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IUI Timeline

IUI treatment process

IUI Timeline From Start to Finish What is Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)? Intrauterine insemination (IUI) — a type of artificial insemination — is a procedure for treating infertility. Sperm that have been washed and concentrated are placed directly in your uterus around the time your ovary releases one or more eggs to be fertilized. The hoped-for […]

Does urine flush out sperm?

IUI Treatment for infertility

Does urine kill sperm in male urethra? Urine is naturally acidic, and some of that acidity lingers in the urethra even after you’ve passed urine. The problem is that sperm cells are sensitive to pH levels, and the acidity of urine can kill sperm cells. The alkaline mucus of pre-ejaculate neutralizes the pathway so that […]

is ICSI more successful than IVF?

is ICSI more successful than IVF

Does ICSI improve IVF success?vWhat percentage of eggs fertilize with ICSI? Is it better to transfer 1 or 2 embryos? IVF Vs. ICSI Success Rate Prior to IVF or ICSI, oocytes (eggs) are retrieved from the woman. Women of advanced age typically have a lower number of oocytes retrieved. As the number of oocytes are fewer, some doctors […]

Infertility art therapy

infertility art therapy

What is the most common treatment for infertility? What are some possible reasons for infertility? How effective is infertility treatment? What is art therapy and how does it work?   Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is used to treat infertility. It includes fertility treatments that handle both a woman’s egg and a man’s sperm. It works by […]

ICSI success rate after embryo transfer

Does ICSI affect embryo quality? What are the chances of pregnancy after embryo transfer? What is the success rate of day 5 embryo transfer? As in the present study, a high ongoing pregnancy rate (38.5%) was achieved after one embryo transfers. The investigators achieved a very high pregnancy rate (74%) when transferring two embryos accompanied by a high twin rate (30%). Success rates will be influenced by many […]

ICSI side effects on mother

ICSI side effects on mother

What are the negative effects of ICSI? Couples with fertility problems often worry about IVF risks or dangers to the mother and the baby. In fact, some risks are reduced, some are increased, and some are inherent in that a woman needing IVF for a particular condition may have a higher risk pregnancy in any […]

ICSI pregnancy success rate

ICSI pregnancy success rate

ICSI pregnancy success rate The ICSI procedure fertilizes 50 to 80 percent of eggs. You might assume all eggs get fertilized with ICSI-IVF, but they don’t. Fertilization isn’t guaranteed even when a sperm is injected into the egg.In another word, he success rates for two common fertility treatments have peaked, with only one in four attempts resulting in pregnancy. The success […]

Does icsi increase chance of twins?

ICSI IVF twins

Does ICSI Increase the Chances of Twins? Since ICSI takes place as part of the IVF process, there is an increased chance of becoming pregnant with multiples for couples that try ICSI. Couples that use ICSI with IVF have about a 30 to 35 percent chance for twins and a 5 to 10 percent chance […]

ICSI IVF risks

ICSI IVF risks

Are ICSI pregnancies high risk? Can ICSI damage the egg? Are ICSI babies normal? Which is better IVF or ICSI? What are the risks of ICSI? ICSI-IVF comes with all the risks of a regular IVF cycle, but the ICSI procedure does introduce additional ones. A normal pregnancy comes with a 1.5 to 3 percent […]

ICSI IVF success rates

ICSI IVF success rates

ICSI Benefits Intracytoplasmic sperm injection offers you and your partner a chance to have a baby, even with severe male infertility issues. ICSI benefits include helping you get pregnant even if you are dealing with one or more of the following conditions: Low sperm count Physical blockage Poor sperm motility (movement) or morphology (shape) Having […]