Intralase Lasik in Iran
The IntraLase Method is a 100% blade-free approach to creating your corneal flap, the thin flap of tissue that the doctor folds back I order to perform your Lasik procedure. The IntraLase Method can only be performed using the IntraLase F5 laser. Traditionally, doctors have used an instrument called a microkertome for the creation […]
Операция по уменьшению груди в Иране
Главное руководство по уменьшению груди в Иране Уменьшение груди в Иране предлагает женщинам и мужчинам экономически эффективное решение для уменьшения размера их груди, что может быть неудобным, болезненным или даже смущающим. По данным Американского общества пластических хирургов, в мире ежегодно проводится более 230 000 процедур по уменьшению груди (уменьшение мужской груди), что свидетельствует о том, […]
Реконструкция груди в Иране
Восстановление груди в Иране (мастэктомия в Иране) Операция по реконструкции груди – это создание новой формы груди, или насыпи, с использованием хирургии. Это может быть сделано после удаления всей груди (мастэктомия) или части груди (операция по сохранению груди). Вы можете провести реконструкцию одновременно с операцией по раку молочной железы (немедленная реконструкция) или спустя месяцы или […]
Nose job simulator
Approved by: Dr. Vahid Dastjerdi ( Plastic surgeon ) Rhinoplasty Simulator If you’re considering a nose job or rhinoplasty, then you may find it beneficial to upload your photo to a nose job simulation program such as FaceTouchUp. With such tools, you can reshape parts of your nose to experiment and see what your ideal […]
Rectal bleeding
What is Rectal Bleeding (Hematochezia)? Rectal bleeding (also called hematochezia, meaning bright red blood in the stool) is a symptom of a problem in the digestive tract. Rectal bleeding can refer to any blood that passes from your anus, although rectal bleeding is usually assumed to refer to bleeding from your lower colon or rectum. […]
Fistulography A fistulogram is a medical test that uses fluoroscopy and contrast material to produce images of an abnormal passage within the body called a fistula. The examination is used to assess and diagnose the size and shape of fistulas and any related abscess and/or infection. What Are Some Common Uses of The Procedure? A […]
Early symptoms of colon cancer in females
Early Symptoms of Colon Cancer Symptoms of Colon Cancer Colon cancer often causes no symptoms in the earliest stages. However, symptoms may become more noticeable as it progresses. These signs and symptoms may include: . Diarrhea or constipation . Changes in stool consistency . Loose, narrow stools . Blood in the stool, which may or […]
Chalazion surgery steps
Chalazion surgery steps A chalazion is a chronic noninfective inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the eyelid that affects the meibomian glands in the tarsal plate. Clinically, it results in a painless, firm nodule of the eyelid. Marginal chalazia are caused by inflammation of the gland of Zeis located at the lid margin. They can […]
Chalazion surgery scar
Chalazion surgery scar A chalazion is a small bump in the eyelid caused by a blockage of a tiny oil gland. If a chalazion persists for more than one to two months, a surgical incision and drainage may be necessary. Surgery to treat a chalazion is an office procedure that takes about 15 to 20 […]
Chalazion surgery recovery
Chalazion surgery recovery time How long does it take to recover from Chalazion surgery? Is Chalazion surgery painful? How long does swelling last after chalazion surgery? Will hardened chalazion go away? Can a chalazion be permanent? How do you get rid of a chalazion in 24 hours? How long does it take for a chalazion […]