’s disease (PD) and previous penile surgery as for hypospadias repair. The congenital penile curvatures (CPC) which not associated with urethral malformation is a relatively uncommon condition that may present in late adolescent or early adult life. The incidence is estimated to be 0.6 % but the incidence of clinically significant CPC is much lower, as the degree of curvature and sexual dysfunction varies widely Penile curvature may lead to inability for sexual intercourse. These cases require treatment.

Acquired penile curvature its most common cause is Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease is a fibrotic disorder of the tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa that is clinically defined by the presence of a palpable, inelastic tunical plaque. PD is relatively common and affects up to 20.3% of adult men to some degree.

General information about Penile Curvature (Peyronie’s disease) Surgery in Iran

The following table describes general information about Penile Curvature surgery in Iran including Penile Curvature Surgery cost in Iran, recovery time, and to name but a few.

General Information  
Cost $ 2200 – 3500
Anesthesia General
Hospital Stay 1 Day
Back to Work 1 Week
Duration of Operation 1-4 Hours
Minimum Stay in Iran 5-7 Days

About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best Penile Curvature Surgeons (Urologists) in Iran. The price of a Penile Curvature (Peyronie’s Disease) Surgery in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined based on photos, the type of surgery and an in-person assessment with the doctor. So if you are looking for the cost of Penile Curvature Surgery in Iran, you can contact us and get free consultation from Iranian surgery.

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What is Peyronie’s Disease?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition in which a man has difficulty getting or maintaining an erection. It can cause problems in the bedroom for men of all ages. One rare form of ED, called Peyronie’s disease, results in a bend in the penis that can make an erection painful.

Peyronie’s disease is a disorder in which scar tissue, called a plaque, forms in the penis—the male organ used for urination and sex. The plaque builds up inside the tissues of a thick, elastic membrane called the tunica albuginea. The most common area for the plaque is on the top or bottom of the penis. As the plaque builds up, the penis will curve or bend, which can cause painful erections. Curves in the penis can make sexual intercourse painful, difficult, or impossible. Peyronie’s disease begins with inflammation, or swelling, which can become a hard scar.

The plaque that develops in Peyronie’s disease is not the same plaque that can develop in a person’s arteries. The plaque seen in Peyronie’s disease is benign, or noncancerous, and is not a tumor. Peyronie’s disease is not contagious or caused by any known transmittable disease.

Before Penile Curvature (Peyronie’s Disease) Surgery

What causes Peyronie’s disease?

Medical experts do not know the exact cause of Peyronie’s disease. Many believe that Peyronie’s disease may be the result of

. Acute injury to the penis

. Chronic, or repeated, injury to the penis

. Autoimmune disease—a disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks the body’s own cells and organs

Injury to the Penis

Medical experts believe that hitting or bending the penis may injure the tissues inside. A man may injure the penis during sex, athletic activity, or an accident. Injury ruptures blood vessels, which leads to bleeding and swelling inside the layers of the tunica albuginea. Swelling inside the penis will block blood flow through the layers of tissue inside the penis. When the blood can’t flow normally, clots can form and trap immune system cells.

As the injury heals, the immune system cells may release substances that lead to the formation of too much scar tissue. The scar tissue builds up and forms a plaque inside the penis. The plaque reduces the elasticity of tissues and flexibility of the penis during erection, leading to curvature. The plaque may further harden because of calcification––the process in which calcium builds up in body tissue.

Autoimmune Disease

Some medical experts believe that Peyronie’s disease may be part of an autoimmune disease. Normally, the immune system is the body’s way of protecting itself from infection by identifying and destroying bacteria, viruses, and other potentially harmful foreign substances.

Men who have autoimmune diseases may develop Peyronie’s disease when the immune system attacks cells in the penis. This can lead to inflammation in the penis and can cause scarring. Medical experts do not know what causes autoimmune diseases. Some of the autoimmune diseases associated with Peyronie’s disease affect connective tissues. Connective tissue is specialized tissue that supports, joins, or separates different types of tissues and organs of the body.

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Symptoms of Peyronie’s disease

What are the signs and symptoms of Peyronie’s disease?

The signs and symptoms of Peyronie’s disease may include:

. Hard lumps on one or more sides of the penis

. Pain during sexual intercourse or during an erection

. A curve in the penis either with or without an erection

. Narrowing or shortening of the penis

. ED

Symptoms of Peyronie’s disease range from mild to severe. Symptoms may develop slowly or appear quickly. In many cases, the pain decreases over time, although the curve in the penis may remain. In milder cases, symptoms may go away without causing a permanent curve.

Risks and Complications

Risk factors

Minor injury to the penis doesn’t always lead to Peyronie’s disease. However, various factors can contribute to poor wound healing and scar tissue buildup that might play a role in Peyronie’s disease. These include:

. Heredity. If a family member has Peyronie’s disease, you have an increased risk of the condition.

. Connective tissue disorders. Men who have certain connective tissue disorders appear to have an increased risk of developing Peyronie’s disease. For example, a number of men who have Peyronie’s disease also have a cordlike thickening across the palm that causes the fingers to pull inward (Dupuytren’s contracture).

. Age. Peyronie’s disease can occur in men of any age, but the prevalence of the condition increases with age, especially for men in their 50s and 60s. Curvature in younger men is less often due to Peyronie’s disease and is more commonly called congenital penile curvature. A small amount of curvature in younger men is normal and not concerning.

. Other factors — including certain health conditions, smoking and some types of prostate surgery — might be linked to Peyronie’s disease.


Complications of Peyronie’s disease might include:

. Inability to have sexual intercourse

. Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction)

. Anxiety or stress about sexual abilities or the appearance of your penis

.  Stress on your relationship with your sexual partner

. Difficulty fathering a child, because intercourse is difficult or impossible

Who is more likely to develop Peyronie’s disease?

The following factors may increase a man’s chance of developing Peyronie’s disease:

. Vigorous sexual or nonsexual activities that cause microscopic injury to the penis

. Certain connective tissue and autoimmune disorders

. A family history of Peyronie’s disease

. Aging

How common is Peyronie’s disease?

Researchers estimate that Peyronie’s disease may affect 1 to 23 percent of men between 40 and 70 years of age.1 However, the actual occurrence of Peyronie’s disease may be higher due to men’s embarrassment and health care providers’ limited reporting.1 The disease is rare in young men, although it has been reported in men in their 30s.1 The chance of developing Peyronie’s disease increases with age.

How is Peyronie’s disease diagnosed?

. An urologist diagnoses Peyronie’s disease based on

. A medical and family history

. A physical exam

. Imaging tests

How to distinguish congenital curvature and Peyronie’s Disease?

Both Peyronie’s Disease and congenital penile curvature can be found in adolescents and young adults and therefore the age of onset is not a good criterion to distinguish between the two conditions. However, in patients with congenital penile curvature there is no palpable lump, which is instead indicative of Peyronie’s Disease.  Also, while most congenital curvatures are ventral, in most patients with Peyronie’s Disease the penis bends upward. Waist deformities are also absent in patients with congenital curvature, which tend to be more gentle and harmonic than the one of patients with Peyronie’s Disease.

While erectile dysfunction is a common finding in patients with Peyronie’s Disease, most patients with congenital penile curvature have adequate erections, as there is no association between cardiovascular risk factors and congenital penile curvature. To render the situation more confusing, some of the patients with congenital penile curvature may eventually develop Peyronie’s Disease later in life and therefore both conditions may coexist.

During Penile Curvature (Peyronie’s Disease) Surgery

Stages of Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s disease is often split into 2 stages: the acute phase and the chronic phase. During both phases, the bent/curved penis may cause problems with sex. You also may have ED.

. Acute Phase: The acute phase lasts for 6 to 18 months. During this time, the plaques form in the penis, the bending/curving of the penis gets worse, and you may feel pain when your penis gets hard.

. Chronic Phase: The chronic phase is when the plaque stops growing and the penis doesn’t bend any further. If there was pain with erection during the acute phase, it often will have ended by this time.


How is Peyronie’s disease treated?

An urologist may treat Peyronie’s disease with nonsurgical treatments or surgery.

The goal of treatment is to reduce pain and restore and maintain the ability to have intercourse. Men with small plaques, minimal penile curvature, no pain, and satisfactory sexual function may not need treatment until symptoms get worse. Peyronie’s disease often resolves on its own without treatment.

An urologist may recommend changes in a man’s lifestyle to reduce the risk of ED associated with Peyronie’s disease.

Nonsurgical Treatments

Nonsurgical treatments include medications and medical therapies.

Medications. An urologist may prescribe medications aimed at decreasing a man’s penile curvature, plaque size, and inflammation. A man may take prescribed medications to treat Peyronie’s disease orally––by mouth––or an urologist may inject medications directly into the plaque. Verapamil is one type of topical medication that a man may apply to the skin over the plaque.

Oral medications. Oral medications may include

. Vitamin E

. Potassium para-aminobenzoate (Potaba)

. Tamoxifen

. Colchicine

. Acetyl-L-carnitine

. Pentoxifylline

Injections. Medications injected directly into plaques may include

. Verapamil

. Interferon alpha 2b

. Steroids

. Collagenase (Xiaflex)

To date, collagenase is the first and only medication specifically approved for Peyronie’s disease.

Medical therapies. An urologist may use medical therapies to break up scar tissue and decrease plaque size and curvature. Therapies to break up scar tissue may include

. High-intensity, focused ultrasound directed at the plaque

. Radiation therapy––high-energy rays, such as x-rays, aimed at the plaque

. Shockwave therapy––focused, low-intensity electroshock waves directed at the plaque.

An urologist may use iontophoresis––painless, low-level electric current that delivers medications through the skin over the plaque––to decrease plaque size and curvature.

An urologist may use mechanical traction and vacuum devices aimed at stretching or bending the penis to reduce curvature.


An urologist may recommend surgery to remove plaque or help straighten the penis during an erection. Medical experts recommend surgery for long-term cases when

. Symptoms have not improved

. Erections, intercourse, or both are painful

. The curve or bend in the penis does not allow the man to have sexual intercourse

Some men may develop complications after surgery, and sometimes surgery does not correct the effects of Peyronie’s disease––such as shortening of the penis. Some surgical methods can cause shortening of the penis. Medical experts suggest waiting 1 year or more from the onset of symptoms before having surgery because the course of Peyronie’s disease is different in each man.

An urologist may recommend the following surgeries:

. Grafting. An urologist will cut or remove the plaque and attach a patch of skin, a vein, or material made from animal organs in its place. This procedure may straighten the penis and restore some lost length from Peyronie’s disease. However, some men may experience numbness of the penis and ED after the procedure.

. Plication. An urologist will remove or pinch a piece of the tunica albuginea from the side of the penis opposite the plaque, which helps to straighten the penis. This procedure is less likely to cause numbness or ED. Plication cannot restore length or girth of the penis and may cause shortening of the penis.

. Device implantation. An urologist implants a device into the penis that can cause an erection and help straighten it during an erection. Penile implants may be considered if a man has both Peyronie’s disease and ED. In some cases, an implant alone will straighten the penis adequately. If the implant alone does not straighten the penis, an urologist may combine implantation with one of the other two surgeries. Once a man has an implant, he must use the device to have an erection.

An urologist performs these surgeries in a hospital.

After Penile Curvature (Peyronie’s Disease) Surgery


A light pressure dressing is often left on the penis for 24 to 48 hours after surgery to stop bleeding and hold the repair in place. During surgery, a tube (catheter) will have been placed through the end of the penis into the bladder, and this may still be in place when you wake up. The tube is often removed in the recovery room.

Most patients leave the hospital the same day after surgery or the next morning. You may be given antibiotics to take for a few days to lower the risk of infection and help keep swelling down, as well as pain meds. You shouldn’t have sex for at least 6 weeks after surgery, or longer in cases of complex repairs.

Penile Curvature Surgeons

How can I find the best Urologists in Iran?

It is important that you seek the assistance of experienced and skilled Urologists in Iran who have provided a suitable condition for people with limited budgets to undergo Penile Curvature Surgery in Iran easily. It is worth explaining that the quality provided by Iranian surgeons is far higher than other countries including Turkey and India.

Hospitals in Iran

Tehran hospitals                                                                        

  1. Moheb Kosar Hospital
  2. Imam Khomeini Hospital
  3. Ebnesina Hospital
  4. Parsian Hospital
  5. Pasteurno Hospital
  6. Kasra Hospital
  7. Treata Hospital

Shiraz hospitals

  1. Mirhoseini Hospital
  2. Ordibehesht Hospital
  3. Mir Hospital
  4. MRI hospital
  5. Dena Hospital
  6. Abualisina Hospital
  7. Ghadir Mother and Child Hospital

Mashhad hospitals

  1. Imam Reza Hospital
  2. Mehregan Hospital
  3. Hashemi Nezhad Hospital
  4. Farabi Hospital
  5. Mehr Hospital
  6. Sina Hospital
  7. Bentolhoda Hospital

Penile Curvature (Peyronie’s Disease) Surgery cost in Iran

There are many factors that determine the overall Penile Curvature Surgery cost, including:

  1. The surgeon’s skill: The most skilled and best urologists are in high demand.
  2. The type of surgery: Complicated procedures take longer time and therefore their cost is more.
  3. Geographical location: the cost of Penile Curvature Surgery is varied according to geographical location.

The cost of Penile Curvature (Peyronie’s disease) Surgery in Iran is between $ 2200-3500.


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