What Is the Difference Between Bypass Surgery and Open-Heart Surgery?

What Is the Difference Between Bypass Surgery and Open-Heart Surgery?

What Is the Difference Between Bypass Surgery and Open-Heart Surgery?

Bypass vs Open Heart Surgery

Both open heart surgery and bypass surgeries are sophisticated surgeries performed on people to relieve a condition of the heart. However, there are a number of differences between the two surgeries. Basically, any surgery that starts off with opening your chest is called an open-heart surgery. The point to remember here is that the term ‘open’ refers to an opening of the chest and not the heart per se.

An open-heart surgery may or may not include an opening up of the heart. It may involve surgeries on other parts of the chest for instance, the arteries of the heart, valves or the muscles of the heart.

An open-heart surgery may include techniques that are performed through small incisions on the chest. In spite of the tremendous development of medical science, these techniques are still termed open heart surgery.

A coronary artery bypass surgery or CABG is done when the flow of blood through the arteries is impaired. This often happens when the coronary arteries that bring blood to the heart become thickened with plaque. Plaque may build up due to the accumulation of fat, cholesterol etc. in the arteries. This prevents the smooth flow of blood through the heart. A bypass surgery literally ‘bypasses’ the blocked area of the artery to maintain a smooth flow of blood to the heart.

A bypass surgery is just a type of open-heart surgery. There may be others like coronary angioplasty, heart transplants etc. Again, bypass surgery may not be performed in an open-heart manner. Medical science has scaled great heights and less invasive techniques of performing a bypass are available now. The method the doctor chooses will depend on the expertise available in the patient’s area and also some conditions that are related to the patient’s health. For instance, the doctor may decide that a less invasive procedure is not working for you and then go for a more conventional open-heart surgery to have a bypass.

In a bypass surgery, a blood vessel from either the chest or the leg is grafted on the coronary artery that has a blockage. The process ensures that the blocked part of the arteries is bypassed and blood can flow easily through this new vessel. It is a surgical procedure that requires hospitalization.

During this whole procedure, you heart is kept in a resting position. During this time, the function of the heart is performed by a heart and lung machine, so that blood circulation is maintained throughout the body.

Both open heart surgeries and bypass surgeries are lifesaving methods that can ensure that your heart stays fit and functioning for years to come.

Now Let’s Have a More Detailed Comparison


Bypass Surgery

A bypass surgery is used for treatment of the narrowed arteries. A detour or a bypass is created around the sections of a blocked artery.

Open Heart Surgery

Open heart surgery refers to a type of surgery in which the chest wall is surgically opened and heart is exposed. This surgery is performed on the muscles, valves, or arteries of the heart.

Why Is the Surgery Done?

Bypass Surgery

Treatment of coronary arteries in the heart, the femoral arteries in the groin or the popliteal arteries behind the knee.

Open Heart Surgery

Heart Valve Replacement, Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, and several other congenital and acquired heart problems

Risks of the Surgery

Some of the risks involved in Bypass Surgery

. Swelling or inflammation at the incision site

. Blockage of the bypass

. Bleeding from the incision

. Infection

. Stroke

. Blood clots

. Memory loss

. Lung or kidney failure

. Chest wound infection

Some of the risks involved in Open-Heart Surgery

Stroke – There is a danger of stroke during or after Open Heart Surgery procedure

. Systemic inflammatory response

. Air or fat embolism

. Excessive bleeding

. Allergic reaction to anesthesia

. Heart attack

. Arrhythmias

. Compromised kidney or lung function

Who Is a Good Candidate for Each Surgery?

Candidates for a bypass surgery

. Possessing symptoms of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), including claudication.

. Have developed diabetic foot, or gangrene (tissue death) in your leg from diabetes or atherosclerosis.

. Experiencing mesenteric ischemia.

. Possessing leg ulcers.

. Having a pulmonary embolism.

. Have developed a renovascular condition.

. Having carotid artery disease.

Candidates for a open-heart surgery

. Ischemic Heart Disease that requires Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery.

. Congenital Heart Diseases like Transposition of Aorta and Pulmonary artery, Tetrology of Fallot, Atrial Septal Defect, Ventricular Septal Defect.

. Heart / Lung Transplantation.

. Heart Valve Disease requiring Heart Valve Replacement.

. Procedures on aorta like dissection of the aorta, aneurysm of thoracic or arch of aorta.

. Coarctation of the aorta.

. Tetrology of Fallot.

About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best cardiac specialists and surgeons in Iran. The price of Heart Surgeries in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined by an in-person assessment with the doctor.

For more information about the cost of Heart Surgeries in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.




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