Eye bag removal surgery

eye bag removal surgery in Iran

What Causes Bags Under the Eyes?

How eye bag removal surgery will be done?

Before eye bag removal surgery 

During the eye bag removal surgery

After care of eye bag removal surgery

Bags under the eyes occur when weakened and sagging skin relaxes, forming a pouch. The fat pads located under the eyes slip down to fill the space.

Excess fluid in the body can also pool there, making the lower lids look even puffier and more swollen. Shadows and discolored skin under the eyes cause eye bags to look more prominent.

Unattractive, under-eye bags are primarily a cosmetic issue and usually are harmless. But sometimes they can be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

Most bags under the eyes are more noticeable in the morning, when fluid has had all night to settle in.

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What Causes Bags Under the Eyes?

As we grow older, tissues around the eye gradually weaken and sag. This loss of skin tone allows fat to shift forward into the lower eyelids, making them look puffy and swollen. Fluid can also pool in this area and contribute to the puffy appearance.

Shadows may also appear under the eyes. They may be cast by swollen; puffy eyelids due to aging.

Other factors can contribute to under-eye bags, including:

  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Allergies
  • Retaining fluid (often after waking up, or after eating salty food)
  • Inheriting this condition (it can run in families)

While having bags or shadows under your eyes may not look especially attractive, it is usually harmless. However, if swelling of the eye area is painful, itchy, red or does not go away, see your ophthalmologist.

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What are eye bag Symptoms of eye bag?

Bags under eyes can include:

  • Mild swelling
  • Saggy or loose skin
  • Dark circles

How eye bag removal surgery will be done?

Bags under eyes are usually a cosmetic concern and don’t require specific treatment. Home and lifestyle treatments may help reduce or eliminate puffy eyes.

Medical and surgical treatments are available if you’re concerned about the appearance of under-eye swelling. Treatment may not be covered by medical insurance if it’s done solely to improve your appearance.

  • Medications

If you think the swelling under your eyes is caused by an allergy, ask your doctor about prescription allergy medications.

  • Therapies

Various wrinkle treatments are used to improve the appearance of puffiness under the eyes. These include laser resurfacing, chemical peels and fillers, which may improve skin tone, tighten the skin and rejuvenate the look of bags under the eyes.

  • Eyelid surgery

Depending on what’s causing bags under the eyes, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) may be a treatment option. During blepharoplasty (BLEF-uh-roe-plas-tee), the surgeon removes excess fat through an incision in the natural crease of the upper eyelid or inside the lower lid. He or she then rejoins the skin with tiny dissolving stitches. The procedure is usually done as an outpatient procedure.

In addition to correcting bags under eyes, blepharoplasty can also repair :

  • Baggy or puffy upper eyelids
  • Excess skin of the upper eyelid that interferes with your vision
  • Droopy lower eyelids, which may cause white to show below the iris — the colored part of the eye
  • Excess skin on lower eyelids

Talk with your doctor about the side effects of eyelid surgery — dry eyes, watery eyes, pain, swelling, bruising and blurred vision. Rare complications include visual loss, bleeding, infection, injury to eye muscles, corneal abrasion and drooping of an eyelid.

Read more about : Blepharoplasty complications

Before eye bag removal surgery 

To get ready for a blepharoplasty, your doctor will first need to do a medical and visual exam after discussing your options and expectations.

A full medical history and a physical exam are usually required before any surgical procedure. Your surgeon will also do a thorough eye exam and take detailed measurements. Photos of your eyes will be taken at many different angles to plan the surgery.

Your doctor will discuss pre-op information with you. They may ask you to stop taking certain medications that can thin out your blood, such as warfarin, aspirin, and naproxen. If you smoke, you will need to stop a few weeks before surgery, as it can inhibit healing.

On the day before your surgery, eat a lighter dinner and then refrain from eating or drinking anything for 12 hours before the surgery. Take any prescribed medications that your doctor clears you to take.

Plan to have someone drive you to and from the procedure and set aside time to heal. You may wish to take up to a week off work to recover.

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During the eye bag removal surgery

When performing an upper blepharoplasty procedure, the surgeon will normally excise a narrow crescent

shaped portion of skin and underlying tissue from the middle of the upper lid, leaving a microscopic incision, which will follow the natural crease line of the upper lid.

A lower blepharoplasty procedure involves the surgical removal or relocation of fat just below the surface of the skin, or the removal of loose skin. This procedure is performed through an incision, normally just below the lower lash line.

Younger patients may only need fat removing from beneath the lower eye area. Such fatty deposits can be hereditary and can be removed from the inside of the lower lid, thus completely avoiding any external excisions. This advanced procedure is known as a transconjunctival blepharoplasty.

These procedures can be performed singularly or in combination and can be performed under both local and general anaesthetic. The type of anaesthetic will often dictate how long a patient is expected to stay in hospital to recover. A procedure performed under local anaesthetic will commonly be performed as a day case and a procedure performed under general anaesthetic will commonly involve an overnight stay in hospital. Under normal conditions a blepharoplasty procedure can take from one to one and a half hours to perform.

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After care of eye bag removal surgery

  • After the surgery, the surgeon uses an ointment to reduce dryness and lubricate the area. This may cause temporary blurring.
  • In the week following the surgery, the patient should rest with his head in an elevated position and use cold compresses and ice packs on the treated areas. This after care measure is known to reduce swelling.
  • Keep your incisions clean by gently washing them. Inspect regularly for any signs of infection during the stages of healing.
  • Swelling and bruising disappears in around 10 days.
  • Avoid any activities like watching television, reading etc. that may dry up your eyes.
  • Do not indulge in any heavy physical activities like working out, bending, lifting etc., in the one month after the surgery. It may cause increased blood flow to the eyes.
  • Consult with your surgeon about the various details of recuperation, like the duration and your recovery status.
  • Avoid direct exposure to the sun and use dark sunglasses in the weeks that follow the surgery and in all recovery stages.

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How long does it take to recover from eye bag removal surgery?

The procedure may be performed under local or general anesthesia. Side effects include bruising, bleeding, and soreness. Most people take 10 to 14 days to recover before returning to work.

Is eye bag surgery painful?

You may temporarily experience Pain or discomfort, for about a week, avoid aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others), naproxen sodium (Aleve, others), naproxen (Naprosyn), and other medications or herbal supplements that may increase bleeding. If needed, use acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) to control pain.

Is eye bag removal permanent?

Eye Bags can be treated to remove the wrinkled, tired, or sleepy look on your face. If you are undergoing incisions to treat the eye bags, the results are permanent. However, chemical fillers as an eyebag removal treatment, only last for about 12-18 months. After this period, your eye bags resume their natural look.

Who is a good candidate for blepharoplasty?

The best candidates for an eye lift are people who are in good health and who have a realistic idea of what they want. Most are 35 years or older, but if baggy eyelids or droopy eyelids run in your family, you may decide to have the surgery done sooner.

Eyelid surgery can improve your appearance and help build your confidence. However, it may not result in your ideal look or alter your facial structure. Before you decide to have surgery, think about your goals and discuss them with your surgeon.

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How long does eye bag removal last?

Upper eyelid surgery can last at least five to seven years. Lower eyelid surgery rarely needs to be repeated. Of course, your eyes will still age after the procedure.

Can you get eye bag removal on NHS?

This surgery can be carried out on the NHS if the excess skin is affecting your vision. It cannot be done on the NHS if it is solely a cosmetic problem

What causes eye bags?

Bags under eyes — mild swelling or puffiness under the eyes — are common as you age. With aging, the tissues around your eyes, including some of the muscles supporting your eyelids, weaken. Normal fat that helps support the eyes can then move into the lower eyelids, causing the lids to appear puffy

Can eye bags be removed?

Depending on what’s causing bags under the eyes, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) may be a treatment option. During blepharoplasty (BLEF-uh-roe-plas-tee), the surgeon removes excess fat through an incision in the natural crease of the upper eyelid or inside the lower lid. … Baggy or puffy upper eyelids

Can eye bags return after blepharoplasty?

Is it possible for eye bags to return after lower eyelid surgery? … A blepharoplasty can have long lasting results, but it is not a permanent solution for under eye bags. During the lower eyelid surgery, excess fatty tissue is removed.

Is eye bag surgery safe?

Blepharoplasty as many other operations is an effective and safe operation. Generally the lower eyelid surgery is a bit more delicate than the upper as the issue can be the pull of the lower lid. Conservative approaches are usually best

Can botox get rid of eye bags?

Injecting Botox to treat bags or dark circles under the eyes is an off-label use in the U.S., and the FDA have not approved it. … These results suggest that Botox injections can make the lower eyelid appear fuller and plumper, helping to reduce wrinkles and bagginess

How can I tighten the skin under my eyes?

Cucumbers naturally tighten and firm under eye skin Cucumbers naturally tighten and firm your skin. The juice can also refresh your skin and tighten pores. Use this on puffy under eyes and fine lines around your eyes or anywhere on your face. Wash, peel, and grind half of a cucumber

Can surgery make my eyes bigger?

Typically, the result of surgery to make eyes bigger is a rested, refreshed, and younger appearance. however, the surgery to make eyes bigger is not a typical blepharoplasty, aka eyelid surgery. To achieve a larger look to the eyes, both horizontal and vertical adjustments (width and height) must be made to the eye

Is eyelid surgery painful?

After surgery, your eyelid may feel tight and sore. Your eye may be watery, dry, sticky, itchy, or sensitive to light. Your vision may be blurry for a few days. Your doctor will give you medicines to help with pain and discomfort.
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