Which type of breast implant is the best?
Which type of breast implant feels the most natural?
What are the different brands of breast implants?
Breast augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the world. There are so many factors you need to consider to assure good results from your breast surgery. One essential element of your process is choosing the right implants.
Finding the best breast implant brands is a vital part of your journey towards the body you’ve always wanted. It will determine the size, shape, projection, and feel. Two things that you need to focus on is aesthetics and safety. Women want to have natural-looking results while assuring their good health even after surgery.
Because of the increasing demand for them, many implant brands have popped up in the market. As a result, narrowing down your choices may become overwhelming.
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To guide you in choosing, we have shortlisted three of the popular breast implant brands: Sientra®, Mentor®, and Motiva® Breast Implants. We will break down their features and how they can help you in achieving the perfect results.
- Motiva® Breast Implants
Developed by Establishment Labs, Motiva® is the 6th Generation breast implant. With over 30 years of experience in breast implant manufacturing, Establishment Labs assures safety through their innovations. With over 500 choices to choose from, the brand also makes sure you can find the right size and projection for you. Motiva® is cleared for commercial distribution in over 60 countries worldwide, including Singapore, South Korea, Japan, and the Philippines.
Motiva® is available in two types: Motiva® Round Implant and Motiva® Ergonomix™.
. Round Implant
A silicone gel called ProgressiveGel Plus™ gives the circular appearance of these round breast implants. It has balanced gel elasticity, firmness, and fullness that achieve a younger and more active look while having a natural feel.
. Ergonomix™ Implant
Ergonomix™ implant uses ProgressiveGel Ultima™ to achieve a more anatomic shape to the implants. It has an elastic and soft gel that gives a natural look and feel. It also mimics the movement of natural breasts. It looks like a round implant lying down, while it looks like anatomical implants when standing up.
Motiva also addresses common implant-related problems through its innovative technology and design. Here are the several features that Motiva Implants have:
. SmoothSilk™/SilkSurface™
This smooth surface shell is achieved through 3D nanotechnology imprinting. The outer surface of this implant minimizes the risk of implant-related complications such as double capsule, late seroma, and BIA-ALCL. Attachment and growth of bacteria are minimized through the smooth surface. It also makes it possible for the implant insertion through smaller incisions, resulting in faster healing of scars. Unlike other implants, Motiva® does not use materials such as salt and sugar crystals in creating implant shells.
. BluSeal®
One of Motiva ®’s unique features is the BluSeal® indicator. It helps surgeons verify the presence of a protective layer surrounding the implants, making it easier to point out any rupture. BluSeal® indicates that the implants are 100% intact. This feature has complied with the most rigorous quality and safety standards of the American Society of Testing and Materials and ISO.
. TrueMonobloc®
Motiva’s TrueMonobloc® technology results in tensile and sturdy breast implants. It’s a multilayer system that links all implant components (gel, shell, and patch) to create a unified structure, making the insertion process easier. It allows implant insertion through smaller incisions, between 2.5cm to 3cm, compared to the usual 5cm with traditional implants.
. TrueTissue Technology™ (Ergonomix™)
For Ergonomix™, Motiva® Breast Implants use TrueTissue Technology™ to achieve movement similar to natural breasts, whether they are standing up or lying down.
. Q Inside Safety Technology™
The Q Inside Safety Technology™ allows healthcare providers to identify the breast implant information, like size, shape, and serial number, even outside the body through a scanner. It is the world’s first FDA cleared RFID micro transponder for use in humans and the only one with a CE-Mark when used in a breast implant.
Motiva® Breast Implants do not only promise good aesthetic results but also assure safety. According to a 6-year prospective study, there are less than 1% of cases of implant complications, such as double capsule, late seroma, and BIA-ALCL (Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma), among patients who used Motiva® Breast Implants.
- Mentor® Breast Implant
Founded in 1969, Mentor® has been dedicated to producing high-quality breast implants for over 30 years. It offers silicone and saline breast implants and other related products for breast augmentation.
Mentor® Breast Implants come in three types:
. MENTOR® Saline Breast Implant
It uses a saltwater solution, which can result in a firmer feel. It also allows you to adjust the volume depending on the desired result. This implant has three projection options and a smooth outer shell and comes in two different variants, Round Saline Breast Implant and SPECTRUM® Adjustable Saline Breast Implant.
. MENTOR® MemoryGel® Breast Implant
It achieves a soft, natural feel with high projection, fullness, and firmness. It comes in two profile options, Moderate Plus and High Profile.
. MENTOR® MemoryShape® Breast Implant
It has a cohesive gel, resulting in a smooth and natural silhouette. This implant achieves a natural breast appearance through maximum projection to the lower part of the breast.
Mentor® also uses materials approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in creating their implant. It continues to monitor its products’ clinical performance through clinical studies, registries, and post-market surveillance activities.
A 6 to 7-year prospective study also shows a 9.8% and 3.4% risk of capsular contracture and rupture, respectively, among women who use Mentor® Breast Implants.
- Sientra® Breast Implants
Sientra® Breast Implants are manufactured in the United States. The brand confirms the long-term safety and effectiveness of their implants through continuous scientific studies. They are dedicated to patient safety and product quality and work with qualified plastic surgeons.
Sientra® uses a cohesive gel to fill their implants. This results in a more natural look and feels and minimizes the risk of infections due to shell ruptures.
It comes in two types, Round and Shaped:
. Round Sientra® Implants
It helps add volume to the upper area of the breast, resulting in a fuller and rounder look. It also comes in a high profile to achieve the said look. This implant is recommended for those who are looking to have their implants replaced, as it can fill the breast pocket left from the past surgery.
. Shaped Sientra® Implants
It provides a very natural look through its teardrop shape. This implant is rounded at the base and curved inward toward the top allowing the implant to blend effortlessly with the chest, creating natural-looking results.
Sientra® Breast Implants are FDA-approved. Furthermore, based on a 6 to 7-year prospective study, breast augmentation using the brand resulted in a 5.4% risk of rupture and a 10.0% risk of capsular contracture.
About Iranian Surgery
Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best cosmetic Surgeons in Iran. All cosmetic surgeons working with Iranian Surgery specialize in plastic surgery and perform cosmetic surgeries in well-equipped hospitals, so after Breast Implants surgery in Iran you will face the least possible complications.
For more information about the cost of Breast Implants in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.
10 common question about breast implant brand
What companies make breast implants?: Top 13 Breast Implants Manufacturers in the World 2019
Allergan Inc. (Actavis) …
Arion Laboratories. …
Establishment Labs. …
GC Aesthetics. …
Guangzhou Wanhe Plastic Materials. …
Hans Biomed.
How much do breast implants cost 2019?: Costs. How much breast implants cost depends on the location, doctor, and type of implant used. Typically, the surgery ranges from $5,000 to $10,000. Because it is a cosmetic procedure, health insurance usually doesn\’t cover breast augmentation.but in iran breast implant cost is around $2000
What is the most common breast implant size?: Although other sizes are available, the most common implant sizes used in breast augmentation range from 200cc to 850cc.
What\’s the safest breast implant?: Both saline and silicone breast implants are considered safe for breast augmentation and breast reconstruction. Research on the safety and effectiveness of both types of implants is ongoing.
What is the largest saline implant?: The largest saline breast implant available in the U.S. is 960 cc\’s.
Do breast implants feel different to touch to a man?: Breasts with implants feel different to the touch than real breasts. Adam R. Kolker, MD, explains: Although silicone breasts feel similar to real breasts, they are still man-made and don\’t feel like natural breast tissue
What\’s the average breast implant size?: Like Adams,3 Mallucci\’s average implant size is about 290 cc; he considers 400 cc implants, his maximum, “huge” (personal communication, March 2, 2017). Tebbetts4 also believes that implant sizes should generally be under 350 cc.
What breast implants look the most natural?: Saline breast implants are one of the most affordable breast implant options. To achieve a natural look, saline implants require good tissue coverage. Silicone Breast Implants- Silicone implants feel like a natural breast, even before they are placed in the body. They are one of the most popular breast implant types
Can you still feel pleasure with breast implants?: Changes in nipple sensation are very common after breast augmentation, but the good news is, they typically resolve. Feeling less sensation or more sensation than normal are common. Most women will return to normal nipple sensation within a few months of surgery. Very rarely, nipple sensation will not return.
How long do gummy bear implants last?: In terms of longevity, this is totally unproven. The shaped implants have been in use for only 10 years, in their initial pilot studies. Since the majority of breast implants will last 20 to 25 years, we just don\’t know if there will be a difference in the long-term
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