Rhinoplasty For Snoring

Did you know that one of the many individual benefits of every rhinoplasty procedure we perform at Iranian Surgery could be the elimination of snoring? Our specialists’ goal is to not only meet, but also to exceed, your expectations. We will evaluate your goals for rhinoplasty and set realistic goals for how we can achieve the most cosmetically and functionally pleasing results.

If you are considering a nose job to help you stop snoring, our experts at Iranian Surgery recommend that you consider the answers to these five questions before proceeding with any rhinoplasty decisions.

How Much Is Snoring Affecting My Everyday Life?

Snoring is an affliction that is not always taken seriously due to its nature and prevalence. According to the National Sleep Foundation, snoring affects nearly 90 million Americans and tends to worsen with age. While it usually bothers men more than women, it can be a common sleep disruptor for both genders. How? As a result of sharing the same room, or bed, as those who snore, many partners will experience poor sleep and decreased daytime functioning. If you do not currently have a partner or someone who can alert you of your current sleeping and breathing patterns, but still feel like snoring could be the cause of your daytime drowsiness, consult with your doctor about the availability of sleep studies or other ways to diagnose your ailment.

What Causes Snoring?

Because of the nature of snoring and how common it is, snoring is an affliction that is not always taken seriously. In fact, according to the National Sleep Foundation, snoring affects nearly 90 million Americans and tends to get progressively worse as you age. While it does typically trouble more men than women, it can be a prevalent disruptor of sleep for both genders. How? Many partners of those who snore will also experience poor sleep and decreased daytime functioning as a result of sharing the same room, or bed, with those who snore. If you do not currently have a partner or someone who can alert you of your current sleeping and breathing patterns, but still feel like snoring could be the cause of your daytime drowsiness, consult with your doctor about the availability of sleep studies or other ways to diagnose your ailment. Always consult with a specialist first about the reasons why you’re undergoing any cosmetic procedure, but especially if you want to fix snoring with rhinoplasty.

How Can Rhinoplasty Help My Snoring?

In the case of snoring, and especially with more minor cases of a deviated septum, functional rhinoplasty can help your snoring issues with a simple adjustment of the nasal pathway to help you breathe easier at night. However, this is no longer considered rhinoplasty in the medical field. The procedure is often referred to as septoplasty, as the septum will be reconstructed through a series of shavings involving bone or cartilage that may be obstructing your breathing and, thus, causing disruptive snoring. The rhinoplasty will readjust the structure of the nose and airway, ultimately, helping you to breathe easier for a better night’s sleep.

Can I Have a Functional Rhinoplasty if I’m Considering a Nose Job?

In some of the more minor cases of persistent snoring, it is even encouraged. If you’re experiencing incessant snoring problems, a minimally invasive procedure, such as rhinoplasty, often can help resolve your nose issues both medically and cosmetically. Oftentimes, insurance will even cover it if you can prove the procedure was a benefit to your health. The truth is, snoring disrupts everyday functioning and correcting it can only help you live an even healthier life.

How Will I Know If Rhinoplasty Will Help My Snoring?

Whether your snoring is caused by a deviated septum, an overly large turbinate, or something more obvious, such as a broken nose, rhinoplasty can usually help on some level. After discussing the severity of your snoring problem with your doctor, you can schedule an appointment with one of our experts to discuss the available nose surgery solutions that may be right for you. Even the simplest nose job can sometimes correct the most complex snoring issues.

About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best doctors and plastic surgeons in Iran. The price of Rhinoplasty in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined by an in-person assessment with the doctor.

For more information about the cost of Rhinoplasty in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.


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