ICSI success rate after embryo transfer

Does ICSI affect embryo quality? What are the chances of pregnancy after embryo transfer? What is the success rate of day 5 embryo transfer?

As in the present study, a high ongoing pregnancy rate (38.5%) was achieved after one embryo transfers. The investigators achieved a very high pregnancy rate (74%) when transferring two embryos accompanied by a high twin rate (30%).

Success rates will be influenced by many factors, some of which are listed below. We can however, estimate your chance of success based on your age and fertility history. The age of the female partner is perhaps the single most important factor affecting a couple’s chances of success with IVF. The probability of having a child declines after age 35 and falls significantly beyond 41, while miscarriage rates increase with age.


Is ICSI more successful than IVF?

Implantation rates were higher in the IVF group (15.11%) compared to ICSI (7.75%). Both ISCI and IVF fertilize an egg to create an embryo. In IVF the female eggs are placed in a dish with thousands of sperm where the sperm will hopefully fertilise the egg. ICSI is where fertilisation of the egg occurs by an embryologist injecting a single sperm into the centre of an egg. It takes a few days after IVF or ICSI to know if embryos have developed and can be used.


When IVF was first developed, research came out that IVF was not successful for couples when the male had low sperm count. That’s when the ICSI procedure was developed.

ICSI is a common treatment that is used to help conceive a baby, however research suggests that if the male has a high sperm count, ICSI is not required.

ICSI is associated with increased cost and risk of injury to the egg.

Before starting fertility treatment, ensure a detailed semen analysis is performed by an accredited laboratory.


Does ICSI affect embryo quality?

There appears to be no difference in the overall embryo quality achieved with ICSI embryos when compared to non-ICSI embryos. Similarly, no difference in pregnancy rates has been shown between ICSI embryos and non-ICSI embryos. ICSI using testicular sperm has been found to produce lower fertilization and pregnancy rates than normal ejaculated spermatozoa. Finally, fertilization, embryo development, blastocyst formation, pregnancy and implantation rates after ICSI are significantly lower in NOA patients in comparison to OA patients.

Overall, use of ICSI did not improve reproductive outcomes, regardless of whether male factor infertility was present. This may be due to poorer quality embryos resulting from cycles where ICSI was used because the procedure bypasses natural barriers to fertilization.


What are the chances of pregnancy after embryo transfer?

The chances of getting pregnant after blastocyst transfer are very high. Compared to embryo transfer at an early development stage (day 2 or 3) the odds are increased by around 7%. In women up to the age of 30, the chance of success is between 45 and 50 percent, and for women aged 30-39 it is between 35 and 40 percent. However, blastocyst culture does not provide the same advantages for all women. Those with a low egg count and quality may indeed benefit from a day-3 transfer, in which the embryos are inserted in the mother’s uterus at an earlier stage. It therefore goes without saying that our reproductive medicine specialists will work together with you to determine the best transfer method for you as part of a ‘personalised, individual medical approach’, thus striving for the best possible chance of success for you.


What is the success rate of day 5 embryo transfer?

Overall, 86.4% of embryos were at the six- to eight-cell stage at 72 h and 30% developed to blastocyst by day 5. The transfer of two blastocysts at day 5 was more favorable than two embryos at day 3 in a cohort of 164 infertile women aged <37 years in a randomized controlled trial.

Read more about : Is ICSI more successful than IVF?

Read more about : 2 embryo transfer success rate

Read more about : IUI vs. IVF

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