How long after meniscus surgery can I walk?

How long after meniscus surgery can I walk?

How Soon after Meniscus Surgery can I Walk?

Can you walk right away after Meniscus Surgery?

How soon you can walk after meniscus surgery depends on whether the surgery was open or arthroscopic, whether it was a partial or total removal of the meniscus, or whether the meniscus was repaired. In any case, patients are usually advised to stay off their feet and the use of crutches may be advised for at least several days. A knee brace may also be recommended. It may take several weeks before patients can walk without a knee brace and months before they have healed enough to return to sports.

Recovery from arthroscopic meniscus repair usually requires a period of limited weight-bearing (using crutches or walker), limited motion, and sometimes use of a knee brace. It usually takes about 4 to 8 weeks for patients to increase weight bearing and range of motion. Most patients can walk without a knee brace and crutches in about 2 to 3 months.

Recovery time from a partial meniscectomy (partial removal of the meniscus) is quicker than recovery from a meniscus repair. Patients are usually advised to used crutches for a few days and to take it easy for 10 to 14 days, but most can increase activity levels at their own pace after that if they do not experience any pain. For those who have strenuous occupations, the recovery time may be up to 6 to 8 weeks before they can fully resume physically demanding activities.

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What to expect after meniscus surgery?

With a meniscectomy, you’ll be back in action more quickly. Here’s what you may expect:

  • You could be off crunches within a couple of days to a week and back at work if your job is sedentary.
  • You can start driving again in a week or two if you have regained motion in the leg without too much pain and you aren’t taking opioid pain relievers.
  • You will probably be able to return to a physically active job in four to six weeks.

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Is meniscus surgery painful?

After your arthroscopy, you’ll be taken to a room to recover from the effects of the general anaesthetic, if it was used during the procedure. You may experience some pain in the affected joint. If you do, tell a member of the hospital staff, who will be able to give you painkillers. Arthroscopic meniscus repair is moderately painful. Because more soft tissue surgery is performed, it is more painful than a standard arthroscopy, but less painful than a ligament reconstruction or another procedure that requires drilling holes through the bone.

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What should I do after meniscus surgery?

Make sure you elevate the joint and apply ice packs to help reduce the swelling when you get home, if advised to do so. You should also do any joint exercises that have been recommended for you.

Keep dressings as dry as possible by covering them with a plastic bag when having a bath or shower. If your dressings get wet or fall off, they’ll need to be replaced. Dressings can usually be removed after 5 to 10 days.

Your wounds should start to heal within a few days. If non-dissolvable stitches were used, they’ll need to be removed after a week or two.

You’ll probably need at least a week or two off work, although this varies from person to person. It will largely depend on whether your job involves strenuous activity that could damage the joint.

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How long after meniscus repair surgery can I walk?

If the torn meniscus is removed, the patient is usually up and walking within a day or two of surgery, and back to normal activities within several weeks

Do you have to wear a knee brace after meniscus surgery?

Wearing a rehabilitative knee brace will help the user recover from a torn meniscus by providing stability to the joint and preventing the wearer from aggravating the injury even further. Knee braces with hinges on either side of the knee offer protection and prevent that wobbly feeling you may get after a knee injury

Will walking on a torn meniscus make it worse?

Certain movements, such as twisting movements, can lead to a tear in the meniscus. … Continuing to walk could potentially worsen the meniscus tear. However, not walking will decrease the strength of her leg muscles, which can make recovery more difficult.

Is walking good for torn meniscus?

Unless the torn meniscus has locked the knee, many people with a torn meniscus can walk, stand, sit, and sleep without pain. Other people find that the torn meniscus prevents them from participating comfortably in their usual daily activities

How soon after meniscus surgery should you start physical therapy?

Meniscus repair recovery While everyone’s recovery is different, here’s what you can typically expect with a repair surgery: You may be on crutches for four to six weeks. If your job mostly involves sitting at a desk, you may be able to get back to work in a week or two.

Is it OK to walk after meniscus surgery?

If necessary due to pain, patients may opt to use crutches or a walker for a few days after surgery. Once more comfortable, most people are able to walk with a minimal limp within one or two weeks after surgery. Most patients realize a benefit from arthroscopic knee surgery within 4 to 6 weeks.

Can I climb stairs after meniscus surgery?

Walking, standing, stair climbing, etc… are not good for the knee for the first week after surgery so don’t walk or stand anymore than is necessary until the discomfort and swelling from the procedure are gone. … We will get you back to as much as possible, as soon as your knee allows

How long will my knee be swollen after meniscus surgery?

The pain settles usually within two to three weeks, but may take upwards of six weeks. Swelling in the whole knee up to six weeks. Tenderness around the wound sites up to four weeks

How long will I be off work after a knee arthroscopy?

The recovery period after knee arthroscopy surgery depends on the patient and his or her condition. For most cases, patients can return to office work within a week. And many return to a more active and normal lifestyle within one to two months

Do you need physical therapy after meniscus surgery?

Physical therapy. The three early postoperative rehabilitation goals are; get the knee out fully straight, decrease swelling, and regain quadriceps muscle control. Patients are encouraged to do straight leg raises in the brace immediately after surgery. The brace is used to walk with the knee in extension for six weeks
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