Modified Duodenal Switch
Modified Duodenal Switch What Is Modified Duodenal Switch Surgery? Over the last few years, a less invasive version of the traditional duodenal switch (DS) has become an option for many patients. This is known as the Modified Duodenal Switch (ModDS). It is also sometimes referred to as SADS, SIPS, SADI, SADI-S, or Loop DS procedure. […]
Traditional Duodenal Switch Vs Modified
What Are the Differences Between SADI And DS? The Duodenal Switch (DS) is one of the most powerful tools that we have in modern weight loss surgery. It leads to significant weight loss and improvement in medical co-morbidities; however, many surgeons do not perform the DS because it is thought to have greater risks and […]
Modified Duodenal Switch Diet
Modified Duodenal Switch Diet Bariatric surgery is currently the most effective treatment for morbid obesity and related metabolic complications. But bariatric surgery is more than surgical intervention; it is a promise you make to yourself to see a fitter-healthier you. SIPS (Stomach Intestinal Pylorus Sparing) also known as Single Anastomosis Duodeno -ileal Bypass with Sleeve […]
Modified Duodenal Switch Pros and Cons
Modified Duodenal Switch Pros and Cons Over the last few years, the modified duodenal switch, single anastomosis duodenal switch or SADI-S a less invasive, modified version of the duodenal switch, has become an option. The ideal patient for a single anastomosis duodenal switch has more weight to lose, particularly patients with a BMI around or […]
Facial Implants for Asymmetry
Facial Implants for Asymmetry Facial asymmetry is a cosmetic condition in which both sides of the face don’t match. Asymmetry of the face can be caused by a variety of factors including genetics and injury. Whatever the causes, there are times when correcting facial asymmetry can have many benefits, such as: . enhanced aesthetic appearance […]
Facial Asymmetry Surgery
Facial Asymmetry Surgery Nothing in nature is perfectly symmetric. All faces have some degree of asymmetry. However, more pronounced asymmetry may become bothersome and, in severe cases, are indicative of an underlying syndrome. Facial asymmetry can result from congenital problems, trauma, or a prior surgery or treatment. In some cases, asymmetry may affect not only […]