Vaser liposuction pros and cons

Vaser liposuction advantage

Vaser liposuction advantage

Vaser liposuction surgery pros and cons

One of the major benefits of vaser liposuction compared to traditional liposuction methods, is the minimal amount of damage to surrounding tissues. Vaser liposuction uses a smaller incision and soundwaves to liquefy the fat before it is removed from the body. Liquefying the fat has the potential to increase the accuracy of the procedure and make the fat easier to remove. In addition to that, it could also minimize the damage inflicted upon surrounding tissues.

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About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery website is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best liposuction Surgeons in Iran. The price of a liposuction in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined based on photos and an in-person assessment with the doctor. So if you are looking for liposuction cost in Iran, you can contact us and get free consultation from Iranian surgery.

Another benefits of vaser liposuction include:

  • Vaser liposuction uses an ultrasound energy to dislodge fat cells from a solid to a liquid form; this is different than smartly which uses a laser technology to literally drill and liquify fat cells.
  • more critical difference is the ability of Vaser liposuction to protect the fat from damage
  • the use of fat to fill for example the buttocks alone is one of the most popular procedures requested today.

Read more about Lipomatic vs vaser Liposuction

What is the difference between liposuction and Vaser Liposuction?

VASER liposuction is a procedure that uses ultrasound energy to remove fat cells from certain parts of the body. VASER liposuction uses the emulsification process to assist in removing fat cells from the body. … VASER liposuction produces visible results, while at the same time being a minimally invasive procedure.

Read more about Lipomatic side effects

Is Vaser Lipo better than Smartlipo?

Tissue selectivity is more precise with vaser lipo than with smart lipo. The ultrasound energy employed in vaser lipo specifically targets only fatty tissues in the treatment area. Therefore, skin, nerves, and blood vessels undergo minimal damage, resulting in little blood loss while removing fatty deposits.

How long does Vaser Lipo last?

Most people report soreness around the VASER treatment area for 2-5 days

What can I expect after Vaser Lipo?

Patience is key with vaser liposuction. Although the downtime is minimum, the time it takes to see your full results can sometimes take up to 3 months to be fully visible. This is why it is so important to take care during this recovery period to ensure you are doing all you can to achieve the best results

How much weight can I lose with Vaser Lipo?

Vaser Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure and instead designed to contour and shape the body and remove stubborn areas of fat. The amount of fat removed varies between procedures but no more than 4% of your body weight (about 3 litres) can be removed.

Does Vaser liposuction tighten skin?

If they don’t maintain a healthy lifestyle after their liposuction procedure, they will not get the desired results. Vaser liposuction will not help you lose weight or keep it off. … tighten loose skin following natural weight loss

Is Vaser liposuction painful?

Does the procedure hurt? VASER Lipo is carried out under local anaesthetic, so you’ll feel no pain during the treatment

What is the difference between Vaser Lipo and liposuction?

In contrast to the traditional method, Vaser lipo uses a probe that transmits ultrasound energy that breaks up the fat in a gentle manner. … The surrounding tissues remain intact because Vaser doesn’t require the cannula to break down the fat, whose movement in traditional liposuction can cause trauma to the tissues

How does Vaser Lipo work?

VASER Liposuction procedure uses ultrasound energy to break up and emulsify fat, leaving surrounding tissue – such as nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue – relatively intact. … The cosmetic surgeon uses Vaser ultrasonic probes, inserted into the fatty tissue to gently break the fat cells down

Does Vaser Lipo leave scars?

Scars after a vaser lipo procedure are normal, due to it being an invasive procedure. However, the scar will be made negligible if you follow pre and post-operative instructions as handed down by your surgeon. … Immediately after surgery, the scars around the liposuction area will appear red and irritated

Does Vaser Lipo get rid of cellulite?

Vaser Liposuction can improve the appearance of cellulite however it is not a treatment for cellulite so this cannot be guaranteed.
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