Bruising Timeline after Liposuction

Bruising Timeline after Liposuction

Is Bruising a Normal Part of the Healing Process?

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed in Iran. One of the benefits of this procedure is that it delivers dramatic cosmetic results without the need for lengthy recovery time. Most patients fully recover six weeks after surgery.

Bruising is one of the most common side effects of the liposuction procedure. Bruising results from injuries to the capillaries during the procedure. For most patients, swelling and bruising will peak at around three days before resolving at around two weeks to one month. During the first three days, patients should be resting, meaning that few people will ever see the bruising when it is at its worst.

Bruising and swelling are a natural part of the healing process. Our doctor uses the newest techniques for post-liposuction care to deliver less bruising, less swelling, and a rapid recovery. Proper use of a compression garment can reduce your risk of developing excessive bruising. Our doctor will provide detailed recovery guidelines that should be followed closely.

Bruising Timeline after Liposuction

Patients have an active role to play in ensuring that their bruising heals promptly. If at any point you notice what appears to be excessive bruising or a dramatic increase in bruising and swelling, let a member of our medical team know immediately.

Read more about :  What to Expect in the Hours, Days and Weeks after Your Procedure

General recovery advice that can help your post-surgical bruising heal quickly include:

. Schedule sufficient rest time after surgery

. Wear your compression garment as directed and for as long as recommended

. Take antibiotics as prescribed

. Walk as soon as possible after surgery to prevent the formation of blood clots

. Watch for signs of complications (elevated body temperature, a sudden increase in pain, increased swelling, significant discharge from incisions)

If patients do experience unusually severe and persistent bruising, it may be related to chronic smoking, blood thinners, and abnormalities that affect bleeding and clotting. Our doctor will screen for potential risk factors before establishing your candidacy for liposuction surgery.



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