Cost of Dental Laminate in Iran by details

Cost of Dental Laminate in Iran by details

Cost of Dental Laminate in Iran Dental laminate or porcelain veneer is a thin porcelain (ceramic) shell which is bonded onto the tooth by your dentist in order to give a more pleasant look. Dental laminates are custom-made according to the form and features of each particular patient. The material used in making these thin […]

Dental Implant Healing Cap Fell Out

Dental Implant Healing Cap Fell Out

What Is a Healing Cap? Healing caps or healing abutments help surrounding gum tissue to heal after a dental implant. Once the gums have healed correctly, healing caps are replaced with permanent abutments, which are the pieces that connect the implant to the dental crown. When patients call saying that their dental implant fell off, […]