Femoral hernia recovery

femoral hernia recovery

Is femoral hernia surgery painful?

Can you walk after femoral hernia surgery?


People recovering from a femoral hernia repair can usually go home the same day or the day after.

After the operation, your groin will feel sore and uncomfortable. You’ll be given painkillers to help relieve this discomfort.

During recovery people will typically need to:

. Restrict their activities and movements for several weeks

. Eat a healthful diet to prevent constipation and straining

. Take care of the wound

Recovery can take 6 weeks or more, but most people return to light activities after 2 weeks of rest.

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Looking after yourself

An adult must stay with you for the first 24 hours after your operation, in case you experience any problems.

If you’re still in pain after going home, continue taking painkillers as advised by the hospital. Applying gentle pressure to your wound using your hand or a small pillow can make coughing, sneezing and moving between sitting and standing more comfortable.

Make sure you follow the instructions your nurse gave you about caring for your wound, hygiene and bathing.

Straining on the toilet because of constipation can cause pain around your wound. You can reduce your risk of constipation by drinking lots of fluids and eating plenty of vegetables, fruit and high-fibre foods, such as brown rice, wholemeal bread and pasta. A mild, over-the-counter laxative may also help.


If the operation was carried out under a general anaesthetic (which puts you to sleep during your operation), your co-ordination and reasoning may be affected for a short time. Avoid drinking alcohol, operating machinery or signing legal documents for 24 to 48 hours after any operation involving general anaesthetic.

Over time, you can gradually return to your normal activities as soon as you’re able to do them without feeling any pain.

Most people are able to do light activities, such as shopping, after 1 or 2 weeks. You should also be able to return to work after 2 or 3 weeks, although you may need more time off if your job involves manual labour.

Gentle exercise, such as walking, can help the healing process, but you should avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities for about 4 to 6 weeks.

You may find sex painful or uncomfortable at first, but it’s usually fine to have sex when you feel like it.


Speak to the medical professional in charge of your care for advice about when you can drive. It’s usually advisable to avoid driving until you are able to perform an emergency stop without feeling any pain or discomfort (you can practise this without starting your car).

It will usually be 1 or 2 weeks before you reach this point after having keyhole surgery, although it may take longer after open surgery.

It’s usually recommended that you contact your car insurance company before starting driving again.

How serious is a femoral hernia?

Severe symptoms of a femoral hernia Severe symptoms can signify that a femoral hernia is obstructing your intestines. This is a very serious condition called strangulation. Strangulation causes intestinal or bowel tissue to die, which can put your life in danger. This is considered a medical emergency.

Can a femoral hernia come back?

Recurrent femoral hernia. … These hernias are more common in women tend to occur following childbirth. Sometimes a repaired hernia comes back. A hernia can be dangerous because the intestines or other structures within the abdomen can get trapped and have their blood supply cut off (strangulated hernia).

Can I exercise with femoral hernia?

In general people will be able to move around freely but should avoid strenuous exercise and lifting for at least the first few weeks. Most people continue to experience some discomfort for a few weeks after the operation, but this will gradually settle. … A femoral hernia repair is generally a safe surgical procedure.

What does a femoral hernia feel like?

Symptoms of a femoral hernia include a lump in the groin or inner thigh and groin discomfort. It may cause stomach pain and vomiting in severe cases.

What happens if a femoral hernia goes untreated?

Complications. When left untreated, a femoral hernia can result in additional complications, some of them severe. These complications may include: Incarcerated hernia: A hernia can grow to obstruct the bowel if its contents become trapped in the weak area of the abdominal wall

How do you fix a femoral hernia?

Open surgery The femoral canal (a channel containing the main blood vessels and nerves leading to the thigh) is opened and the surgeon places the lump of fatty tissue or loop of bowel back into your tummy. The femoral canal is then closed, often with a mesh plug, to repair the weak spot that let the hernia through.

How long does it take to recover from femoral hernia surgery?

It usually takes 10–15 days to get back to activities such as shopping. You may recover faster if you had keyhole surgery. You should be able to return to work after two to four weeks, depending on the extent of the surgery and your type of work.

Can a femoral hernia cause leg numbness?

Inguinal and femoral hernias, herniated discs, and a groin injury can cause numbness in your groin and inner thigh. If you also experience loss of sensation in your legs or problems with bladder or bowel control, see a doctor immediately. This may be caused by cauda equina, which requires urgent surgery.

Can femoral hernia cause bladder problems?

Femoral hernias are less common than inguinal hernias and are usually complicated with incarceration or strangulation of the organ that they contain [2,3]. Bladder diverticula arise within a trabeculated high pressure urinary bladder caused by bladder outlet obstruction

When should I worry about hernia pain?

A hernia can also be painless and only appear as a bulging. The pain may be intermittent or constant and the swelling may decrease or be absent, depending on the amount of pressure in the abdomen. Constant, intense pain at a bulge site may indicate a medical emergency and should be evaluated immediately by a doctor.
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