What Is the Best Age for an Egg Donor?

What Is the Best Age for an Egg Donor?

What Is the Best Age for an Egg Donor? Egg donation is the process of a woman willingly giving eggs to help another have a baby. Donation is critical for women with a long history of miscarriages, those unable to produce eggs, or same-sex couples. The donor will need to take hormone medication to stimulate […]

Can You Donate Eggs If You Have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

Can You Donate Eggs If You Have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

Can You Donate Eggs If You Have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the major causes of female infertility. Almost 40% of women suffer from polycystic ovaries (PCO) to some degree. Women with PCO may not have problems with conceiving, but due to their ovaries having fewer follicles they have more […]

Egg Donation Over Age 30

Egg Donation Over Age 30

Egg Donation Over Age 30 Women who want to donate eggs often wonder — what is the maximum age at which a woman can become an egg donor? Can any woman in the reproductive age donate? Read on to find the answers to these questions about egg donation in San Diego. The Process of Egg […]

Can Egg Donation Cause Infertility?

Can Egg Donation Cause Infertility?

Can Egg Donation Cause Infertility? Here you will read an egg donor’s story of becoming infertile after donating eggs, and what experts say needs to be done to prevent this from happening to other women. An Egg Donor’s Story I was 24 years old when I donated my eggs. The first time was in June […]

When Did Egg Donation Begin?

When Did Egg Donation Begin?

When Did Egg Donation Begin? The history of egg donation began in 1983 when Australia reported the first known successful pregnancy using donated eggs. That same year, the United States completed its first successful egg donation transfer in Southern California, resulting in a healthy birth on February 3rd, 1984. Egg donation gradually became a common […]

After Egg Retrieval Period

After Egg Retrieval Period

After Egg Retrieval Period Period after Egg Retrieval After egg retrieval, your body faces hormonal changes; as a result, your first or second period after egg retrieval may be missed or delayed, which is quite normal. In most cases, people have their first period 10 to 14 days after egg retrieval, but having the second […]

After Egg Retrieval Pain

After Egg Retrieval Pain

After Egg Retrieval Pain In our experience, patients are usually able to manage any pain after the retrieval with a prescription strength pain medication the evening of the retrieval and over the counter pain medications for the next day or two. Typically, patients say that recovery wasn’t as bad as they thought. If you experience […]

After Egg Retrieval Intercourse

After Egg Retrieval Intercourse

How long after egg retrieval can you have intercourse? Can you have intercourse after egg retrieval? Why can’t you have intercourse after egg retrieval? Sex after egg retrieval For patients undergoing fertility treatment, especially after procedures such as egg retrieval or embryo transfer. The frequently asked question of couples is the problem of having sex […]

After Egg Retrieval What to Eat?

After Egg Retrieval What to Eat

What should women eat after Egg Retrieval? What to eat after egg collection? What to Do After Egg Retrieval? + What to Avoid? If you just did your egg retrieval, great job! That is no small feat. Your work is done, so it’s time to leave the rest up to the embryology lab at your […]

After Egg Retrieval Bloating

After Egg Retrieval Bloating

After Egg Retrieval Bloating Some discomfort such as bloating or cramps is common after egg retrieval. Your doctor will let you know what pain medications are best to use after the egg retrieval procedure. Weight gain is also normal for some women and is usually caused by water retention or extra fluid in the ovaries. […]

Before Donor Egg Transfer

Before Donor Egg Transfer

Before Donor Egg Transfer Using donor eggs for your IVF treatment isn’t just a case of undergoing an embryo transfer. IVF with donor eggs is a carefully planned process, in particular for the recipient, so that your body is ready to receive the created embryo to maximize the chances of successful implantation. Here’s how we […]



Amenorrhea What is Amenorrhea? Amenorrhea is when you don’t get your monthly period. It can be temporary or permanent. Amenorrhea can result from a change in function or a problem with some part of the female reproductive system. There are times when you’re not supposed to get your period, such as before puberty, during pregnancy […]

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes What is Gestational Diabetes? Gestational diabetes is diabetes diagnosed for the first time during pregnancy (gestation). Like other types of diabetes, gestational diabetes affects how your cells use sugar (glucose). Gestational diabetes causes high blood sugar that can affect your pregnancy and your baby’s health. While any pregnancy complication is concerning, there’s good […]

Placenta Previa

Placenta Previa

Placenta Previa What is Placenta Previa? Placenta previa occurs when the placenta covers the opening of the cervix during the last months of pregnancy. This condition can cause severe bleeding before or during labor. The placenta develops in a pregnant person’s uterus during pregnancy. This sac-like organ provides the developing baby with food and oxygen. […]

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)? Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a condition that develops in a fetus (developing baby) when a pregnant person drinks alcohol during pregnancy. A syndrome is a group of symptoms that happen together as the result of a particular disease or abnormal condition. When someone has fetal […]

After Your Egg Retrieval

After Your Egg Retrieval

After Your Egg Retrieval If you’re considering in vitro fertilization or egg freezing you may wonder what to expect after egg retrieval. Perhaps there’s a medical reason your doctor is suggesting fertility preservation, IVF or even embryo cryopreservation. Having your eggs retrieved may feel overwhelming, especially if you don’t know what to anticipate, how you’ll […]

How Does Egg Freezing Work?

How Does Egg Freezing Work?

How Does Egg Freezing Work? People with ovaries are increasingly spending their 20s and 30s moving up the career ladder or achieving financial stability — and postponing having kids until later in life. But biology hasn’t quite caught up: Even as we put off children, fertility continues to decline as we age. Though egg freezing […]

Preterm Labor

Preterm Labor

Preterm Labor What is Preterm Labor? Preterm labor occurs when regular contractions result in the opening of your cervix after week 20 and before week 37 of pregnancy. Preterm labor can result in premature birth. The earlier premature birth happens, the greater the health risks for your baby. Many premature babies (preemies) need special care […]

HELLP Syndrome

HELLP Syndrome

HELLP Syndrome What is HELLP Syndrome? HELLP syndrome is a pregnancy complication. It is a type of preeclampsia. It usually occurs during the third trimester of pregnancy. But it also can develop in the first week after childbirth (postpartum preeclampsia). The name HELLP syndrome stands for: . H: Hemolysis, breaking down of red blood cells […]

Incompetent Cervix

Incompetent Cervix

Incompetent Cervix What is Incompetent Cervix? In the female reproductive system, the cervix is the lower end of the uterus. The cervix is the part of the uterus which opens into the vagina. Before pregnancy, the cervix is normally firm and closed. During pregnancy, the cervix softens, shortens and dilates (opens) so you can give […]

Placental Abruption

Placental Abruption

Placental Abruption What is a Placental Abruption? Placental abruption is a complication of pregnancy that happens when the placenta separates from your uterus before your baby is born. The placenta is a temporary organ that connects a growing baby to your uterus during pregnancy. It attaches to the wall of your uterus, usually on the […]

DNA Fragmentation Index

DNA Fragmentation Index

DNA Fragmentation Index Sperm DNA fragmentation can lead to male-factor infertility, IVF failure, and miscarriage. But what exactly is sperm DNA fragmentation, and how does it affect fertility? Sperm DNA fragmentation can be caused by a variety of factors, including illness, injury, lifestyle choices. This metric can be detected with a sperm DNA fragmentation test […]

Can Sperm with DNA Fragmentation Fertilize an Egg?

Can Sperm with DNA Fragmentation Fertilize an Egg?

Can Sperm with DNA Fragmentation Fertilize an Egg? Sperm DNA fragmentation refers to a change or deletion of bases, or a break or separation in one or both strands of DNA contained within sperm. This damage can occur at several different points in the sperm’s life cycle: while it’s being produced within the testicles by […]

Sperm DNA Fragmentation Test Procedure

Sperm DNA Fragmentation Test Procedure

Sperm DNA Fragmentation Test Procedure DNA is the hereditary material in humans and other organisms and consists of two long chains—DNA strands—that are coiled around each other, each made of sugars and phosphate. The information in DNA is stored as a code made up of four types of molecules called bases, which are attached to […]

What Is Sperm DNA Fragmentation?

What Is Sperm DNA Fragmentation?

What Is Sperm DNA Fragmentation? When looking into male infertility, standard tests look at the number, mobility and shape of sperm. However, the most cutting-edge techniques now show that, even when these tests are normal, the quality of DNA held within sperm may explain problems with male fertility. In fact, up to 80% of men […]

Birth Control Options

Birth Control Options

Birth Control Options What is Birth Control? Birth control is a way for men and women to prevent pregnancy. There are many different methods of birth control. By learning more about the options, you can decide which method is right for you and your partner. If you are sexually active and don’t want a baby, […]

Male Reproductive System

Male Reproductive System

Male Reproductive System What’s the Male Reproductive System? The male reproductive system includes a group of organs that make up a man’s reproductive and urinary system. These organs do the following jobs within your body: . They produce, maintain and transport sperm (the male reproductive cells) and semen (the protective fluid around sperm). . They […]

How Long Do Frozen Eggs Last Fertility?

How Long Do Frozen Eggs Last Fertility?

How Long Do Frozen Eggs Last Fertility? Many women choose egg freezing because they know they want to become mothers someday, but they aren’t certain what the future holds. Life is full of uncertainty, which is why many women ask us, “How long can frozen eggs be stored?” The answer from Iranian Surgery fertility experts […]

Egg Freezing Age Limit

Egg Freezing Age Limit

Egg Freezing Age Limit Egg freezing or oocyte cryopreservation is becoming more and more accepted among women. Oocyte preservation was once considered a complex process. With the availability of medical support and technology, egg freezing is now accessible. Today, tens of thousands of eggs are banked for future use. As a rule of thumb, the […]

Does Freezing Your Eggs Make It Harder to Get Pregnant?

Does Freezing Your Eggs Make It Harder to Get Pregnant?

Does Freezing Your Eggs Make It Harder to Get Pregnant? Will freezing your eggs impact your chance of getting pregnant naturally down the road? The short answer: no, because egg freezing makes use of eggs that would otherwise have been lost in a process known as “atresia.” During a normal menstrual cycle, only one egg […]