Enny from Nigeria’s experience with lipomatic surgery

https://iraniansurgery.com/wp-content/uploads/OP.mp4https://iraniansurgery.com/wp-content/uploads/enny1.mp4 Enny from Nigeria’s experience with lipomatic surgery Six months ago, a patient came to us for a gastric sleeve surgery. After she sent us her details, we realized that she wasn’t a good candidate for this procedure because her BMI was below 35. Due to the dangers that sleeve gastrectomy poses to those who […]

Nadia’s successful experience with surrogacy and egg donation in Iran (2022)

Nadia’s successful experience with surrogacy and egg donation in Iran (2022) My name is Sama and I’m the head of the infertility and gynecology department at Iranian Surgery. I help couples facing infertility issues find the most suitable and affordable IVF clinics in Iran so that they can start their treatment as soon as possible. […]

My experience with egg donation and IVF in Iran

My experience with egg donation and IVF in Iran In this article, we see and read in detail the artificial insemination experience of one of the patients who came from Oman. My name is Sama and I’m the head of the infertility and gynecology department at Iranian Surgery. I help patients facing infertility issues find […]

Patient stories Christina from USA for facial feminization surgery

https://iraniansurgery.com/wp-content/uploads/patient-stories-Christina-1.mp4 https://iraniansurgery.com/wp-content/uploads/patient-stories-Christina-2-1.mp4 For you our dear American visitor, we ensure the best results and most economical prices for Facial Feminization Surgeries For you our dear American visitor, we ensure the best results and most economical prices for Facial Feminization Surgeries.Every year, many Americans find their way to Iran to undergo Facial Feminization Surgeries which include […]