Orchiectomy surgery for prostate cancer

Orchiectomy surgery for prostate cancer

Orchiectomy What is an orchiectomy? An orchiectomy surgery is done to remove one or both of your testicles. It’s commonly performed to treat or prevent prostate cancer from spreading. An orchiectomy may be used to treat some cases of: . Testicular and/or prostate cancer. . Male breast cancer. . Cancer prevention in men with an […]

Peyronie’s disease Natural Treatment

Natural penile curvature

Peyronie’s Disease Treatment Many men have cured their Peyronie’s disease through the alternative medical approach of specific nutritional supplements, self-massage and topical treatments. These are the most common and effective natural treatments proven to reverse Peyronie’s disease and return the shape of the penis to normal: . Castor oil: To treat Peyronie’s disease naturally apply […]

Leg lengthening surgery Scar

Leg lengthening surgery risks

Does leg lengthening surgery leave scars? Does limb lengthening surgery leave scars? Is leg lengthening surgery safe? Limb lengthening surgery side effects Like many surgeries, limb lengthening and reconstruction can come with a range of possible complications. These include: . Infection . Rapid or delayed bone healing . Muscle and joint stiffness . Damaged fixator […]

The keys to a have successful IUI

The keys to a have successful IUI

How to Improve IUI Success Rates? Fertility treatments aren’t 100% successful, there are several factors that can help increase IUI success rate. Here are some helpful IUI success tips that couples can use. . Avoid Anxiety & Stress- When it comes to fertility, stress and anxiety have a huge impact. Although it is normal for […]

IUI vs IVF success rates over 40

IUI vs IVF success rates over 40

Does IUI work over 40? Is 42 too old for IVF? Can I get pregnant at 42 with IUI? How successful is IUI at 41? IUI IUI is a simple office procedure that places sperm, collected from the partner and processed in the laboratory, into the uterine cavity. The “washing” of sperm in the lab […]



Women with PCOS Have Higher Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) Success Rates Compared to Women with Other Causes of Infertility. … Women who have ovulatory dysfunction, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), have the best chances of success with IUI compared to infertility resulting from other causes.  PCOS is the most common ovulatory disorder affecting one in 10 women. For women […]

Which is More Painful IUI or IVF?

iui vs ivf

Which is More Painful, IUI or IVF? The level of pain experienced during IVF and IUI can vary greatly from one person to another, and it is important to understand that pain perception is subjective. Both procedures involve some discomfort, but the amount of pain is influenced by various factors, including the specific technique used, […]

IUI Success Rate Calculator

IUI and IVF success rates

IUI Success Rates If you’re considering intrauterine insemination (IUI) as a fertility treatment, it’s likely you’re quite curious about IUI success rates. IUI, also known as artificial insemination, circumvents the vagina and cervix to drop concentrated sperm right into the uterus where it’s closer to the egg. But how likely is this “head start” to […]

After IUI Day by Day

IUI success symptoms

What Happens Day by Day after IUI (Signs of Success and Failure)   What Happens After IUI Day by Day? First 20 Days: Day-by-Day Report of IUI Treatment . Day 1: Blood Test, Semen Analysis . Day 2: IUI Procedure . Day 3: Some women may experience spotting . Day 6: Implantation Day . Day […]

IUI Success Rate By Age

IUI success rate by age

How can I increase my chances of successful IUI? Does IUI work on the first try? How successful is IUI? IUI success rates by age Age affects fertility and age affects IUI success rates. As with most fertility procedures, IUI success is higher for younger women. Here are the chances of pregnancy after one IUI cycle, […]

IUI procedure step by step

IUI procedure step by step

What is the process for IUI step by step? Before IUI procedure During the IUI procedure? After the IUI procedure How do you do IUI for the first time? How long does IUI take from start to finish? When should I start IUI treatment? What is the success rate of IUI? What is the best […]

IUI pregnancy

IUI pregnancy

IUI pregnancy Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a simple procedure that puts sperm directly inside your uterus, which helps healthy sperm get closer to your egg. How does IUI work? IUI stands for in intrauterine insemination. It’s also sometimes called donor insemination, alternative insemination, or artificial insemination. IUI works by putting sperm cells directly into your […]

IUI injectables vs IVF success rates

IUI injectables vs IVF

How many times do you do IUI before IVF? Why do IUI instead of IVF? Do you have to try IUI before IVF? IVF advantages IUI advantages How can I increase my chances of successful IUI? IUI vs IVF success rates over 40 IUI success rate IUI injectables vs IVF success rates Clomid plus IUI has about […]

IUI and IVF side effects

IUI and IVF side effects

IUI Side Effects Side Effects of Intrauterine Insemination All medical procedures usually have some side effects or the other. Intrauterine insemination can also have certain side effects though most of the side effects are known to be minor. Read more about : 2nd iui success rate Read more about : IVF in Iran In some cases, the […]

How to improve iui success rates?

How to improve iui success rates

How to improve IUI success rates Does success rate increase each IUI? Is IUI more successful second time? How many attempts are successful for IUI? How do I make my second IUI successful? How successful is IUI? Who is a good candidate for IUI? How to improve IUI success rates Avoid Excessive Stress and Anxiety. […]

Ectopic pregnancy approach

ectopic pregnancy approach

what is ectopic pregnancy? Ectopic pregnancy is a high-risk condition that occurs in 1.9 percent of reported pregnancies. The condition is the leading cause of pregnancy-related death in the first trimester. If a woman of reproductive age presents with abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, syncope, or hypotension, the physician should perform a pregnancy test. If the […]

Congenital penile curvature treatment

Congenital penile curvature treatment

Penile Traction Therapy What is Penile Traction Therapy? Penile traction therapy is a type of physical therapy that can be used to treat a curved or shrunken penis that happens due to Peyronie’s disease, which causes a curved or shortened erection. This can make it painful or difficult to have sexual intercourse. In recent years, […]

Posterior colpotomy procedure

Posterior colpotomy procedure'

Posterior colpotomy procedure Overview The colpotomy method of tubal ligation was once the preferred female sterilization technique. But now, doctors usually use laparoscopy or laparotomy since these abdominal tubal ligation procedures do not have as many risks as a colpotomy. The Procedure A colpotomy is a type of incision that can be used during a vaginal sterilization […]

Colpotomy procedure steps

Colpotomy procedure steps

Colpotomy A colpotomy, also known as a vaginotomy, is a procedure by which an incision is made in the vagina. This procedure is performed either to visualize pelvic structures or to perform surgery on the fallopian tubes or ovaries. Role Of Colpotomy in Gynecologic Surgery Several gynecologic surgery protocols require a colpotomy as part of […]

cervical fracture symptoms

cervical fracture symptoms

Diagnosing Fractures in the Neck Can a neck fracture heal on its own? Can you have a neck fracture and not know it? Cervical Fracture Treatment How do you sleep with a broken neck? How serious is a neck fracture? Cervical Fracture Symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of a cervical fracture? Pain, tenderness, […]

Cervical fracture dislocation

Cervical fracture dislocation

What is cervical spine fracture? Symptoms of cervical Spine Dislocation: What are the levels of the cervical spine? What vertebral body is most commonly injured in cervical spine fractures? Preventing Neck Fractures Cervical Spine Dislocations treatment How long does a cervical fracture take to heal? Can a c2 fracture heal? What is cervical spine fracture? […]

Penile Curvature Repair

Penile Curvature Repair

Penile Torsion What is Penile Torsion? Penile torsion is a fairly common congenital (present from birth) condition that can affect any male infant. It occurs more commonly than previously thought, even perhaps up to about 1 in 80 newborn males. It can range from mild to severe. It is most likely to be seen in […]

Anterior colpotomy procedure

Anterior colpotomy procedure

Anterior colpotomy procedure Vaginal hysterectomy by an anterior colpotomy technic. Gallup DG, Welham RT. Abstract A simple, relatively unknown technic of vaginal hysterectomy using the anterior colpotomy approach is presented. Experience with this procedure at a small Naval hospital is described. Morbidity occurred in 6.6% of the patients. The advantages of this method of vaginal hysterectomy […]

2nd IuI Success Rate

2nd IuI Success Rate

What are the chances of getting pregnant with IUI? IUI treatment success rate depends on many factors, including the cause of infertility and the quality of sperm and eggs, and age. Also, keep in mind that the success rate of a cycle of IUI is often low, which makes it necessary for most couples to […]

Penile Curvature Deformity

Penile Curvature Deformity

What is congenital penile curvature? Congenital penile curvature, also known as “chordee,” is a condition that’s present at a boy’s birth. Parents may notice curvature early in their baby’s life during diapering and dressing. Some boys don’t discover the problem until after they have gone through puberty and noticed the curvature themselves. The curvature is […]

Can i bend down after embryo transfer?

can i bend down after embryo transfer?

Can you bend down after embryo transfer? Here is the short answer: There is no evidence that bending over after an embryo transfer will harm the implantation process or the pregnancy outcome. That said, it is best to avoid strenuous activity that includes a lot of bending for the first few days after the procedure. […]

What is the difference between ICSI and IVF?

what is the difference between ICSI and IVF

IVF  Vs. ICSI In-vitro fertilization, or IVF, has been used as a catch-all for all assisted reproduction treatments, but it’s actually a unique procedure aimed to help women with structural obstacles to fertility (for instance, damaged Fallopian tubes) or other fertility problems, like low egg counts; it may also be recommended for mild cases of male fertility […]

What happens when two embryos are transferred?

What happens when two embryos are transferred

Does transferring two embryos increase chance of pregnancy? Transferring two embryos, when one embryo is poorer quality than the other, may lead to both embryos failing. 2 Embryo Transfer is Best because There has been a big push in the country to transfer only one embryo, mainly to avoid the risks of twins. So, if a patient has four embryos, the recommendation would be […]