Eyebrow transplantation

The Science and Art of Eyebrow Transplantation by Follicular Unit Extraction Abstract Eyebrows constitute a very important and prominent feature of the face. With growing information, eyebrow transplant has become a popular procedure. However, though it is a small area it requires a lot of precision and knowledge regarding anatomy, designing of brows, extraction and […]

Surrogacy in Ukraine vs Iran

Is surrogacy in Ukraine safe? Is surrogacy in Iran safe? Which is cheaper?Ukraine or Iran? The average cost of surrogacy in Ukraine is around $50,000 while the cost of Surrogacy in Iran with IVF and egg donation is around $ 13800. When it comes to surrogacy, Iran and Ukraine have always been two of the most […]

A Nose Cast after Rhinoplasty

A Nose Cast after Rhinoplasty

Overview There are many different types of rhinoplasty. Some nasal procedures are open while others are closed. Some procedures alter nose bones, while others adjust solely the nostrils or tip of the nose. Your individual nasal needs determine the type of rhinoplasty procedure, and ultimately the healing process afterward. If your recovery process involves a […]

How Long After Hair Transplant Can I Drink Alcohol?

How Long After Hair Transplant Can I Drink Alcohol?

Can I drink alcohol before or after a hair transplant? Getting a hair transplant is a major, often life-changing step, so you’ll clearly want to maximize the likelihood of its success. To do this effectively, you will need to avoid drinking alcohol before and after your surgery. This post explains how alcohol does affect a […]

How is Cheek Implant Performed?

How is Cheek Implant Performed?

During Cheek Implant Procedure In cheek implants, your doctor will discuss cheek implant materials with you. Typically, patients choose either solid silicone (the most popular option), Gore-Tex®, or Medpor implants, a decision that will depend on your preferences and your doctor’s recommendations. Your doctor will also help you decide where to make the incision location, […]

Health Product Advertisement

Health Product Advertisement

A medical website is a place where users and clients from different places come together with a common goal, users ask their medical questions and doctors answer them, finally users can benefit from these free services. Medical journals and Medical advertising websites such as the Iranian Surgery are specialized medical websites, and as you know, […]

BBL with a high BMI

BBL with a high BMI

Can you get a BBL with a high BMI? If you have ever tried to plump up your back end through diet and exercise changes, you are surly aware how challenging it can be – if not impossible – to achieve the look you’re after. With a curvaceous figure becoming more and more synonymous with […]

How Many Cc Of Fat Can Be Transferred To Buttocks?

How Many Cc Of Fat Can Be Transferred To Buttocks?

How Many Cc Of Fat Can Be Transferred To Buttocks Do you desire to have a more rounded butt? Do you have a flat butt, and want to add some curves? If so, you may have already been researching fat transfer to buttocks butt lifts, and be wondering if that procedure is right for you. […]

S-Curve Surgery

S-Curve Surgery

What is S-Curve Surgery? There has been a lot of talk about getting a Brazilian butt lift to improve the look and shape of the derriere, but now there is an updated procedure called the S-Curve. It is a surgical procedure where the doctor transfers fat from various other areas of your body to augment […]

Breast Reconstruction with Implant Risks and Complications

Breast Reconstruction with Implant Risks and Complications

Risks and Complications of Breast Reconstruction with Implant Breast reconstruction with a breast implant carries the possibility of complications, including: . Breasts that don’t match each other in size or appearance (asymmetry) . Breast pain . Implant rupture or deflation . Poor healing of incisions . Increased risk of future breast surgery to replace or […]



Vulvoplasty What is a Vulvoplasty? A vulvoplasty is a gender-affirming surgery that creates a vulva. The vulva includes the external genitalia associated with those who are designated female at birth (DFAB). A vulvoplasty creates the parts of a vulva — the mons, the clitoris, and the outer and inner labia — out of tissue that […]

Congenital Anomalies

Congenital Anomalies

Causes of congenital anomalies A birth defect, or congenital anomaly, refers to any medical condition that a person has since birth. The word Congenital means acquired in the womb. These medical conditions range from mild to more severe. Some affect the organs or a single body part, while others can affect development, how the body […]

Chronic Daily Headaches

Chronic Daily Headaches

What is a Chronic Daily Headache? A chronic daily headache is any headache that occurs 15 or more days out of the month and is present for three months or longer. A chronic daily headache is a primary headache disorder which means it’s not caused by another condition. Most people have headaches from time to […]

Sitting after bbl myth

Sitting After BBL

Can I Sit After a BBL? What happens if I sit after BBL? How long after a BBL can you sit normally? Can I Sit Down After Brazilian Butt Lift? When Can I Sit Down After a BBL? For best results, you should try to avoid sitting for about two to three weeks after the […]

Infection After BBL

Infection After BBL

How common is infection after bbl? All surgical procedures, including the Brazilian Butt Lift, have potential risks, and the thought of getting an infection after surgery can be a scary and dreadful thought. While infections are a known complication that can come along with surgery, and many infections that occur can be easily treated. There […]

How Long Do I Have to Wear My Faja After BBL?

How Long Do I Have to Wear My Faja After BBL?

When to wear stage 2 garment after bbl? If you plan to have a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) or liposuction done, you have likely heard the term “faja” floating around throughout your plastic surgery research. A faja is a garment used for postoperative wear by recovering BBL and liposuction patients to keep swelling to a […]

Giant Nevi Removal

Giant Nevi Removal

What Is Giant Nevi Removal Surgery? Children can be born with pigmented moles called congenital nevi (or nevus, if singular). These represent a proliferation of melanocytes, the pigment-producing cells of the skin. When they occur, congenital melanocytic nevi can be highly varied in size and shape. They may be very small and insignificant in appearance […]

Blue Wafflé Disease

Blue Wafflé Disease

Is Blue Waffle Disease Real? Blue waffle disease is a fictional sexually transmitted disease that is said only to affect females. “Waffle” is a slang term for vagina, and blue refers to one of the imaginary symptoms of this fake condition. However, this sexually transmitted disease (STD) is nothing more than a rumor started on […]

Sonobello liposuction

Sonobello liposuction

What is sonobello liposuction? Taking a look at before and after photos of people who’ve underwent a liposuction procedure, you might think the astonishing results are too good to be true. But there’s a reason Sono Bello has performed more than 100,000 procedures to date; it works. The terminology surrounding cosmetic procedures – non-invasive, minimally-invasive, […]

Diet Before And After BBL Surgery

Diet Before And After BBL Surgery

Food and Diet Before BBL Surgery It’s no secret now, that Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is surging through the world and every day more women are picking up on its vibe. All that said, Building up the courage and actually going for the surgery is only half the way. And the lifestyle you lead after […]

bbl after 10 years pictures

Life after BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift)

Life after BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) Does BBL last forever? What happens to BBL after years? Proportionate and shapely buttocks are a vital element in an attractive, youthful body. However, it can be hard for most people to refine the rear end with just diet and exercise. Brazilian butt lift plastic surgery solves this problem […]

How Are Cheek Implants Placed

How Are Cheek Implants Placed

Overview In the recent years, a large number of plastic surgery patients have set their minds on having high cheekbones. Whether patients want a slimmer looking face or the “apple” appearance to the cheeks, cheek implants are one way to achieve this appearance. With a common non-surgical option, cheek filler, many patients opt for this […]

Are Cheek Implants Bad?

Are Cheek Implants Bad?

Is Cheek Implant Surgery Painful Worrying about how painful a surgery is or reading about people regretting a surgery is a common issue among patients looking to undergo a plastic surgery to enhance their aesthetic features. Here you will some answers to such worries. Are Cheek Implants Bad and Will Should You Steer Clear of […]

Jawline Liposuction or Double Chin Surgery

Jawline Liposuction or Double Chin Surgery

Jawline Liposuction VS. Double Chin Surgery If you have a double chin and are looking for ways to get rid of it, a plastic surgeon may recommend neck liposuction, neck lift surgery, or a combination of both. There’s no one specific double chin surgery, but instead a combination of approaches that can remove excess fat […]

Virgin Rejuvenation

Virgin Rejuvenation

What is virgin tightening surgery? The term “vaginal rejuvenation” refers to a wide variety of procedures. Some of these procedures include the use of radiofrequency or fractionated carbon dioxide lasers to stimulate blood flow and collagen formation in vaginal tissues. Others involve injections of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or hyaluronic acid (HA), known respectively as the […]

Cataract Surgery Lens Options

Cataract Surgery Lens Options

The Different Types Of Cataracts Lens Options We understand that getting yourself psyched up and prepared for cataract eye surgery – like any other medical procedure – can be stressful. And having to make a decision on the type of cataract lenses you would like can sometimes feel a little bit overwhelming, especially as there […]

Gingivectomy Healing Time

Gingivectomy Healing Time

Gingivectomy Recovery Time Recovery from gingivectomy is typically quick. Here’s what to expect. . The first few hours You should be able to go home right away. Your dentist will probably use local anesthesia only, so you can usually drive yourself home. You may not feel pain right away, but as the numbing wears off […]

Cheekbone Reduction Surgery

Cheekbone Reduction Surgery

What Is Cheekbone Reduction? As an essential part of one’s facial structure Cheekbones can sometimes cause some people to struggle with low confidence and poor self-image, mainly because of the height and shape of their cheekbones. Cheekbone surgery, also known as zygoma reduction surgery, is a cosmetic surgery that reduces the size of the cheekbone, […]

Chin Implant Size

Chin Implant Size

Chin implant shapes and sizes Chin implants are the simplest and most efficient way to reshape a person’s face in the shortest period of time. Besides proper placement technique, the selection of the implant is the most important part of the alloplastic chin augmentation procedure. However, its long surgical history and the design evolution of […]