Knee Replacement Surgery Time

knee replacement surgery time

Sleeping Positions after Total Knee Replacement Surgery

What is the best sleeping position after a total knee replacement?

A knee replacement surgery can cause pain for some days. As you are recovering, the discomfort and pain may make it difficult to sleep. Managing the pain after the surgery includes finding the right sleep position so you can not only sleep comfortably but also speed up your recovery process. Whether you sleep on your back, side, or stomach, the tricks mentioned below may help.

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Sleeping on your Back

The best sleeping position just after your surgery is sleeping on your back. You should make sure that your operative leg stays as straight as possible to avoid hypertension of the knee and keep proper blood flow to the surgery site. If you are sleeping on your back, put the pillow under your calf and knee. This will not only cushion the knee from pressure but also keep your leg straight. If your pillow is flat, use a second pillow. You must, however, avoid placing the pillow under your foot, as it will put stress on your knees and increase your pain.

Sleeping on your Side

Some people find sleeping on their sides more comfortable, and if you are one of them, do not lie on your operative side. Also, put a cushion or pillow between your legs to provide cushion to the knee. In case you need more support, add another pillow to pad your knee to make the leg comfortable. Sleeping on the side can be painful because the leg is not straight enough. However, gradually, you can start sleeping on your side as the knee heals. But avoid sleeping on the operative side at all costs, as it puts a lot of pressure on the surgery site.

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Sleeping on your Stomach

If you sleep on your stomach, after a knee joint replacement surgery, you should refrain from doing so. Lying on your abdomen puts direct pressure on your surgery site and can be very painful. You will heal between 3-6 weeks and after you have recovered, you can begin sleeping normally again. However, if the position you are used to sleeping in causes pain, avoid it for a few more days until you are completely healed.

Why is it hard to sleep after total knee replacement?

Getting quality sleep after a total knee replacement may seem impossible. The most common reasons include pain, swelling, and nerve related symptoms. It is important to consult your physician if you feel that your pain medication is not adequately controlling your pain levels. The better you can describe your pain the better your doctor may be able to choose the best medication. Nerve pain may require a different medication than pain attributed to the incision.




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