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What is HIFU treatment for face?

What is HIFU treatment for face?

HIFU Facial Treatment

What is a HIFU Facial?

A high intensity focused ultrasound facial, or HIFU facial for short, is a noninvasive treatment for facial aging. This procedure is part of a growing trend for anti-aging treatments that provide some of the benefits of a facelift without the need for surgery.

A HIFU facial uses ultrasound to create heat at a deep level in the skin. This heat damages targeted skin cells, causing the body to try to repair them. To do this, the body produces collagen to aid in cell regrowth. Collagen is a substance in the skin that gives it structure and elasticity.

The increase in collagen results in tighter, firmer skin with fewer wrinkles. Since the high-frequency ultrasound beams are focused on a specific tissue site below the skin’s surface, there’s no damage to the upper layers of the skin and adjacent issue.

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Before HIFU Facial Treatment

Why it’s done

According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, nonsurgical ultrasound treatments such as HIFU can:

. Tighten the skin on the neck

. Reduce the appearance of jowls

. Lift drooping eyelids or eyebrows

. Smooth wrinkles on the face

. Smooth and tighten chest skin

The type of ultrasound that this procedure uses is different than the ultrasound that doctors use for medical imaging. HIFU uses high energy waves to target specific areas of the body.

Specialists also use HIFU to treat tumors in much longer, more intense sessions that can last for up to 3 hours in an MRI scanner.

Who is not a good candidate for HIFU facial?

HIFU may not be appropriate for everyone.

. In general, the procedure works best on people older than 30 with mild-to-moderate skin laxity.

. People with photo damaged skin or a high degree of loose skin may need several treatments before seeing results.

. Older people with more extensive photo-aging, severe skin laxity, or very saggy skin on the neck aren’t good candidates and may need surgery.

. HIFU isn’t recommended for people with infections and open skin lesions at the target area, severe or cystic acne, and metallic implants in the treatment area.

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The Benefits

The benefits of the HIFU Non-Surgical Face Lift include tighter, firmer skin and a fresher, more youthful appearance. It’s safe, effective and a great solution for lifting and tightening the jowls, reducing fine lines around your eyes, nose and mouth, tightening your skin around your jaw and neckline and reducing hooded, saggy eyelids.

One of the big benefits of the HIFU Facial is that it’s a non-surgical treatment. This means there’s no scalpels or needles involved and no recovery time required. Many people notice a difference immediately after the Ultrasound Facial, with the best results visible at around 3 months when your body has had time to produce more collagen.

For the best results, we usually recommend you start with 3 treatments in your first year. We then usually find 1 treatment every 6 months will maintain the results.

Side effects

HIFU is considered very safe if performed by a trained and qualified professional.

The best part about this treatment is that you’re able to resume your normal activities immediately after you leave the provider’s office. Some slight redness or swelling may occur, but it should subside quickly. A light tingling sensation of the treated area may persist for a few weeks.

Rarely, you may experience temporary numbness or bruising, but these side effects usually go away after a few days.

What does HIFU feel like?

You may experience slight discomfort during an HIFU procedure. Some people describe it as tiny electric pulses or a light prickly sensation.

If you’re worried about pain, your doctor may suggest taking acetaminophen (Tylenol) or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), such as ibuprofen (Advil), prior to treatment.

Immediately after the treatment, you may experience mild redness or swelling, which will gradually recede over the next few hours.

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During HIFU Facial Treatment

HIFU for face procedure

There’s no special preparation needed before having an HIFU procedure. You should remove all makeup and skin care products from the target area before treatment.

Here’s what to expect at your appointment:

  1. A physician or technician first cleans the target area.
  2. They may apply a topical anesthetic cream before starting.
  3. The physician or technician then applies an ultrasound gel.
  4. The HIFU device is placed against the skin.
  5. Using an ultrasound viewer, the physician or technician adjusts the device to the right setting.
  6. Ultrasound energy is then delivered to the target area in short pulses for roughly 30 to 90 minutes.
  7. The device is removed.

While the ultrasound energy is being applied, you might feel heat and tingling. You can take a pain medication if it’s bothersome.

You’re free to go home and resume your normal daily activities right away after the procedure.

People may require between one and six sessions, depending on the results they want to achieve.

After HIFU Facial Treatment

When will I see results?

Some clients may see some initial tightening after their treatment. The best results are seen over the coming weeks and months as the body starts to produce collagen and elastin. We invite you in to review your results at 3 months.

HIFU Post-Treatment Care Tips

It is important for patients who have undergone HIFU skin treatment to understand how to care for their bodies after the treatment in order to prevent complications and side effects that can minimize the gains of the treatment.

This is especially so because it will help to increase the chances of success. So let’s take a quick look at some things that patients who have undergone the HIFU treatment have to stick to by all means.

Well, that is if they want to get the most out of the treatment they just had.

  1. Avoid the Sun

After the HIFU skin treatment, it is important for you to try to prevent yourself from exposure to sunlight and cold for a few weeks.

The reason is that avoiding the sun will help to prevent hyperpigmentation and reduce the chance of sunburn and skin damage.

The use of sunblock cream is also encouraged, as this will help to prevent destructive ultraviolet light from the sun from directly touching the skin.

This should be continued until the skin tightening process is completed.

  1. Take a Break from Alcohol

Stop giving your liver excess work. Drinking alcohol should be avoided after the treatment.

Alcohol makes your liver to do extra work. After the treatment procedure, your liver will be tasked with breaking down the deactivated fat.

Consuming alcohol means that the liver now has to break down alcohol in addition to the deactivated fat.

Besides the fact that alcohol overworks your liver, it also reduces the density of your blood.

The implications of less dense blood are that excessive bleeding may occur since blood clotting will be a challenge.

Avoid drinking alcohol at all costs.

  1. Don’t Scratch Your Skin

As sweet as scratching the body may be when itching, it is advisable not to scratch your skin after a treatment.

At this time, your skin will be very sensitive, and scratching it puts you at the risk of skin damage.

If you have scars, you are also advised to allow them to fall off naturally.

Trying to remove them may lead to a large wound, which may lead to infection.

Avoid scratching your skin after you must have had your treatment done.

  1. Drink More Water

As they say, water is life. So after the HIFU treatment procedure, water should be your favorite drink.

Water must come first before other beverages that you consume.

Water will also help in your recovery by increasing the rate at which collagen is produced in the body.

It’s in your best interest to keep your body hydrated, so drink as much water as possible.

  1. Don’t Have Hot Showers or Baths

When taking your bath, use cold water as this will help keep the natural protective oil on your skin and also prevent skin irritation.

If at all you must use hot water, you are better of using lukewarm water as this will facilitate the quick recovery of your skin.

Always avoid hot showers regardless of your preference before now.

At least until after, you must have been cleared to do so.






What does HIFU facial do?

HIFU stands for high intensity focused ultrasound and is an innovative, painless and non-invasive way to reduce wrinkles that lasts up to two years and is skin-friendly. Additional applications include face and brow lifting, tightening of the connective tissue and cellulite treatment.

Can HIFU damage your skin?

The increase in collagen results in tighter, firmer skin with fewer wrinkles. Since the high-frequency ultrasound beams are focused on a specific tissue site below the skin’s surface, there’s no damage to the upper layers of the skin and adjacent issue. HIFU may not be appropriate for everyone.

Can HIFU cause nerve damage?

(HealthDay)—High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment for skin laxity can cause facial nerve injury, according to a case study published online Nov. 22 in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. … The researchers found that the patient had mild facial erythema and edema immediately after the procedure

How long does swelling last after HIFU?

A. Usually the treatment results of HIFU treatment can last 2-3 years. HIFU treatment has a little damage on Subcutaneous. so we don’t suggest a patient accept HIFU treatment too frequently. We suggest the interval time is above 2 years.

Has HIFU been approved by the FDA?

Despite FDA approval, HIFU use still unsettled. After twice rejecting high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for the treatment of prostate cancer, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the procedure for general ablation of prostatic tissue in October

Does ultrasound help tighten skin?

Ultrasound therapy – commercially known as Ultherapy – improves the appearance of moderately loose or sagging skin by depositing focused ultrasound energy below the surface to stimulate the body’s creation of new collagen, the natural protein that gives skin its youthful firmness and elasticity

How successful is HIFU?

RESULTS: HIFU overall success rate was 84% (biochemical relapses in only 4 patients out of 25). Success rate was represented as follows: 94.2% in the low risk group, 83.4% in the intermediate risk group and 0% in the high risk group.

How is HIFU done?

Instead of light rays, though, HIFU uses sound waves that a doctor points through the wall of your rectum — the bottom part of your large intestine. He’ll direct the waves at your cancer cells. The sound waves heat up to temperatures as high as 90 F and can kill cancer cells in just a few seconds

What does HIFU stand for?

high intensity focused ultrasound HIFU, which stands for high intensity focused ultrasound, is the focusing of sound waves to create heat at a specific point; this is called the focal point. This heat effectively destroys the targeted tissue.

Does HIFU work on stomach?

Several studies reveal the safety and efficacy of HIFU for fat reduction in the abdomen and flanks. These studies show a consistent reduction in the abdominal circumference of at least 2 cm after a single treatment. … HIFU is a safe and effective method for focal fat reduction
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