Cranioplasty surgery

Cranioplasty surgery

Cranioplasty Surgery

What is a Cranioplasty?

Cranioplasty is the surgical repair of a bone defect in the skull resulting from a previous operation or injury. There are different kinds of cranioplasties, but most involve lifting the scalp and restoring the contour of the skull with the original skull piece or a custom contoured graft made from material such as:

. Titanium (plate or mesh).

. Synthetic bone substitute (in liquid form).

. Solid biomaterial (prefabricated customized implant to match the exact contour and shape of the skull).

Conventional cranioplasty methods, which have been used by neurosurgeons for more than 100 years, involve peeling back all five layers of the scalp to place the bone remnant or custom implant into the proper cranial location. For the pericranial-onlay cranioplasty, a newer technique, the surgeon gently pulls back only the three uppermost layers of the scalp and inserts the bone or implant in between the bottom layers of the scalp protecting the brain. This type of cranioplasty procedure is safer and less invasive.


Plan your Cranioplasty surgery in Iran with the Best surgeon.
Iranian Surgery is a medical tourism company in Iran that cooperates with the best surgeon, specialists and hospitals in Iran and offers world-class treatments at an affordable cost.

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About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best neurosurgeons in Iran. The price of a Cranioplasty Surgery in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined based on photos and an in-person assessment with the doctor.

For more information about the cost of Cranioplasty Surgery in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.

Before Cranioplasty Surgery

Why it’s done

Cranioplasty might be performed for any of the following reasons:

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. Protection: In certain places, a cranial defect can leave the brain vulnerable to damage.

. Function: Cranioplasty may improve neurological function for some patients. In some instances, a customized cranial implant is designed ahead of time to help the surgeon obtain an ideal shape and outcome, as well as to house embedded neuro technologies.

. Aesthetics: A noticeable skull defect can affect a patient’s appearance and confidence.

. Headaches: Cranioplasty can reduce headaches due to previous surgery or injury.

Before cranioplasty

Let your doctor know if you:

. Have any health problems, including blood-clotting conditions.

. Take blood thinners such as warfarin, aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs.

. Have allergies to any medications or other substances.

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As in the case of any surgery, you should discuss the risks with your surgeon, including (but not limited to) the following:

. Infection (which may need to be treated with antibiotics).

. Postoperative blood clot requiring drainage.

. Stroke.

. Seizure.

. Clot in the legs (which rarely can travel to the lungs).

. Complication not related directly to the surgery:

. Pneumonia.

. Heart attack.

. Urinary infection.

During Cranioplasty Surgery

What happens during a cranioplasty?

In the operating room, you are given a general anesthetic. Once you are asleep, the team positions you so the surgeons have optimal access to the bone defect. The area of the incision is then shaved and prepared with antiseptic, and you are protected by drapes that leave only the surgical area exposed.

You will get a local anesthetic, then the surgeon will carefully cut the skin of your scalp and gently separate it into layers, thereby protecting the dura, which covers the brain. The team cleans the edges of surrounding bone and prepares the surface so the bone or implant can be positioned properly in the defect, after which it is secured to the cranial bones with screws, plates or both.

With the bone or implant in place, bleeding is controlled, the team moves the scalp back to its original position and closes the incision with nylon suture. You may also have a small suction drain left in place to help remove any excess fluid. The drain will be removed in a few days.

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After Cranioplasty Surgery


You will wake up in recovery, and after about an hour you will be transferred to the neurosurgical floor or to the NCCU (neurosurgical intensive care unit). Your nursing staff will continually monitor you for any signs of a complication, and measure your pulse, blood pressure, limb strength and level of alertness. During the first night in the hospital, you will be awakened for these observations.

Operations on the head do not often hurt much, but you may have a headache and will have pain relief pills and injections to ensure you’re comfortable. You may still have a urinary catheter in place from the operation.

In the next day or so, your nurse will remove the IV drip in your arm, and you will be encouraged to walk. Gradually, you will be able to move about normally. Your head bandage will be removed on the second day after surgery.

Most cranioplasty patients spend two to three days in the hospital after surgery. When your care team determines you can get around, shower and dress yourself, you will get a repeat CT scan of your head. If the surgical site looks okay, you will be released and can go home.

What happens when I leave the hospital?

It may take some time before you feel completely back to normal.

. You will be tired.

. It is common to require a rest in the afternoon.

. You may have intermittent headaches.

. You will schedule appointments for one week and three to four weeks after surgery to have your sutures removed.

. Depending on how quickly you recover from any preoperative disability, you may require rehabilitation.

You can expect to be on activity restrictions for a period of six to 12 weeks. Early in your recovery, you will be limited to activities such as carrying weight, driving and exercise. As you attend follow-up appointments and your doctor assesses your recovery, he or she will gradually ease your activity restrictions.

Because there are different types of cranioplasty used to treat various conditions, you will need to speak with your personal doctor about what to expect regarding symptom relief. Some patients will experience immediate relief from any symptoms that necessitated treatment, though this is a very personal process and will be most accurately assessed by your own doctor.

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Contact your surgery team immediately if you notice:

. Increasing headache.

. Fever.

. Seizures.

. Swelling or infection in the wound.

. Fluid leaking from the wound.

Important: do not drive until your doctor says you are ready. You will be assessed a week or two after your surgery to determine if it’s ok for you to drive.

How long does cranioplasty surgery take?

Time of the surgical procedure With respect to the time of surgical procedure, most patients were operated between 61–120 minutes (69.49%, n = 164) followed by between 121–180 minutes 23.73% (n = 56), with a mean operative time of 119.51 minutes

Is a Cranioplasty brain surgery?

Cranioplasty is a surgical procedure performed to restore a defect on the cranial vault after a previous decompressive craniectomy made for traumatic brain injury, ischemic or hemorrhagic disease, or even after the removal of cranial tumors.

Is Cranioplasty necessary?

Cranioplasty is required for protecting the brain exposed through the skull defect brain, and also for cosmetic purposes. … The optimal timing for performing a cranioplasty seems to play an important role not only in avoiding procedure-associated complications, but also in the neurological outcome of these patients

Do they replace skull after brain surgery?

If part of the skull bone is removed and not replaced right away, it is called craniectomy. This is done if swelling is likely after brain surgery or if the skull bone flap can’t be replaced for other reasons. After a few weeks to months, you may have a follow-up surgery called a cranioplasty.

Is Cranioplasty dangerous?

Cranioplasty Risks The most common risks associated with a cranioplasty include infection, blood clot formation, seizures and stroke. Choosing an experienced surgeon who has performed this procedure many times can lessen the chance of developing a complication after undergoing a cranioplasty.

Does hair grow back after craniotomy?

After the operation, your hair will grow back where it has been shaved. Once the wound on your head has healed, and your stitches or clips have been removed, you can wash your hair and use hair products as usual. You can also dye or treat your hair once the wound has healed.

Is a craniotomy a serious surgery?

A craniotomy is the surgical removal of part of the bone from the skull to expose the brain. Specialized tools are used to remove the section of bone called the bone flap. The bone flap is temporarily removed, then replaced after the brain surgery has been done.

How do they put the skull back after brain surgery?

Craniotomy is a surgery to cut a bony opening in the skull. A section of the skull, called a bone flap, is removed to access the brain underneath. A craniotomy may be small or large depending on the problem. … The bone flap is usually replaced at the end of the procedure with tiny plates and screws.

Can the skull heal?

Most skull fractures aren’t too painful, and the skull will heal itself in a majority of these instances. … Surgery is more often a required course of treatment for depressed skull fractures if the depression is severe enough. This is because depressed skull fractures have a harder time healing on their own

Does the skull heal after surgery?

Your Recovery A craniotomy is surgery to open your skull to fix a problem in your brain. … It can take 4 to 8 weeks to recover from surgery. Your cuts (incisions) may be sore for about 5 days after surgery. You may also have numbness and shooting pains near your wound, or swelling and bruising around your eyes.
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2 Responses

  1. Hi there, I would like to know more about cranioplasty in iran. I have a flat head from the top which makes my face look back. I would like to make it more round shape. I have search and I found out that in turkey and Korea they use bone cement to reshape the skull. Wondering if your doctors will do such a surgery.

    1. Hello
      Thank you for contacting Iranian Surgery

      We do offer the cranioplasty surgery. In order to see weather this procedure is suitable for your case and to receive free consultation, people lease send a CT scan to our client consultantion team an WhatsApp number 00989019290946


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