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Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation

What is Chin Augmentation?

How much does chin Augmentation cost in Iran?

chin Augmentation cost in Iran is around $1300.

Chin augmentation surgery, is a plastic surgery procedure which uses either an implant or patient’s own jaw bone to enlarge the appearance of a “weak” chin and create better balance among the facial features. When the patient’s own bone is used to enhance the chin the operation is referred to as a sliding genioplasty.

Today, there is also the option of using safe silicone implants to provide better chin projection. Although surgery provides a more permanent option to chin projection, FDA approved hyaluronic acid fillers are commonly used to shape and enhance the chin size. Often times a chin augmentation is done in conjunction with a rhinoplasty to create better overall facial harmony.


Chin Augmentation


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About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best cosmetic Surgeons in Iran. All cosmetic surgeons working with Iranian Surgery specialize in plastic surgery and perform cosmetic surgeries in well-equipped hospitals, so after Chin Augmentation in Iran you will face the least possible complications.

For more information about the cost of Chin Augmentation in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.

Before Chin Augmentation

Why it’s done

If you are bothered by your recessed or “weak” chin, or you feel your facial features lack proportion, chin augmentation surgery can help you feel more confident in your appearance.

Chin Augmentation expected results are as follows:

. Improved chin proportion with other facial features

. Decreased appearance of a “double” chin due to a small chin bone

. Enlargement of a recessed or “weak” chin

. Better neck and jawline definition

. Possible decreased appearance of jowls

. Correction of minor chin and jawline asymmetry

Ideal Candidate for Chin Augmentation

A good candidate for chin augmentation should:

. Have a recessed or weak chin that is affecting overall facial balance

. Desire a stronger and more defined jawline and neckline

. Have submental fullness or appearance of a “double” chin

. Be in overall good health and hold realistic surgical expectations

. Be a non-smoker

Risks and Complications

Possible complications after chin augmentation with chin implant include:

. Risks of general anesthesia

. Excessive bleeding

. Skin changes or discoloration

. Poor incision healing or scar healing

. Nerve damage or numbness on the skin or itching sensation

. Facial nerve damage resulting in facial muscle weakness or paralysis

. Infection

. Shift in chin implant position

. Need for revision surgery

. Facial asymmetry

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Before chin augmentation


Chin Augmentation


Pre-operative instructions for chin augmentation

. Night before surgery

. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight or surgery will be cancelled. If prescribed, take medications with a small sip of water.

. Set up home recovery area: this may include pillows, blankets, books, television, and anything else to assist with a comfortable recovery.

. Bathing: you can shower but do not apply lotion, perfume, hair product, etc.

. Day of surgery

. Dress comfortably: dress in comfortable, clean, and loose-fitting clothes. Shirts that can be buttoned or zipped up are preferred.

. Do not wear any makeup, jewelry, cosmetic creams, hair products, deodorant, sunscreen, and remove all piercings.

During Chin Augmentation

Chin Augmentation Surgical Techniques

The two surgical options that exist for chin augmentation include placement of chin implant or a sliding genioplasty.

  1. Chin implant

How is chin implant surgery performed?

Chin implant surgery is usually an outpatient procedure, performed using general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. A small incision is made either underneath the chin or inside the mouth. Through this incision, the cosmetic surgeon creates space for the chin implant and fits it around the chin bone.

Chin implant surgery alone typically takes less than 1 hour to perform; however, if you are having additional procedures, operating time will increase accordingly. Following surgery, the incision is closed with sutures and the chin may be bandaged.

What does a chin implant look like?

Chin implants are small, solid devices made from a biocompatible material, usually silicone, which has been molded to fit around a patient’s chin bone. Chin implants vary in size and contour; your cosmetic surgeon will help you choose an implant that will achieve your desired degree of enhancement and provide the most natural looking result.

When inserted, chin implants feel very similar to a natural chin bone, and when performed by a qualified cosmetic surgeon, it is usually impossible to tell that a patient has had chin augmentation.

  1. Sliding Genioplasty

A sliding genioplasty is an operation where the patient’s own jaw bone is cut and the lower region of the jaw is moved forward and held in its new position with permanent screws. The main advantage of a sliding genioplasty over a chin implant is that both the chin height and projection can be altered. For patients that are concerned about having a foreign body or implant placed inside their body this procedure provides an alternative approach. A sliding genioplasty is a much bigger operation than a chin implant placement and is almost always performed under general anesthesia.

After Chin Augmentation

Recovering after chin augmentation surgery

Most chin augmentation patients experience relatively little downtime and are back to desk work and most other daily activities within 7 days after surgery. Discomfort is typically minimal and easily controlled with pain medication or cold compresses.


Chin Augmentation


You will need to sleep face-up, with your head elevated, for a minimum of 1 to 2 weeks after surgery to help control post-op swelling and protect your healing incisions. Your cosmetic surgeon may also require you to consume a liquid-only diet for a day or two after surgery. Strenuous activity can typically be resumed within 3 to 4 weeks after chin augmentation. It is important to follow your cosmetic surgeon’s specific instructions during recovery to ensure you heal well and your results look great as soon as possible.

Results look close to final within one month after surgery, and are considered final after about 3 months, when residual swelling has subsided.

Expected surgical outcome

Chin implants are very strong, durable medical devices and are intended to be permanent.  While the aging process will affect your facial appearance in other ways, your enhanced chin contour will not change. There is a slight risk that trauma to the face could damage a chin implant and require another surgery to replace it.




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