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Frozen Embryo Transfer Timeline

frozen embryo transfer timeline

how long does (FET) take tame? A FET cycle will take approximately 6 to 8 weeks. To avoid this problem, three to five days after egg retrieval, all embryos are cryopreserved. The next month or in the month after, when the endometrium has had a chance to form without the influence of ovarian stimulating drugs, a frozen embryo transfer can take place Embryo freezing takes several […]

Frozen embryo transfer step by step

Frozen embryo transfer step by step

How many days after period is frozen embryo transfer? There are two kinds of FET-IVF cycles: hormonal support cycles and “natural” cycles. The most commonly performed FET-IVF cycle is a hormonally supported cycle, which is appealing to couples, clinics, and labs because the day of transfer is easy to control and hormonal support is available […]

What drugs do you take for frozen embryo transfer?

frozen embryo transfer drugs

What medication is used for frozen embryo transfer? Before the FET cycle, you will take medicines to reduce ovarian activity. You will take either birth control pills or an injection of a hormone called leuprolide (Lupron). After taking this medicine for at least 10 days, you will take the hormone estradiol, as a pill, injection, […]

Embryo hatching after thaw

embryo hatching after thaw

Assisted Hatching What is Assisted Hatching? Assisted hatching is an additional procedure that can be performed in patients who are undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. Once embryos are created using IVF (IVF process timeline), the embryo is surrounded by a hard outer layer of cells called the zona pellucida. You can think of this […]

Eggs donation procedure

Eggs donation procedure

Eggs donation procedure What is the process for egg donating? Personal information: Your clinic will ask you to provide some personal information. Some non-identifying information will be available to the hopeful parents at the time of donation and any children conceived with your donation when they turn 16. Your identifying information will be available to any […]

If I use donor eggs will the baby look likes me?

If I use donor eggs will the baby look likes me?

Will My Baby Look Like Me if I Use a Donor Egg? Will a donor egg have my DNA? What are the chances of getting pregnant with a donor egg? Will using a donor egg affect the way I bond with my baby? We know that genes determine inheritance of appearance, but the specifics are […]

Difference between zift and gift

Difference between zift and gift

For GIFT procedures, the sperm and egg mixture is inserted into fallopian tubes right after mixing while in ZIFT procedure, eggs and sperm are combined in a laboratory and left for only 24 hours to fertilize, the fertilized eggs –”zygotes”– are inserted within 24 hours of the mixing. Unlike GIFT, ZIFT patients know that sperm […]

Assisted hatching and embryo glue

assisted hatching and embryo glue

What is embryo glue? Embryo glue is another IVF add-on with the goal of assisting the embryo to implant. The use of embryo glue is when the embryo is placed in a substance that is believed to help it attach and implant better to the uterine lining.  Traditionally, clinics used a fibrin sealant to this; […]


iui vs ivf vs icsi

What is the Biggest Difference between IUI and IVF? The main difference between IUI and IVF is that in IUI, fertilization is done internally. That is, the sperm is injected directly into the woman’s uterus. A sperm sample is collected and washed so that only high-quality sperm remains. This sample is inserted into the woman’s […]

What you should avoid after IUI?

What you should avoid after IUI?

Things to Avoid After IUI Treatment Things to avoid after IUI treatment are as follows: . Do not take any pain painkillers You may experience cramping and pain after the IUI treatment, which is very normal. You should avoid the use of painkillers at all costs. However, if your pain is unbearable, you should consult […]