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Achilles Tendon Repair Surgery Time

Achilles Tendon Repair Surgery Time

Achilles Tendon Injury Recovery Times

Recovery After Surgery

Can you drive after Achilles surgery?

How long will it take to walk normally after Achilles tendon surgery?

How long are you non weight bearing after Achilles tendon surgery?

How do you sleep after Achilles tendon surgery?

Is Achilles tendon surgery painful?

How long is physical therapy after Achilles tendon surgery?

Achilles surgery takes only about 30 minutes to an hour, and you’ll go home the same day. The surgeons will put you in a cast that extends from below the knee to your toes. It’ll keep your foot in a pointed position.

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Achilles Tendon Injury Recovery Times

After either type of Achilles tendon tear surgery, you will likely wear a cast or walking boot, for 6 to 12 weeks. At first, the cast or boot will keep your toes pointed downward as the tendon heals from the Achilles tendon rupture surgery.

It is then gradually adjusted until your foot is in a neutral position. This will require you to be non-weight bearing, which means you have to stay off of the leg and not walk on it.

Your doctor will advise how long you will be non-weight bearing depending upon various factors. During your non-weight bearing period, it’s essential that you do not put any weight on your injured foot.

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Recovery After Surgery

Achilles surgery takes only about 30 minutes to an hour, and you’ll go home the same day. The surgeons will put you in a cast that extends from below the knee to your toes. It’ll keep your foot in a pointed position.

  • Day of surgery:When you leave the hospital, you’ll get crutches and instructions not to put weight on the injured leg.
  • In 2 weeks:Your doctor will take off your cast to remove the stitches and check how the wound is healing. Depending on how it looks, you could go back into the cast, but more likely you’ll get a walking boot. It’ll have a heel lift to keep your foot and ankle in the right position. You’ll also start rehab. The goal is to let the wound heal while you do some upper-body work. All your weight will still be on the crutches.
  • By 4 weeks:The boot will be moved gradually to a neutral position (with heel lifts), and in rehab you’ll learn to walk on it correctly. Your physical therapist will move your ankle a bit and start to show you exercises that’ll help strengthen your calves. You’ll also do more work on your core and hips.
  • Between 6 and 8 weeks:You’ll have fewer rehab appointments and should be able to stand on the injured leg for 10 seconds at a stretch. The boot could come off during this time, too. You can do more activities now, but still no high-impact exercise. Your therapist might recommend swimming or biking.
  • At 4 to 6 months:You should be back to full activity, but you won’t be totally recovered until about a year after surgery. Even then, your strength might never get back to 100%.

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Can you drive after Achilles surgery?

You should not drive a manual car for at least eight weeks following surgery. After this you should start gradually, to see if you are comfortable. It normally takes a few days to feel confident. If you have an automatic car and have only had the left Achilles operated upon then you may drive after two weeks.

How long will it take to walk normally after Achilles tendon surgery?

Your tendon will slowly get stronger as you recover. You will need to wear a cast or walking boot for 6 to 12 weeks after surgery. At first, it may be set to keep your foot pointed downward as the tendon heals. You may be able to put weight on your affected leg after a few weeks. But it will be several months before you have complete use of your leg and ankle. You will need to build your strength with rehabilitation (rehab) exercises.

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How long are you non weight bearing after Achilles tendon surgery?

Without proper healing of an Achilles tear, a person’s ability to walk, jog, jump, and perform other high impact activity will be limited. A tear can be treated either with casting or with surgical repair. Cast treatment requires 6-8 weeks of non-weight bearing cast immobilization, followed by several weeks in a walking boot, to make sure the tendon is completely healed in proper position. (Total time until boot removal is 3-4 months).

Surgical repair of an Achilles can usually be performed through a small (3/4”) incision, and requires just 3-4 weeks non-weight bearing and an additional 2-3 weeks in a walking boot. (Total time until boot removal is 5-6 weeks). Surgery results in a much quicker recovery and return to regular activities than non-operative treatment, and a slightly lower rate of re-rupturing the tendon. However, most studies show that at 1 year following the injury, functional results of cast treatment and surgical repair are about equal.

How do you sleep after Achilles tendon surgery?

Sleep with your sore leg raised, put an ice pack on the area right after you injure it. Use pillows to raise your leg above the level of your heart when you sleep. Keep your foot elevated when you are sitting.

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Is Achilles tendon surgery painful?

Achilles tendon surgery is often an outpatient procedure. This means you can go home the same day. You will have some pain after your surgery, especially in the first few days. Pain medicines will help relieve your pain. Keep your leg elevated as often as possible. This can help reduce swelling and pain. Make sure to tell your healthcare provider right away if you have a high fever or pain in your ankle or calf that gets worse. After your surgery, you will likely need to use crutches. This is so you can keep your weight off your leg.

How long is physical therapy after Achilles tendon surgery?

Patients are typically discharged after four to six weeks of therapy with a home program of strengthening, proprioceptive exercises, stretching, and cryotherapy, which they are instructed to maintain until they can return to their full activity level.

Read more about: Achilles Tendon Repair Surgery

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