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January 20, 2019
Before and after liposuction

How long after lipo can i drink alcohol?

Can i drink alcohol after bbl? When can i drink alcohol after liposuction?Can I drink alcohol after fat transfer bbl?Does alcohol affect healing after liposuction surgery? […]
January 20, 2019
Liposuction Surgery

During Liposuction Surgery

What is the process of liposuction? How fast can I get liposuction? What should I do before liposuction? How painful is liposuction recovery? How is a […]
January 20, 2019
Best hair transplant method

Best hair transplant method

January 20, 2019
Hair transplant growth stages

Hair transplant growth stages

The cycle of Hair Growth after Hair Transplant Surgery . Day 0: the day of the surgery is counted as day 0. Day 1-5: .The first […]
January 20, 2019
Hair transplant cost in Iran

Hair transplant cost in Iran

Hair Transplant Price in Iran The highest hair transplant cost in Iran 2023 is $ 1300 (including 5000 Grafts Hair Transplant ,doctor’s fee, 2 days stay […]
January 20, 2019
Rhinoplasty surgery

After Rhinoplasty

Laughing after rhinoplasty While it’s great you are in such high spirits during the post-op phase of plastic surgery, something which can be emotionally and physically […]
January 20, 2019
الكركم وتخفيف الوزن

Turmeric and weight loss

The curse Turmeric , bright orange yellow spices that add color to the curry, also provides many health benefits. The essential antioxidant in spices, curcumin, is an anti-inflammatory […]
January 20, 2019
وزن زائد


Broader oceans, smaller brains? NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Obese people tend to show shrinkage in their brain tissue in middle age – especially if extra […]
January 20, 2019
استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي لتشخيص مرض العين السكري

Saving sight

Use artificial intelligence to diagnose diabetes eye disease The researchers used artificial intelligence to support immediate diagnosis of one of the most important causes of blindness, […]