Semen Analysis Test Results What are normal results? After your semen sample is collected, your test results should be ready within 24 hours to one week, […]
How to count sperm in a microscope? Couples who are having difficulty in trying to conceive may need to evaluate the male partner’s sperm count. Without […]
Improve sperm DNA fragmentation Sperm are your body’s specialist cell designed to transport your DNA to your partner’s egg. You make new batches of sperm every […]
What Causes Sperm DNA Fragmentation? One major contributor to sperm DNA fragmentation is oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a strain on the body caused by the […]
What Percentage of IVF Is Successful First Time? If you intend to have In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to start or extend your family, you should know […]
What Is the Purpose of PGD? Modern reproductive technologies have gone through a major evolution for the last decades which has given a chance for either […]
During in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, doctors have a number of tools at their disposal to increase success rates. One of these tools is preimplantation genetic […]
IVF With PGD Success Rates Couples and individuals in the unfortunate circumstance of living with genetic diseases are often hesitant to start a family, questioning if […]