Kidney Cancer Survival Rate
Statistics show that from 2008– 2014, people with a kidney cancer diagnosis had the following chances of surviving at least another 5 years.
. Localized: 93%
. Regional: 69%
. Distant: 12%
. Overall, for all stages: 75%
79.2% of males survive kidney cancer for at least one year. This falls to 62.9% surviving for five years or more, as shown by age-standardized net survival for patients diagnosed with kidney cancer during 2013-2017. Survival for females at one year is 79.6% and falls to 65.4% surviving for at least five years. Survival for females is similar to than for males at one year, and higher than for at five years.
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It is worth noting that:
Many people survived longer than 5 years.
Medical advances mean that since experts gathered these statistics, the chance of survival is likely to have risen.
The risk will vary between individuals, and a range of factors can affect it.
However, the sooner a person has a diagnosis and starts treatment, the better the outlook is likely to be.
Some people with kidney cancer will have complete remission. However, this is not always possible.
The Kidney Cancer Association suggests the following tips for living with kidney cancer during and after treatment:
. Follow a healthful diet and maintain a suitable weight, as these can improve overall health.
. Avoid using any supplements or alternative therapies without first discussing it with a doctor, as some of these may cause serious harm to the body.
. Quit smoking, if applicable. Smoking is a risk factor for kidney cancer.
. Exercise to reduce stress levels, boost overall health, and enhance recovery after treatment.