Heart Transplant
How much does Heart transplant cost in Iran? What is a Heart Transplant? The cost of a Heart transplant in Iran is around $40,000, compared to its US cost of $1.4 million. A heart transplant is an operation in which a diseased, failing heart is replaced with a healthier donor heart. Heart transplant is a […]
Heart Bypass Surgery Recovery Time
After heart bypass surgery Foods to avoid after coronary bypass surgery How long are you in the hospital after bypass surgery? Can you live 20 years after bypass surgery? How long do you live after bypass surgery? How serious is a triple bypass surgery? How is bypass surgery done and how long does it take? […]
Heart Bypass Surgery Recovery
Heart bypass surgery recovery timeline What are the after effects of bypass surgery? How long will you live after bypass surgery? What is the difference between open heart surgery and bypass surgery? How do you take care of a patient after bypass surgery? Heart bypass surgery recovery Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery is a […]
Heart Bypass Surgery Procedure
What is the Heart bypass procedure? Before Heart bypass surgery During coronary artery bypass surgery After Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Pros and cons of heart bypass surgery Pros and cons of coronary bypass surgery What are the benefits of heart bypass surgery? What is the Heart bypass procedure? Doctors typically have a range of options […]
Heart arrhythmia death
Heart Arrhythmia Complications Complications Certain arrhythmias may increase your risk of developing conditions such as: . Stroke. Heart arrhythmias are associated with an increased risk of blood clots. If a clot breaks loose, it can travel from your heart to your brain. There it might block blood flow, causing a stroke. If you have a […]
Heart arrhythmia cure
How serious is a heart arrhythmia? Can an arrhythmia go away on its own? What is the best treatment for irregular heartbeat? What can trigger arrhythmia? Treatment Most arrhythmias are considered harmless and are left untreated. Once your doctor has documented that you have an arrhythmia, he or she will need to find out whether […]
Closed Heart Surgery Indications
Closed heart surgery indications In only 14 males were pliable and there- fore favorable valves for closed commissurotomy found at surgery. Calcified valves occurred in males of all ages but only above the age of 40 years in the female patients. Surgeons of pure mitral stenosis. Some advocate routine open-heart surgery for all cases, and others continue to […]
Closed Heart Surgery
Closed Heart Surgery What is closed Heart Surgery? When a patient has been diagnosed with a heart defect, surgery may be required to fix the problem. Closed heart surgery generally means that the patient will not need to be placed on a heart-lung bypass machine and the heart will not need to be opened up. […]
Cleft palate surgery complications
Cleft palate surgery complications The repair of a cleft lip and/or palate is important for your child’s development and quality of life. Your plastic surgeon will explain the benefits, goals and potential risks or complications. You will be asked to sign consent forms to ensure that you fully understand the procedure, the alternatives and the […]
Cleft palate surgery age
What is the ideal age for cleft palate surgery? The best age for cleft palate surgery is generally between 6 to 12 months. This timing is considered optimal for several reasons: Physical Development: At this age, babies are typically healthy enough for surgery, and their tissues heal well. Speech and Feeding: Early surgery helps improve […]