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Cycling after knee arthroscopy

Knee Arthroscopy Recovery

What to expect after Knee Arthroscopy?

You’ll need to rest until the effects of the anaesthetic have worn off. It may take several hours before the feeling comes back into your knee. Take care not to bump or knock it.

You may notice some discomfort as the anaesthetic wears off and also some swelling. This is a normal response to surgery. You’ll be offered pain relief as you need it.

You’ll usually be able to go home when you feel ready. Make sure someone can take you home. Ask someone to stay with you for a day or so while the anaesthetic wears off.

You may not be able to put weight on your leg for up to a week after your surgery, so you may need some help to stand or walk. Your hospital may give you crutches or a walking frame to take home. Your surgeon or nurse will give you advice on how to use these, and for how long.

A physiotherapist may give you some exercises to do. These will help you to move your knee and stop it getting stiff. Keep doing these exercises when you get home, as they’ll help you recover more quickly.

Your nurse will give you some advice about caring for your healing wounds before you go home. You’ll usually have two to four cuts around your kneecap. These will be covered with a waterproof dressing. Your wounds will be closed with stitches or skin glue. How long it takes for dissolvable stitches to disappear depends on which type you have. If you have non-dissolvable stitches, these are usually removed by the practice nurse at your GP surgery a week or two after your surgery.

You may be asked to wear a compression stocking while you recover. This will improve blood flow in your leg and reduce your chances of getting a blood clot (deep vein thrombosis, DVT).

You may be given a date for a follow-up appointment. This will usually be six weeks after your surgery.

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Recovering from knee arthroscopy

Everyone recovers from knee arthroscopy differently. How long it takes you to recover will depend on lots of things, including whether you had any treatment during your knee surgery. It takes most people two to six weeks to recovery completely. You may feel more tired than usual, so don’t do too much too soon. Ask your friends, family and neighbours to help you with practical tasks, such as food shopping or lifting heavy items.

After knee joint surgery, your knee is likely to feel sore and swollen. Try keeping your leg up and applying a cold compress, such as ice or a bag of frozen peas. This may help to reduce swelling and bruising. Don’t put ice directly onto your skin as it can damage it; wrap it in a towel first.

After the first 48 hours, you may be able to take the dressing off and uncover your cuts. You may be able to get them wet around this time too. Your surgeon or nurse will tell you exactly when you can have a bath or shower.

If you need pain relief, you can take over-the-counter painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Always read the patient information that comes with your medicine. If you’re worried about anything, or have any questions, ask your pharmacist for advice.

A general anaesthetic can affect you in many ways. You may find you’re not so coordinated or that it’s difficult to think clearly. This should pass within 24 hours. In the meantime, don’t drive, drink alcohol, operate machinery or sign anything important. Always follow your surgeon’s advice.

You may be able to walk around almost straight after your surgery. But this will depend on why you had surgery and the type of surgery you had. Some surgeons recommend a week or two of rest, followed by gentle exercise and then sports later on.

After around two to three weeks, you may be able to do some more strenuous activities. Stick to walking, swimming, gentle cycling and light exercise, as long as you’re comfortable. If you’re swimming, you may find breaststroke difficult. Avoid impact sports for at least six weeks, and always check with your surgeon first. You may not be able to do some sports for the first six months. Surgeons often have a post-surgery exercise plan that you can follow.

You may feel ready to drive again by around the third week after keyhole knee surgery, but follow your surgeon’s advice. It’s important to let your insurance company know about your arthroscopy. Some companies have strict policies and won’t insure a driver until several weeks after their surgery.

Getting back to work or your daily routine may help you recover more quickly. But how much time you need to take off work after your knee surgery will depend on your job. If you work in an office, you may be able to go back to work within a week or two. If your job involves heavy physical work, you may need to take up to six weeks off. Your surgeon and employer should be able to advise you.

You should avoid travelling by air for at least four to six days after your surgery. If you want to travel, you may have to delay your trip because of the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT). This will depend on whether you have any other risk factors for DVT (such as your age) and the length of your flight. After having knee surgery under a general anaesthetic, your risk of DVT is much higher than if you hadn’t had surgery.

Always tell your surgeon if you’re planning to fly and follow their advice. It’s worth contacting the airlines to check their own policies.

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About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best orthopedic Surgeons and hospitals in Iran. The price of a Knee arthroscopy procedure in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined based on photos and an in-person assessment with the doctor. So if you are looking for the cost of Knee arthroscopy procedure in Iran, you can contact us and get free consultation from Iranian surgery.

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Before and after knee arthroscopy surgery, exercises can help. Working with a physical therapist to strengthen the muscles around the knee may help the knee to fully recover.

Doctors may also teach a person some simple stretches and exercises to do at home.

Exercises are a crucial part of treatment. They are needed to restore the knee’s full strength and range of motion.

The choice of exercises will depend on the extent of the problem and a person’s overall condition. It is essential to speak with a doctor or physical therapist before trying exercises at home.


Cycling is a low-impact exercise. Low-impact exercises place minimal stress on the joints of your lower extremities — including your knees. Your surgeon or physical therapist will advise you on when it is safe to begin cycling. In fact, your physical therapist may even use an indoor cycling bike as part of your physical therapy appointments.

On average, you should be able to return to cycling four to six weeks following your surgery. This time frame largely depends on the type of arthroscopic surgery you had. For instance, you are likely to have a longer recovery period — six to nine months — if you had an ACL reconstruction as opposed to having inflamed tissue removed from your knee, which requires four to six weeks’ recovery. Your surgeon will provide you with exact instructions on when you can begin cycling.

Cycling Mechanics

When beginning to cycle, you should start at 10 minutes per day and slowly add time until you are cycling for 20 minutes each day. You should position the seat so that your knee is almost fully extended while cycling. Start with the bike set on a low resistance and work your way up to heavier resistances. If you are unable to make complete cycles with your knee, start with half cycles and slowly work your way to the point where you are able to make full use of the bicycle.

Cycling Warnings

Slight discomfort when participating in cycling after knee arthroscopy is normal. You should not be experiencing pain while cycling following surgery. If you experience pain, discontinue cycling and contact your surgeon’s office. If you continue to cycle through your pain, you may cause damage to your knee.

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Driving is usually possible after you can do an emergency stop, which may take only a few days or longer. However, it may take several weeks before your driving is back to normal, as your leg muscles will be a bit weaker and slower for a while after arthroscopic surgery. If your knee is swollen after arthroscopy your thigh muscles will be inhibited and more difficult to rebuild until the swelling goes down.

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  1. Soraya Saad says:

    Im like a bike junky cant even think of not doing it a day… but there ws this unfortunate thing that happened and it had nothing to do with cycling. they have to go check my knee joints through arthroscopy. Any way can you tell me when I will be able to get back on my bbike? I cant find my dr she is probbly taking some time of and out of Algeria so Im looking online.

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      Hello, you have reached Iranian Surgery. We are happy to give you the information that you have asked for. First, your orthopedist may recommend this approach if you have arthritis, joint injury, or troubles over time. You could have joint aches after the procedure. Your doctor could prescribe painkillers. She may also recommend aspirin or other drugs to prevent blood clots. Your physical therapist will tell you your timeframe for recovery. Actually, cycling might even be part of your workout regimen on your highway to healing. When compared to other surgical procedures knee arthroscopy is very easy. Which for you means you can get back on your bike sooner. It’s expected to feel some distress following knee arthroscopy, however, when cycling after knee arthroscopy you should feel no pain whatsoever. However, the moment you do, we advise that you stop instantly and consult your Dr.

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      Hello, you have reached Iranian Surgery. We are happy to give you the information that you have asked for. First, your orthopedist may recommend this approach if you have arthritis, joint injury, or troubles over time. You could have joint aches after the procedure. Your doctor could prescribe painkillers. She may also recommend aspirin or other drugs to prevent blood clots. Your physical therapist will tell you your timeframe for recovery. Actually, cycling might even be part of your workout regimen on your highway to healing. When compared to other surgical procedures knee arthroscopy is very easy. Which for you means you can get back on your bike sooner. It’s expected to feel some distress following knee arthroscopy, however, when cycling after knee arthroscopy you should feel no pain whatsoever. However, the moment you do, we advise that you stop instantly and consult your Dr.
      Read more about : Knee arthroscop complication

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