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How to burst a bartholin cyst at home?

How to burst a bartholin cyst at home

How to Pop a Bartholin Cyst Yourself?

Bartholin Cyst Home Treatment

. Soaking in a few inches of warm water — either in a tub or sitz bath — four times a day for a few days may resolve even an infected Bartholin cyst.

. Taking over-the-counter painkillers, such as naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn), acetaminophen (Tylenol), or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), may help with discomfort.

When to see your doctor

Make an appointment to see your doctor about a painful lump in your vagina if:

. The vaginal pain is severe.

. You have a fever higher than 100℉.

. Three days of home care — such as soaking — does not improve the condition.

. You are over 40 years old or postmenopausal. In this case, your doctor might recommend a biopsy to check on the possibility, although rare, of cancer.

Your doctor might refer you to a gynecologist.

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Bartholin cyst medical treatment

Your doctor may suggest you start with home treatment. If your cyst is infected, however, they may recommend:

. A small incision followed by up to six weeks of drainage, possibly with a catheter

. Antibiotics to fight bacteria

. Surgical removal of the gland, in rare cases

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  1. Mary says:

    I have it and it comes on my ovulation day and I’m in need of a baby what can I do?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      Hello dear Mary, you should know that pregnancy will not disrupt by Bartholins cysts and bursting bartholin cysts does not cause any problems in pregnancy. for more information please send me a message on WhatsApp to provide you with more information. This is my WhatsApp number +989019290946. Thank you

  2. Naomi R Carney says:

    i have one and stafted to have really bad pain when walking, sitting or when trying to get up off the bed or couch. This is day three for my 2nd one this yr it’s draining slowly but am trying to will it to pop on it’s own. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to just use a sterile needle to get it to pop? I have been soaking in spitz baths 2xs a day since Sunday. I have started yesterday to apply a mixture of acv and tea tree oil after i use the restroom, then today I started applying witch hazel as well and have been having alot of throbbing where the cyst is and a bit of draining today.

    • Maya says:

      I had a cyst that was slightly infected, and I tried to puncture it with a sterilized needle, but it made it worse- the bacteria that was previously more contained was ‘set free’ and the infection got far worse. I went to the doctor, and she put me on antibiotics right away, plus told me to take sitz baths every 3 hours. The antibiotics started working in less than a day.
      Based on the pain you’re having, it sounds like antibiotics would make sense. If those don’t work, the next step is surgically draining.

  3. Priya says:

    I just recovered from one . Used sitz bath twice a day and antibiotics, painkillers also it took 3 days to rupture on its own and that gave a huge relief instantly ☺️ . (It was painful like hell in those 3 days )but sitz bath makes it easier !

  4. Rox says:

    I have a reoccurring cyst. I can see it not infected and I doubt that it was from an std as the first time it happened it was right after having my twins .and now I have not been sexually active for over a year. What else can cause it. N could it be that my doctor closed the opening after the first time. It is small thank God but I know it’s there . how can I drain it n avoid it getting infected. Your response would be very appreciated . thank you.

    • Amber says:

      I get them around 1 or 2 times a year, always after sex when there wasn’t enough lubrication, (one of my ducts don’t work correctly) probably why… but I think it’s the friction against the duct that blocks mine. Hope this helps

  5. Kahiga says:

    Hey. I have one and its painful today its day 3 and am taking painkillers n antibiotics but it hasn’t ruptured. What can I do?

  6. Kiara says:

    I have a pea sized cyst and I’m on my period. It is filled with a fluid and is a little sensitive when I touch it. It’s been 4 days. I have not done anything yet. What should I do?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      hello . It needs to be diagnosed by sono. the age of paitient and other history required.

  7. JulieAnn says:

    Mine just formed today. I did put a warm wash cloth where it is. And I’m about to take medicine. What should I do next?

  8. Shivi says:

    Hi, I have one just saw it now it’s not painfully. What should I do?

  9. Kyng says:

    I have had one consistent one for 5 years and one the appears and disappears for at least 7. I’m 27 years of age. No pain

  10. Margie says:

    I have one right next to my vagina it hurts a little and when I walk it just came up with out me noticing out of no where , I have not had sex in a long time ,I’m in my 60’s , can taking a warm bath help me ? I hope it can brust at home with warm water , it’s embrarsssing to tell my daughter ,hope u can help me plz .

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      Hello, we hope you are better already
      . You need to get an online consultation or make an appointment and talk with ،Gynecologist and Get professional medical opinion.If you need me to arrange an online appointment you can pm this number on what’s app

  11. Christine says:

    I have had a cyst on my labia for 3 days, I’m m taking Motrin and I was using a heating pad down there to speed up the healing process. It ruptured today but stings so much any time I use the washroom, is there anything I can do to make this heal quicker?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      hello You may need care in the hospital if you have severe symptoms from a ruptured cyst. You may be given IV (intravenous) pain medicines through a needle inserted into your vein. You may need to have fluids or blood replaced due to internal bleeding. In rare cases, a ruptured ovarian cyst may need surgery.

  12. Nana says:

    Hi I also got one now for 6 years after my child’s birth its not painful at all but it’s uncomfortable especially if with your clothes you where mine was drained but come out again and now the syct is here for about 5 months and I am tired of going to doctors sygery and I dont want it to be remove because I did see videos how they do it looks to painfull

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      hello you need to go to your doctor and have it checked out but here are some methods you can manage it a bit without surgery
      seek immediate medical attention.
      OTC pain killers.
      Heat therapy.
      Epsom salt bath.
      Dong quai supplements.
      Chamomile tea.
      Ginger tea

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