FSH and LH

FSH and LH

FSH and LH Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) are important pituitary hormones, required for reproductive processes in both males and females. LH and FSH are released by the anterior pituitary in response to pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulation by the hypothalamus, and the negative feedback of estrogen or testosterone. In females, the […]

Follicle Size for IUI Success

Follicle Size for IUI Success

Follicle Size for IUI Success Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is commonly recommended to couples with mild infertility problems or unexplained infertility before moving onto more expensive treatments such as in-vivo fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).  Unlike IVF or ICSI, IUI is a more variable procedure that can involve different ovarian stimulation and semen preparation […]

How Many of My Embryos Will Make It to The Blastocyst Stage?

How Many of My Embryos Will Make It to The Blastocyst Stage?

How Many of My Embryos Will Make It to The Blastocyst Stage? It’s probably safe to say that if you’re undergoing In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), you know all about embryo development and what it could mean for your chances of pregnancy. Still, embryo development is quite technical, and a lot depends on the details – […]

Embryo Grading Chart

Embryo Grading Chart

Embryo Grading Chart Guide More than 1.5 percent of all babies born annually in the United States are the result of ART — or babies born from pregnancies that were possible thanks to assisted reproductive technology. Reaching the end of the fertility trail with a prize to cuddle can be a physically and emotionally draining […]

What Grade Embryos Can Be Frozen

What Grade Embryos Can Be Frozen

Grade Of Frozen Embryos In 1983, the first baby was born using Frozen and then thawed human embryos. Since then, freezing embryos is an integral part of IVF and Assistive Reproductive Technologies (ART). This technique has undergone a lot of advancements and now it is considered a safe technique for the long-term life of the […]

Total Motile Sperm Count Formula

Total Motile Sperm Count Formula

How do you calculate total sperm motility? Of all infertility cases, approximately 40–50% involve male-factor infertility, with poor sperm motility, or movement, being a significant contributing factor. Total motile sperm count (TMSC) refers to how many sperm are swimming in a single ejaculate. A higher number of motile sperm is linked to greater chances of […]

IVF Success Rates 25 Years Old

IVF Success Rates 25 Years Old

IVF Success Rates 25 Years Old There are so many factors that affect pregnancy rates, but few are as important to consider as the age of the mother. Age can impact your ability to become pregnant naturally as well as your success during an in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle. Fertility Rates by Age According to […]

Is Pregnancy After an HSG More Likely?

Is Pregnancy After an HSG More Likely?

Is Pregnancy After an HSG More Likely? Pregnancy after a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) may be more likely, depending on the cause of your infertility. At least one study found that an HSG with an oil-based contrast did significantly improve pregnancy rates in specific patients. The subsequent live birth rate was likewise significantly higher. An HSG is […]