keratoconus Treatment in Iran

keratoconus Treatment in Iran

Keratoconus Treatment

A condition in which the clear tissue on the front of the eye (cornea) bulges outward. With keratoconus, the clear, dome-shaped tissue that covers the eye (cornea) thins and bulges outward into a cone shape. Its cause is unknown. Symptoms first appear during puberty or the late teens and include blurred vision and sensitivity to light and glare. Vision can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses early on. Advanced cases may require a cornea transplant.

In the early stages of keratoconus, you might be able to correct vision problems with glasses or soft contact lenses. Later, you may have to be fitted with rigid, gas permeable contact lenses or other types of lenses, such as scleral lenses. If your condition progresses to an advanced stage, you may need a cornea transplant.

A new treatment called corneal collagen cross-linking may help to slow or stop keratoconus from progressing, possibly preventing the need for a future cornea transplant. This treatment may be offered in addition to the vision correction options above.

About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best ophthalmologists in Iran. The price of Keratoconus Treatment in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined by an in-person assessment with the doctor.

For more information about the cost of Keratoconus Treatment in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.

Symptoms of Keratoconus

Signs and symptoms of keratoconus may change as the disease progresses. They include:

. Blurred or distorted vision

. Increased sensitivity to bright light and glare, which can cause problems with night driving

. A need for frequent changes in eyeglass prescriptions

. Sudden worsening or clouding of vision

Causes of Keratoconus

No one knows what causes keratoconus, although genetic and environmental factors are thought to be involved. Around 1 in 10 people with keratoconus also have a parent with the condition.

Risk factors

These factors can increase your chances of developing keratoconus:

. Having a family history of keratoconus

. Rubbing your eyes vigorously

. Having certain conditions, such as retinitis pigmentosa, Down syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, hay fever and asthma


In some situations, your cornea may swell quickly and cause sudden reduced vision and scarring of the cornea. This is caused by a condition in which the inside lining of your cornea breaks down, allowing fluid to enter the cornea (hydrops). The swelling usually subsides by itself, but a scar may form that affects your vision.

Advanced keratoconus also may cause your cornea to become scarred, particularly where the cone is most prominent. A scarred cornea causes worsening vision problems and may require cornea transplant surgery.

When to see a doctor

See your eye doctor (ophthalmologist or optometrist) if your eyesight is worsening rapidly, which might be caused by an irregular curvature of the eye (astigmatism). He or she may also look for signs of keratoconus during routine eye exams.


To diagnose keratoconus, your eye doctor (ophthalmologist or optometrist) will review your medical and family history and conduct an eye exam. He or she may conduct other tests to determine more details regarding the shape of your cornea. Tests to diagnose keratoconus include:

. Eye refraction. In this test your eye doctor uses special equipment that measures your eyes to check for vision problems. He or she may ask you to look through a device that contains wheels of different lenses (phoropter) to help judge which combination gives you the sharpest vision. Some doctors may use a hand-held instrument (retinoscope) to evaluate your eyes.

. Slit-lamp examination. In this test your doctor directs a vertical beam of light on the surface of your eye and uses a low-powered microscope to view your eye. He or she evaluates the shape of your cornea and looks for other potential problems in your eye.

. Keratometry. In this test your eye doctor focuses a circle of light on your cornea and measures the reflection to determine the basic shape of your cornea.

. Computerized corneal mapping. Special photographic tests, such as corneal tomography and corneal topography, record images to create a detailed shape map of your cornea. Corneal tomography can also measure the thickness of your cornea. Corneal tomography can often detect early signs of keratoconus before the disease is visible by slit-lamp examination.

Keratoconus Treatment

Treatment for keratoconus depends on the severity of your condition and how quickly the condition is progressing. Generally, there are two approaches to treating keratoconus: slowing the progression of the disease and improving your vision.

If your keratoconus is progressing, corneal collagen cross-linking might be indicated to slow or stop the progression. This is a newer treatment that has the potential to prevent you from needing a cornea transplant in the future. However, this treatment does not reverse keratoconus or improve vision.

Improving your vision depends on the severity of keratoconus. Mild to moderate keratoconus can be treated with eyeglasses or contact lenses. This will likely be a long-term treatment, especially if your cornea becomes stable with time or from cross-linking.

In some people with keratoconus, the cornea becomes scarred with advanced disease or wearing contact lenses becomes difficult. In these people, cornea transplant surgery might be necessary.


. Eyeglasses or soft contact lenses. Glasses or soft contact lenses can correct blurry or distorted vision in early keratoconus. But people frequently need to change their prescription for eyeglasses or contacts as the shape of their corneas change.

. Hard contact lenses. Hard (rigid, gas permeable) contact lenses are often the next step in treating more-advanced keratoconus. Hard lenses may feel uncomfortable at first, but many people adjust to wearing them and they can provide excellent vision. This type of lens can be made to fit your corneas.

. Piggyback lenses. If rigid lenses are uncomfortable, your doctor may recommend “piggybacking” a hard contact lens on top of a soft one.

. Hybrid lenses. These contact lenses have a rigid center with a softer ring around the outside for increased comfort. People who can’t tolerate hard contact lenses may prefer hybrid lenses.

. Scleral lenses. These lenses are useful for very irregular shape changes in your cornea in advanced keratoconus. Instead of resting on the cornea like traditional contact lenses do, scleral lenses sit on the white part of the eye (sclera) and vault over the cornea without touching it.

If you’re using rigid or scleral contact lenses, make sure to have them fitted by an eye doctor with experience in treating keratoconus. You’ll also need to have regular checkups to determine whether the fitting remains satisfactory. An ill-fitting lens can damage your cornea.


. Corneal collagen cross-linking. In this procedure, the cornea is saturated with riboflavin eyedrops and treated with ultraviolet light. This causes cross-linking of the cornea, which stiffens the cornea to prevent further shape changes. Corneal collagen cross-linking may help to reduce the risk of progressive vision loss by stabilizing the cornea early in the disease.


You may need surgery if you have corneal scarring, extreme thinning of your cornea, poor vision with the strongest prescription lenses or an inability to wear any type of contact lenses. Depending on the location of the bulging cone and the severity of your condition, surgical options include:

. Penetrating keratoplasty. If you have corneal scarring or extreme thinning, you’ll likely need a cornea transplant (keratoplasty). Penetrating keratoplasty is a full-cornea transplant. In this procedure, doctors remove a full-thickness portion of your central cornea and replace it with donor tissue.

. Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK). The DALK procedure preserves the inside lining of the cornea (endothelium). This helps avoid the rejection of this critical inside lining that can occur with a full-thickness transplant.

Cornea transplant for keratoconus generally is very successful, but possible complications include graft rejection, poor vision, infection and astigmatism. Astigmatism is often managed by wearing hard contact lenses again, which is usually more comfortable after a cornea transplant.


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4 Responses

    1. The keratoconus consists of five stages of development, depending on which stage of treatment the individual is in.
      These include: Pre-Corneal Stage, Mild Stage of Disease, Moderate Disease Stage, Severe Progressive Stage, and the last stage where the disease progresses to the point where corneal transplant surgery is required.

      When the keratoconus is mild, one’s vision can be corrected with glasses. If the disease progresses to a greater extent, one should use hard contact lenses in order to be able to see better.

  1. hey there. I’m a 48 year old female with keratoconus problem. I’m a none smoker athlete and haven’t done any eye surgery and I don’t use any contact lenses but somehow I have keratoconus
    is there a way to cure my sickness with any method that doesn’t Involve surgery?

    1. Keratoconus does not fade on its own. The shape of your cornea can’t permanently change, even with medications, special contact lenses, or surgery. Remember, we have various options for reshaping your cornea, but keratoconus is a chronic, lifelong disorder.

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